maybe, but when criminals/idiots can easily obtain access to firearms does this not excasberate the issue?
Do you really think criminals and idiots are getting their guns in the local sporting shop usually? They get them through smugglers and the black market just like they do here in Poland and any other place.
Again....criminals will always have guns even if they are illegal. I could buy a handgun here in Warsaw if I knew the right people. Hell they raid a flat full of Kalashinovs etc every so often here.
If I walked into a black area with a gun, not looking particularly menacing, they would still feel intimidated and may resort to aggression. A sign of hostility.
On the first point only a moron does that...most people who carry guns for defense carry them concealed and in may places that is the law to do so.
On the second...OF COURSE...the point is BAD GUYS will always have them. Bans only remove them from the hands of law abiding people. That's like saying the world would be better without war....clearly so....but if one nation gets rid of it's military (especially if they have valuable resources) then SOMEBODY with an army will take them over. Can't end gun violence unless ALL guns are gone. Never going to happen.