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Poland threatens to reject EU treaty

hello  22 | 891  
6 Oct 2007 /  #1
"We are not happy with the current text, because elements we wanted are not in there," said a senior Polish diplomat, requesting anonymity. "We are not yet ready to approve this treaty in its current form."


I like the fact Polish diplomats start to realize hard negotiations are the key in dealing with the EU and other countries.
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Oct 2007 /  #2
poland will probably be the first country thrown out of the EU. polish negotiators seem as dyplomatic as GW.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
6 Oct 2007 /  #3
poland needs a new pair of boots
Crow  154 | 9463  
6 Oct 2007 /  #4
There can be alternative to EU
6 Oct 2007 /  #5
I like the fact Polish diplomats start to realize hard negotiations are the key in dealing with the EU and other countries.

You call making Poland look stupid "hard negotiations", how else can you regard their so-called "hard negotiations" when they are losing a point and suddenly out of desperation they bring out their trump card the second world war, and say that if the Germans hadn’t killed so many Poles, then they would have more votes ASTOUNDING !!! Even they admitted it was a desperate decision to use the war.

Poland needs to start working with the EU not fighting it on every stupid point. This government is turning Poland into the laughing stock of Europe and as soon as they are gone the better.

There can be alternative to EU

Then in your pearls of wisdom what alterative is there to the EU?? I see just economic suicide if Poland left the EU.
johan123  1 | 227  
6 Oct 2007 /  #6
Bookmakers are offering 5-1 on PO AND 4-7 on PiS!

Jaroslaw the Great!
6 Oct 2007 /  #7
Bookmakers are offering 5-1 on PO AND 4-7 on PiS!

Hey johan123 do you think this will change now Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz has changed sides??

Jaroslaw the Great!

lol please justify this !!!!
johan123  1 | 227  
6 Oct 2007 /  #8
Put money on PiS at 7-4! Understanding PiS requires a deeper understanding of Polish history. A History, which ultimately shapes the way JK feels towards Europe and Russia. JK's ability to read the overall mind-set of certain groups within Polish society is outstanding. Those groups, like it or not, feel the same way as JK and are willing to support PiS . The fact that KM has changed side will have little or no effect on the result. PiS will win the election with around 40%!
6 Oct 2007 /  #9
PiS will win the election with around 40%!

God I hope you are wrong :O)
johan123  1 | 227  
6 Oct 2007 /  #10
Look at the last poll results!

Na Prawo i Sprawiedliwość chce głosować 41 proc. wyborców – wynika z najnowszego sondażu Pentora przeprowadzonego na zlecenie "Wprost".
Rządzące obecnie ugrupowanie jeszcze nigdy nie miało tak dużego poparcia i w żadnym sondażu nie uzyskało tak dużej przewagi nad Platformą Obywatelską.

Z najnowszego badania Pentora dla "Wprost" wynika też, że PiS jest bliskie uzyskania poparcia wystarczającego do samodzielnych rządów. Z naszego sondażu wynika, że partia Jarosława Kaczyńskiego mogłaby dziś liczyć w Sejmie na aż 228 mandatów.

Ankietowanym zadano pytanie: "Na jaką partię zamierzasz głosować?".

41 proc. ankietowanych poparło PiS, 32 proc. - PO, a LiD - 16 proc. Inne partie uzyskały gorsze wyniki - PSL może liczyć na 4 proc. głosów, LPR i Samoobrona - po 2 proc.,a Partia Kobiet - 1 proc. PiS uzyskałby więc 228 mandatów, PO - 167, a LiD - 65.

-ródło: Pentor dla "Wprost".
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Oct 2007 /  #11
we have election campaing, EU leaders didnt want to change the date of signing the constitution (3 days before our elections) so they will have "hard core" negotiations...

I dont like the way of negotiation, and I think we could fight for more improtant things than Joanina, but I would like to see how UK would negociate EU treaty just 3 days before elections in UK.
6 Oct 2007 /  #12
A History, which ultimately shapes the way JK feels towards Europe and Russia.

You are 100% correct that this is history and nothing more.

It is high time that people started realising that Poland will NOT be great again, the same way as England does not have its Empire anymore.

The only way forward is with a united strong Europe, and I am afraid that Pizs are doing everything in Europe to destroy this, by trying to make Poland seem bigger and stronger than it actually is.

The way that Jaroslaw the Gay uses his ego on the world stage is so embarrassing.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
6 Oct 2007 /  #13
but I would like to see how UK would negociate EU treaty just 3 days before elections in UK.

the amount of times ive sat down to sign a contract in poland just for the poles to start negotiating again... but thats poland for you... you never know whats going to happen till it happens and then the chances are it will change halfway thru
johan123  1 | 227  
6 Oct 2007 /  #14
The way that Jaroslaw the Gay uses his ego on the world stage is so embarrassing.

It's much more complicated than this! I have met and spoken to JK and all is not what meets the eye! I'll explain more later as I have to pop out.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Oct 2007 /  #15
Screw EUnuchs ! Go Jaro !!!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Oct 2007 /  #16
Ok I want strong EU with constitution, but why we have the end of negotiantions just before our elections. ???? I dont undestand it, EU liders wants to strenghten Kaczysnki or what .... It was more than sure that he will be anti Eropean in this time ehhhh

Screw EUnuchs ! Go Jaro !!!

Grzegorzs foto
6 Oct 2007 /  #17
Screw EUnuchs

This is a contradiction in terms isn’t it !!! :O)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Oct 2007 /  #18
Wykształciuchu, could you explain us what's wrong with that guy ?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Oct 2007 /  #19
I just wanted to show the core of PiS electorate, and you know what is wrong with him, he doesnt use his brain, because he listens to much Radio M. As you do ...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Oct 2007 /  #20
I just wanted to show the core of PiS electorate, and you know what is wrong with him, he doesnt use his brain,

You know why your clowns will lose elections once again ? Because you people have no respect for others. "Wykształciuchy" with inferiority complex, who think that voting for PO make them a part of "elites".

You say that this old man doesn't use his brain ? What about your Tusk, who 2 years ago said that If PiS would win USD would cost 6PLN and unemployment rate would grow ? Dude is like Kononowicz.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Oct 2007 /  #21
What about your Tusk, who 2 years ago said that If PiS would win USD would cost 6PLN and unemployment rate would grow ?

I dont remember this statement, give me link to this information.

Because you people have no respect for others. "Wykształciuchy" with inferiority complex

Do you remember wloszczowa, do you remember what Ziobro promised for young lawers (in this case I supported PiS in 100%) , and which privatization was checked (in my opinion not possible now) ??? What did they done for you in 2 years time. It is enought.

And their EU policy,

Screw EUnuchs ! Go Jaro !!!

Pffff what will hapen when EU project will be unseccesful, how do you see our future ????

Our relationships with Russia ??

I know you think that USA will help us. Forget, they are friends when they have business to do. (read some books about their policy in south america)

oh I see you sit quiet again ... after 2 days you will write "GO JARO"

and you cant travel to USA without visa and to EU you can, what is more you can work in half of the EU, and in USA ??? EU gives us money for develpoment and what about USA and their grate F-16 ? We should stick to EU not to USA.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Oct 2007 /  #22
I dont remember this statement, give me link to this information. </div>

Here you have these bullsh*its mentioned. If you need more, go and find It.

Poland's presidential candidate Donald Tusk said Tuesday on Radio Zet that each of us will have to pay about 800 zł for the economic program of Law and Justice , assessing the costs of its implementation will reach 24 billion zł . Tusk believes that the implementation of the economic program of Law and Justice will be associated with a strong increase in gasoline prices.

Donald Tusk said in an interview that the policy PiS will lead the winter to increase the price of gasoline to 6 zł . It has to be a consequence of not cut VAT on energy and the desire for Law and Justice to the weakening of the zloty.

A day earlier, the PiS candidate for Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz said that the cost of the program will amount to 12-14 billion zł net and unfold in two years.

Do you remember wloszczowa

I will be very happy If we only have "scandals" like this one.

do you remember what Ziobro promised for young lawers (in this case I supported PiS in 100%) </div>

Yes I do. Unfortunately his propositions so far have been blocked by old pricks from Trybunal Konstytucyjny but don't worry, he will make It.

Hello ! Anybody home ?? Independence... ?

Of course not. Good Gerries will help us.

So ? Why the hell should I care about American visa policy ??

Olejniczak is right for the first time :):)


oh I see you sit quiet again

What do you think ? That I am here 24/7 ?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Oct 2007 /  #23
I will be very happy If we only have "scandals" like this one.

I would be glad as well, do you remember other scandals, your new "elites: coming from pepole:



Hello ! Anybody home ?? Independence... ?

The most independent country in all over the world is North Korea.

I want strong EU which will be partner of countries like USA, Russia, China ...

Of course not. Good Gerries will help us.

Nobody will help us, It is our history, so I dont see the reason to help for USA, what are we doing in Iraq, we had good contacts with whole Arab world, and now we take part in war for Oil for USA. We shouldnt care about our alies they didnt care about us ... We should develope our country, use opportunity comin form being part of EU, and refotrm our coountry. Yes I agree we should fight for our position in EU but we should be more creative not destructive.

So ? Why the hell should I care about American visa policy ??

It shows our grate frendship, Poles leave USA and go home to live here (life conditions !?!) , and they trate us like people from Afganistan, Czech dont have visa, Slowenia dont have visa, Poland have visa. F*** them, next time they should ask sb ealse for help. And their grate F-16 off-set....

as to EU constitution, how do you see Polands future after unsuccesful end of EU project ??? Our relationships with our grate Russian and German friends. Do you think they will be better?? EU IS IN OUR BUSINESS, POLITICALY, ECONOMICALY !!!

Countries like France, UK, Poland, Portugal, Ireland.cant be equal partners for countries like China, USA, Indie. We should cooprerate because rest of world will F*** us, and that is main idea of EU. EU is in business of all EU countries.
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Oct 2007 /  #24
i agree.. real independence is self sustenance.
randompal  7 | 306  
6 Oct 2007 /  #25
Nobody will help us, It is our history, so I dont see the reason to help for USA, what are we doing in Iraq, we had good contacts with whole Arab world, and now we take part in war for Oil for USA.

heare heare. Poland's image is slowly being tarnished by the unconditional love affair with Uncle Scam. And maybe the US is using Poland as its Trojan Horse within the EU, to keep the EU weak and fractured when need be?...

What about your Tusk, who 2 years ago said that If PiS would win USD would cost 6PLN

this article you provided says gasoline will cost 6 PLN, not the dollar. But gasoline will probably eventually cost 6PLN anyway, whether Tusk does anything about it or not...
Polson  5 | 1767  
6 Oct 2007 /  #26
Uncle Scam

Don't know if it's a mistake, but nice one ;)

And maybe the US is using Poland as its Trojan Horse within the EU, to keep the EU weak and fractured when need be?

Unfortunately, maybe true...it works anyway, such a mess in EU... ;)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Oct 2007 /  #27
I want strong EU which will be partner of countries like USA, Russia, China ...

LOL ! How do you think relations with Russia of this "strong EU" will look like ? At the beginning will probably pay from our taxes for the northern pipeline.

And relations inside of "strong EU" ? Like Schreder said a few years ago:

"Nie drażnijcie ofiary, która sama pcha się w nasze ręce. Zawierzcie mojej metodzie, ja wam dostarczę wschodnie landy tak, że dzisiejsi administratorzy, czyli Polacy, będą nam jeszcze wdzięczni, że zostali Europejczykami!”

Looks like in your case he was right.
randompal  7 | 306  
6 Oct 2007 /  #28
Like Schreder said a few years ago

now THATS a link to a quote I'd like to see...very interesting
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Oct 2007 /  #29
I think USA is less and less popular in Poland, so in close future there will be more and more politicans who will share my opinion about our future.

I have read one analise about Poland being pro american ... and USA experts and EU experts knows that in longer time we will be like other EU societies. And USA is exploating Poland as much as they can because they know that soon we will react on their proposals like other EU countries. Now leaders of Germany and France seams to be pro USA (not their societies) so we will have some time to realize where are our pratners.

Why our society in some cases was so opened on USA ideas ? they smashed USSR and thats all. Last time they lost so much of their positive power ... it is enought to ask sb on the street about F-16, off-set, Iraq or visas.

"Nie drażnijcie ofiary, która sama pcha się w nasze ręce. Zawierzcie mojej metodzie, ja wam dostarczę wschodnie landy tak, że dzisiejsi administratorzy, czyli Polacy, będą nam jeszcze wdzięczni, że zostali Europejczykami!"

where did you heard it? in Radio Maryja ?
Polson  5 | 1767  
6 Oct 2007 /  #30
leaders of Germany and France seams to be pro USA


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