Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
2 Jan 2009 / #61
Because it is much safer for Poland to have gas pipe line which secure west with gas.
Hmm...sounds rather manipulative, doesn't it?
And Germans should accept just like that that Poland could be using said pipeline to p*iss Russia off and to stick their tongue at Moskau: "..nah can't do anything to us because you need to deliver to western Europe!"
Do you mean that?
Oh and if Russia cut's you off nonetheless we should just accept that too because of our european friendship, ja?
That should be totally acceptable for Germany ja? And you deny Germany any action to prevent that, is it that what do you want to tell me?
And now that Germany finds a way AROUND possible quarrels between POLAND and RUSSIA, now Germany are the baddies and now of course would be an alliance with RUSSIA the only right course of action for Poland, ja?
Have I got it right so far?
So in short your view on the world is this:
Poland abusing and using Germany's pipeline through Poland to Russia = GOOD
Germany avoiding that and building a new pipeline = BAAAAD
Russia using pipeline to possible blackmail but still alliance worthy with Poland!