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Polish priest publishes sex guide

Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #61
I have no objection to a priest spreading the word of God, to let us know how good men lived and how sexual practices were. That's his job (or part of it).

As long as he doesn't start preaching about what we should be doing, rather than what we could be doing, I'm fine with it.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Jun 2009 /  #62
As long as he doesn't start preaching about what we should be doing, rather than what we could be doing, I'm fine with it.

I'm sure Catholic all over the World with the Pope in the first place are relived .....)))))))

Not unless there is a full moon and a man is wearing it, oh they have to be sling-backs and red.

Sh*t law is getting complicated ....is that progress ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #63
What, so many virgins now have their license of liberty and permission to break the hymen/pop the cherry? ;) ;)

Relief is a good thing :)

For all those that are unsure, consult your local priest for more....
Nathan  18 | 1349  
2 Jun 2009 /  #64
He write it for Catholic to tell them is OK to enjoy sex in marriage!

Whew! Thank you, priest! Before I used to put a cloth in my mouth or bite myself to the bone when I had orgasm. Now - what a relief - I can enjoy it! ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #65
Did the book contain a source for donations, Ironside? Here's the book price, don't donate any less than you paid for the book ;) Alfa Romeo's taxes are going up you know ;)

How many priests popped their clogs during the experimental stages of the research? ;)
grethomory  1 | 155  
2 Jun 2009 /  #66
How many priests popped their clogs during the experimental stages of the research? ;)

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, hahahaha, AMEN...how many?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #67
The church can't disclose that information. They can't reveal too much, you know ;) One breakthrough at a time.

I wonder what the gay section says, LOL
Ironside  50 | 13053  
3 Jun 2009 /  #68

Get over It Seanus! You are being childish.
I have said what I wanted to say on the subject and I lost interest in discussing it further.
And your obsession with religion and priests is not concern of mine.


write a book about it or better still make a film
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jun 2009 /  #69
If I were him, I'd've stuck to a brochure or, being a church, a colourless pamphlet/leaflet. Gotta leave sth to the imagination! Damage limitation n'all, ye dig?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
3 Jun 2009 /  #70
better still make a film

If you don't mind to play a role in it. ;)
Ironside  50 | 13053  
3 Jun 2009 /  #71
dream on)))))

I wonder what the gay section says, LOL

are you really?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jun 2009 /  #72
Yeah, it'd be a laugh. On that note, I'm off to snuggle up to my Polish fiancee. Ironside, we can agree on this. It's nice having a beautiful Polish woman waiting on you.

Peace and all I say is tongue-in-cheek. I'm not stupid enough to really criticise people's faith. Other forum members know that I'm keen to learn more about religion and it is a sacrosanct principle not to diss others in such a way :)
Switezianka  - | 463  
3 Jun 2009 /  #73
Hey! Let's all publish and sell books on allergy. We all either have it or know people who have it. To hell with doctors! If the priest can publish a book on sex, each of us, pf members, can write on allergy.

I would say that you have developed allergic reaction to the priests& religion etc - hence you are prejudicial.

You know, I get allergic each time I see a dilettante pretending to be an expert. Each time I turn the TV on , I see people talking, giving advice and playing authorities, while real authorities - i.e. people ho have qualifications, education, experience etc., are not listened to. So, maybe Seanus has the same allergy as me?

What about politicians then?Are they not amusing ? Or people with no knowledge of the topic but with ready answers? Are they not amusing?

Politicians aren't as amusing as priests, because if you don't pay attention to priests, they are harmless. But you can't help a politician screwing things up once someone has elected them. Priests are just one of many groups people who pretend to be authorities on topic they know intercourse-all about.

Secondly you can find a lot of books and stuff to teach you about technique, position etc
But you still missing a point - i PRESUME the book is about psychological stuff!

Well, a sex guide can be either on technical things or psychology. A prostitute is fluent in technique but is not a psychologist. A priest is neither technically fluent or a psychologist. A prostitute can be authority in one aspect of sex, a priest - in none. Still, prostitute has more to say.

Well, for one a prostitute could be bad in bed

I'm not acquainted with the industry, but I wouldn't expect a long career for such a prostitute... and I wouldn't expect such a prostitute to write guides.

What you are saying above is highly theoretical stuff and the best way to please your husband is to ask him.

You don't get the point. There are some people who like new things. People who go to an exotic restaurant and order a very weird dish only because they have never eaten it before. And all the tech-guides are for people of that kind: they are written so that couples can try out new things and then see if they like it.

Funny, Ironside, that you know how to please every man on earth. Maybe there are some guys who would be happy if their wife told them: "You know, sweety/honey/my wild beast/whatever, I learnt about something you might enjoy but it's a surprise. Wanna try something new tonight?" I know that in case of women, some would be delighted, some wouldn't like it.

If we suppose we should do with the partner only what they tell us they like, we couldn't ever do anything new. What then? Same thing all life? But there are so many things one can do...

Anyway, another application of a tech-guide by a prostitute could be reading it together and applying. It's just a book from which you can learn something and you can make use of.

and dealing with people problem, listen to confections - they have they share of experience too!

LOL, there's a talk show on Polish TV called "Rozmowy w toku". People with sometimes very unusual problems come and talk about it. And one interview in this program is several times longer than a confession. Does it mean that a viewer of this program is a sex expert?

Let's get back to normal. Let experts write books and non-experts discuss stuff in a pub and give advice to their friends and family. A good reason to write a book is when a writer knows more than an average person and writes a book in order to share it. And when you don't know more than an average person on the given - it's ridiculous to publish a book on it.
Salomon  2 | 436  
3 Jun 2009 /  #74
In my opinion this book is going to be bestseller ... so many controversions.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Jun 2009 /  #75
It's no surprise a priest who never gets any writes a book about sex. He can't have it so he prolly thinks about it constantly so what does he do? He writes about it. Those who never get it think and write about it all the time. That's how you know they are hard up!
terri  1 | 1661  
3 Jun 2009 /  #76
Those who never get it think and write about it all the time. That's how you know they are hard up!

I think you might have something here - those who get it haven't got time to put pen to paper...others have all the time in the world.

...As for trying something new - and now only for those over 18- recently my young, virile, exciting, muscular Adonis suggested doing something I had never done before. While being 'cautious' to say the least, we did it - and you know what, it was 'someting else'. As long as it gives him pleasure, I'm all for it.

However, I am just wondering where he gets his ideas from.....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
3 Jun 2009 /  #77
I am just wondering where he gets his ideas from.....

Maybe his mum sent him a copy of the priests book over ;0)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Jun 2009 /  #78
I think you might have something here - those who get it haven't got time to put pen to paper...others have all the time in the world.

Maybe he should write a book questioning the controversial celibacy requirement?
3 Jun 2009 /  #79
A sex book, written by sexologist = educational and informative
a sex book written by a prostitute = Kamasutra, to spice up your sex life
a sex book written by a catholic priest = are you ******* kidding me?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Jun 2009 /  #80
It makes the Church look worse after all the sex scandals. Who wants to be educated by a Priest anyway? It's kinda weird and creepy.
Richard Stachow  1 | 6  
4 Jun 2009 /  #81
Most priests live very secret lives and that's why to many the scandals had been shocking. I always thought that when I was a child that they spent thier private time in prayer and reading but not so.[b][/b]
terri  1 | 1661  
4 Jun 2009 /  #82
...No, most of them DO NOT spend their time in prayer. Many village priests find other forms of amusement - and generally any alimony paid to mothers of the children born to these priests comes out of the collection box.....
Ironside  50 | 13053  
9 Jun 2009 /  #83
sure pick on people who tell you to better yourself
and listen to those who tell you how wise ,great and good you are at the same time robbing you and making a fool out of you - and yet you still looking up to them -politicians and TV......
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Jun 2009 /  #84
It's because priests are required to stay celibate and most can't live that way.
terri  1 | 1661  
9 Jun 2009 /  #85
...only the good looking ones. There are plenty of women who have had 'relations' with 'men of the cloth', but they cannot ever admit it.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
9 Jun 2009 /  #86
It's because priests are required to stay celibate and most can't live that way.

They can walk on water too.....
Is that the reason for "celebrities" to have such followings, for great expectations in case of Obama, of lies and manipulations on TV, do you have reality check or you just go with the flow ?

...only the good looking ones. There are plenty of women who have had 'relations' with 'men of the cloth', but they cannot ever admit it.

tell us about it ..... and so what ?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Jun 2009 /  #87

You think they should have to stay celibate? Isn't that an unnatural state for men? Wouldn't they be happier with a sex life? The church needs to lift the celibacy ban. They are asking too much, expecting these priests to live a sex free life.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
9 Jun 2009 /  #88
Well, yes !!!!!!
But what it has to do with anything .....I mean is not only celibacy, people in here seems to have general issue with priests.... all I said why do you pick on them, if you are so wise and great pick on those who really hold a threads, but no......Obama, Kennedy, Walesa ....etc - how about TV and celebrities - they're hypocritical, empty and full of **** ...yet the same people who have no clams to slander off priests are full of ah and oh when it cames to "celebrity"!

Why ? Don't like to be told nothing expect flattery, well for each each own !!!)))))))
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Jun 2009 /  #90
.....I mean is not only celibacy, people in here seems to have general issue with priests....

I don't think it's because of the priests, it's Catholicism and Christian ethics that clash with their morals. Many people have a hard time living up to the high standards. They want to be freer than religion allows. Priests included. People have issues with the idea that you can sin over and over and always be forgiven, too.

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