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Do you think that Polish catholics resent the new German Pope?

16 Apr 2007 /  #1
I'm just posing this question. Because of the anti-german sentiment. I appreciate there is a bitter history, but given Poland is such a |Christian nation, perhaps a more Christian approach to one old enemies would not go amiss.
TripTic  3 | 95  
16 Apr 2007 /  #2
Again, you Giles and your difficult topics :)

I can answer this by take my family in Poland as a base. All of them recognize Benedict XVI as a new Pope and The Man of Holy Church and the Succesor of John Paul II. In my family there's no prejudice to the fact that he is german and used to serve in Hitler Jugend (Youngster Hitler Commando) during WWII.

Please note: First wife of my grandfather from my father side and his two kids were shot in forrest by shot from short distance to the head among of rest of 300 people of village Jezierce (near Kowno - Ukraine).
OP Giles  
16 Apr 2007 /  #3
Apologies Triptic, but the only way i can learn more how the Polish mid works is to ask such q


Try again. ....questions and try and deseminate the response.
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
16 Apr 2007 /  #4
My family got WW2 scars aswell...

Anyways, however, I got nothing to think so much about a Pope... 265 and counting!...

I think whatever he does... he can do....but Poles must not become religious in the extemity... and try to be more secular in their heart and minds.
daffy  22 | 1153  
16 Apr 2007 /  #5
for me, its not that he is german, he could be Austrailian for all I care.

What matters to me is his conservatism as opposed to the last pope.

Im an Irish Catholic so maybe I shouldnt be posting here :)
Frank  23 | 1183  
16 Apr 2007 /  #6
No comment....
16 Apr 2007 /  #7
Papa Ratzi was never going to be able to compete with JP2, even if he'd moonwalked on water. Nor should he try to. Compete I mean, the moonwalking thing would never float. :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
17 Apr 2007 /  #8
I'm just posing this question. Because of the anti-german sentiment. I appreciate there is a bitter history, but given Poland is such a |Christian nation, perhaps a more Christian approach to one old enemies would not go amiss.

Well, it wasnt because he was german, it was something else I sensed about him.
im not avid church goer, but I do pray, just something dont sit right.

and i am sorry, I would never judge, but I dont think he made a wise decision, by
knocking down another religion. this I wouldnt expect from a man who is the most
graceful and graced of this earth. so yeah, hesitant to fully trust, I would say so.

but, I will wait and see.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
17 Apr 2007 /  #9
Pope Benedict is beloved in Poland.
1st generation  
17 Apr 2007 /  #10
Most Poles realize that Pope Benedict was a close spiritual friend of JPII. The word Catholic means universal and the church goes beyond ethnic identification.
OP Giles  
17 Apr 2007 /  #11
Was he not refered to as God's Rotweiller?
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
17 Apr 2007 /  #12
and the church goes beyond ethnic identification.

Outstanding comment! :) ... well this church dont even represent every Christian!

Pope Benedict is beloved in Poland.

I will not completely agree. Being among Poles (and being one).

I will wait and see.

I hope you'll get to see something good :). I rather see Tom and Jerry!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
17 Apr 2007 /  #13
I hope you'll get to see something good . I rather see Tom and Jerry!

lol, never a day you dont make me smile dear brother :)

hey did anyone see my puppy picture me with my little boy :) the son I never had.. lol
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 Apr 2007 /  #14
It's not a problem for me.
1 Mar 2008 /  #15
he is a great man why shud we care if he is german we poles are always going to germany
Crow  155 | 9736  
1 Mar 2008 /  #16

Pope`s surname is Ratzinger, isn`t it? Is he realy a German?
osiol  55 | 3921  
1 Mar 2008 /  #18
Pope`s surname is Ratzinger, isn`t it? Is he realy a German?

I sense a Slavic origin for that (to me) rather German-looking name could be about to happen.
Crow  155 | 9736  
1 Mar 2008 /  #19
Crow wrote:
Pope`s surname is Ratzinger, isn`t it? Is he realy a German?

I sense a Slavic origin for that (to me) rather German-looking name could be about to happen.

at first i didn`t gave especial attention to Benedict`s surname but, when i start to contemplate on it i was fascinated. Ratzinger practicaly mean `of Ratz`, to be precise `of Serb`

who would say?!

Mr. Pope support Serbia! Will you?!?
osiol  55 | 3921  
1 Mar 2008 /  #20
I did find a website that made various claims about Vendic (I think that's the word) origin for many Bavarian surnames. It also used the term Slovenian to describe them. It also stated that the people of this area had shifted in language from Celtic to Vulgar Latin to Slovenian (well, something like that - I'm not sure if the Slavic languages had differenciated sufficiently at that stage to assign modern language names) and finally to German.

Still, is two successive non-Italian popes a record?
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
1 Mar 2008 /  #21
I wouldn't say I resent Pope Benedict for being German. Any Catholic wouldn't much of a Catholic if he forsaked the Holy Father just because of his earthly nationality. It's just that Pope John Paul II meant so much to Poles and was such a source of pride for Polish people that any successor is going to bring unrealistic expectations. He's the Pope, so I'll respect that, but he isn't OUR Pope like JPII was.
Crow  155 | 9736  
1 Mar 2008 /  #22
I wouldn't say I resent Pope Benedict for being German. Any Catholic wouldn't much of a Catholic if he forsaked the Holy Father just because of his earthly nationality.

you think that origin (or to say nationality, cultural background) of Pope does not affect his decisions, oppinions? Well, with all due respect, i`m not sure about that

After all, that was one of the reasons why Protestantism was born. Then, in Orthodox Church you have togather with one universal Orthodox Patriarch, many more Patriarch`s of different national Churches.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
2 Mar 2008 /  #23
I hear what you're saying, Crow, and to be sure, I've disagreed with Benedict's politics more than a little bit, my point was, any Catholic who would all of a sudden disregard the Pope simply because he was German has a larger problem.
Crow  155 | 9736  
2 Mar 2008 /  #24
I understand. Its all right, Ebon.

But, by same logic- why would any Christian (even Orthodox or Protestant) disregard the Pope simply because he is German and even no matter all misunderstandings between Churches. On the other side, why would any Catholic react with prejudices on any representative of Orthodox or Protestant faith.

That goes for true Christians, true believers in Christ and salvation.

Unfortunately, there are people ready to manipulate wuth feelings of people. That is reality of politics. What i want to say is that, any advantage of hostile opponent in politics can be fatal for eventualy targeted population or society.
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Mar 2008 /  #25
Somebody who has a problem with Pope's nationality cannot be a Catholic. Benedict XVI is doing a very good job so far IMO.
2 Mar 2008 /  #26
Two years ago the German Pope visited Poland. I saw crowds of people waiting impatiently to greet him. Of course the crowds were less numerous than during John Paul`s previous visits, but catholic Poles surely accepted the German Pope. Probably they don`t love him as they loved JP, but they respect him, and that`s what matters.
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
2 Mar 2008 /  #27
I agree with, "he may be the pope - but he isn't OUR POPE!"

I don't like his throw back ideas, and can't wait for another Pope who cares about the people again, like John Paul!
lesser  4 | 1311  
3 Mar 2008 /  #28
I agree with, "he may be the pope - but he isn't OUR POPE!"

Our? In the name of whom do you write this?

I don't like his throw back ideas

For example?

can't wait for another Pope who cares about the people again, like John Paul!

Because you don't see something happening, it does not mean that this is not happening.
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
3 Mar 2008 /  #29
If you can't tell I'm Polish, I'm sorry. I followed this Pope, and read much of what he was about.

Yes, John Paul was progressive, compared to this one. I prefer a Progressive Pope, one who cares about bringing the Catholic Church back together, rather than continuing its defrag.

I despise anyone who was in 'Hitler's Youth'. Is that clear enough?
Grounded  4 | 99  
3 Mar 2008 /  #30
I despise anyone who was in 'Hitler's Youth'. Is that clear enough?

Well good thing you didnt live back then. Ever thought of people who didnt go with the program were shot or put in concentration camps too. Its not like every german chose to be a Nazi, in the Army or Hitler youth.

These days it is easy to say that they should have stood up and fought Hitler but it wasnt as easy back in the 30's.

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