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Polish vs russian economy

ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
5 Aug 2008 /  #31
Do you think that there is some sort of standard of Slavdom somewhere in the Board of Weights and Measures in Paris or may be in Warsaw?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11876  
5 Aug 2008 /  #32
That's overly simplistic and bordering on the naive, but I'll leave it there.

That's what you get if you want easy, short explanations (and it's not wrong btw).

Sasha  2 | 1083  
5 Aug 2008 /  #33
While I'm typing this stuff to Mr. Crow, can I suggest that Russians aren't really the most Slavic of Slavs?

Does this any matter? :) Slavdom is a good concept to rally round, to communicate, to have something in common, to be on friendly terms. You know what I mean? :) In its turn "genetical" concept mostly don't work. For instance according to it Western population of Russia have to feel something fraternal to Baltic and Scandinavian Peoples, primarily to Estonians (who last year ranked first in the chart of those who Russians didn't like) and Finns, at the same time they have to be colder toward Serbs (who geneticaly have NOTHING in common with Russians) and Belorussian (who're closest genetical brothers of Poles). The reality as you may see is something completely different. Honestly I don't like all these "blood"-talks.
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #34
To sell things, you don't necessarily have to be sitting on raw materials, although it may help. These days you don't even have to make things, although this really does help. Some very poor countries have vast natural resources, whilst some rich countries have virtually none.

EDIT: after many attempts that all went wrong (I kept losing the bit you are about to see as a result of me not being very clever with computers, but I persisted nevertheless)...

Does this any matter?

Not really.

Slavdom is a good concept to rally round, to communicate, to have something in common, to be on friendly terms.

On some levels, this is very true. On others, it is devisive, exclusive, and therefore it doesn't make good business sense. We are talking about economy, right?

Honestly I don't like all these "blood"-talks

A pint? That's very nearly an armful!

By and large, I'm with you and Tony Hancock on this one, however, early Russia grew largely at the expense of Finno-Ugric speakers, vast numbers of whom were assimilated and therefore are part of what made Russia what it is. I occasionally like to remind certain people (Crow) of details like this. I consider my native language to be English and therefore Germanic, but that doesn't mean I consider myself to be a Germanic person. In business and culture, people should reach out further for the greater possibilities this has to offer.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
5 Aug 2008 /  #35
whilst some rich countries have virtually none.

For example?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11876  
5 Aug 2008 /  #36
Germany for example...we are not very spoiled with natural resources besides coal...
OP southern  73 | 7059  
5 Aug 2008 /  #37
besides coal...

And iron maybe?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11876  
5 Aug 2008 /  #38
Not even iron...


The necessary reduction of brown coal consumption is unfortunate for the nation's economy because it and anthracite are Germany's only significant natural resources. As of 1993, Germany was the world's largest producer of brown coal, mining nearly twice as much as the next greatest producer, Russia. Anthracite mining is also significant, and Germany was the world's ninth greatest producer of this substance in 1999.

Germany must import almost all the oil and gas that it uses...

Crow  154 | 9463  
5 Aug 2008 /  #39
While I'm typing this stuff to Mr. Crow, can I suggest that Russians aren't really the most Slavic of Slavs?

interesting. But particulary for Russians, genetics confirmed that their genes originates from territiory of today`s Poland.

Osiol, it is always interesting to me when i see how non-Slavs attack Slavs on sub-racial level and try to increase Slavic internal divisions

How many times need to be said that Slavs are ethos which for very long period of time live on inter-continental level, in numerous different time zones, in diversed micro/macro climate, diversed geographical terain...?

If we follow your logic Mr. Osiol we must come to conclusion that its not good that Slavs control such a vast territory because, vast territory on the long period of time could influence genetic diversifications. Twisted conclusion for sure but, its your logic, not mine.

Fact is that genetic science confirmed that Slavs originates from one (to say that way) genetic source but that they throughout time diversed on sub-racial level, exactly because they live on huge territory. Some Slavs are darker, some lighter... It is exactly same today and in deep past, as oldest chronicles described old Slavs and before then Sarmatians and Scythians,... (Tracians, Dacians....).
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #40
Osiol, it is always interesting to me when i see how non-Slavs attack Slavs on sub-racial level and try to increase Slavic internal divisions

Not true. I want the whole world to live in peace as brothers and sisters, not just small cliquey grioups of nations delineated by language. I'm not attacking Slavs. I'm attacking the idea that groups of people should be quite so small-mindedly inward-looking. Telling you that you are talking rubbish is one tiny little part of that, although I realise I waste my time typing anything to you.

genetics confirmed

Bunch of arse. Russians are even more mixed than Poles.

If we follow your logic Mr. Osiol we must come to conclusion that its not good that Slavs control such a vast territory because, vast territory on the long period of time could influence genetic diversifications. Twisted conclusion for sure but, its your logic, not mine.

You talk out of your bottom, Crow. There is none of my logic in there. I'm not interested in genetic stuff unless it tells us things we didn't know about history. Genes mixed a lot in history and prehistory, and they will continue to mix even more. So what?

Fact is that genetic science confirmed that Slavs originates from one (to say that way) genetic source

We all point back to a mitochondrial Eve and a mitochondrial Adam, but humankind goes back even further.


Oh yes, proto-Iranians, weren't they?
rychlik  41 | 372  
8 Aug 2008 /  #41
Well I believe the standard of living for the average Pole is better than for the average Russian. After all there are Russians trying to get into Poland to work while the Poles leave for the UK.
ParisJazz  - | 172  
8 Aug 2008 /  #42
while the Poles leave for the UK.

.. and the Brits are leaving for Spain :-)

Sasha  2 | 1083  
8 Aug 2008 /  #43
Well I believe the standard of living for the average Pole is better than for the average Russian.

It's likely to be the truth.
UPD: I don't know about Poland but Russia is still ver poor outside cities.

After all there are Russians trying to get into Poland to work while the Poles leave for the UK.

Can't agree here.
They might be russian-spoken, for ex Ukranians whose overwhelming majority mostly use Russian as first language. :)
Poland is not really popular direction for Russians, unless they have some business over there. The most popular are the USA, Germany, the UK.
celinski  31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #44
Poland is not really popular direction for Russians

Yes we have alot of new Russian living here, many are writing books.
8 Aug 2008 /  #45
Yes we have alot of new Russian living here

Are you in Poland now celinski, because 'here' implies you are, just wondering. :)

Poland is not really popular direction for Russians

If you go to Krakow in the restaurants, or go to the Tatras in winter you will see and hear hoards of them.
celinski  31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #46
Are you in Poland now celinski,

Opps sorry, USA
8 Aug 2008 /  #47
Dam, if you were in Poland I would buy you a beer lol
Sasha  2 | 1083  
8 Aug 2008 /  #48
If you go to Krakow in the restaurants, or go to the Tatras in winter you will see and hear hoards of them.

How do you know whether they're Russians? :)
You may probably hear me one day in the nearest future... as a tourist. :)
8 Aug 2008 /  #49
How do you know whether they're Russians? :)

My wife speaks Russian ;0)

You may probably hear me one day in the nearest future... as a tourist. :)

Dam this is getting expensive as I will have to buy you a beer too lol
Sasha  2 | 1083  
8 Aug 2008 /  #50
My wife speaks Russian ;0)

I just meant that many nationalities and minorities use Russian language. :)

Dam this is getting expensive as I will have to buy you a beer too lol

No worries I pay. :)
Borrka  37 | 592  
8 Aug 2008 /  #51
I'm fluent in Russian and in many cases (not all for sure) I can tell Russian from Ukrainian.
In the 90-ties many thousands Russians used to visit Poland in order to sell their post-Soviet rubbish on the flea markets.
Some Ukes were coming as well.

Today the proportions have changed in favor of Ukrainians working in Poland.
Still some Russians from Kaliningrad are selling cheap cigarets, gas and vodka.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
8 Aug 2008 /  #52
I'm fluent in Russian

Where did you study it? Are you under or over 30? :)

I'm fluent in Russian and in many cases (not all for sure) I can tell Russian from Ukrainian.

You mean you can catch ukranian accent? I'm asking cause ukranian itself and russian sound noticably different.
Borrka  37 | 592  
8 Aug 2008 /  #53
You mean you can catch ukranian accent?

That's what I mean.
Actualy I can speak Ukrainian language too.
After second bottle of horilka with my Ukrainian friends.

I've spent many years in CCCP.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
8 Aug 2008 /  #54
I've spent many years in CCCP.

Ok... then you're likely to be over 30 and should have a mature view on Russians. Hence pls accept my apologies that Russians have disappointed you that much. I'm sure your experience could have been much better but it's still worthy for both our nations.

You mean you can catch ukranian accent?

That's what I mean.

People on the South of Russia, in Krasnodar for instance may speak as if they're Ukranians. Just different areas have different "govori". Or quite the contrary... one guy from Western Ukraine could speak very unaccented Russian. That strongly depends on the family you're upbrought at.
Borrka  37 | 592  
8 Aug 2008 /  #55
Russians have disappointed you that much

I would rather say Russian politics.

And of course I do not pretend to be a perfect Russian language guru but sometimes it's enough to have two ears.
Btw. Western Ukies speak Russian as a foreign language lol.
Prince  15 | 590  
12 Nov 2008 /  #56


Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Jan 2009 /  #57
with Kasparov

Now, although I believe in the great things which Putin has achieved, turning the economy into a success story, Kasparov sees otherwise. You know, you need neutral statistics to verify the claims of the media. Kasparov, for me, is more credible and has done his homework.

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