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Poland: the 51st state of America

plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Jul 2008 /  #91
poland has a choice and pl is not even close to being 51st state.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
6 Jul 2008 /  #92
There is a push toward a national insurance in the USA, many people oppose, because they don't want the government to decide who gets the care and who does not (the young or the old). Besides, who wants to wait for a specialist for two or three months?

The last time I read, it is estimated that about 48 millions of Americans do not have a health insurance, mostly illegal immigrants. Yet, nobody is rejected from any hospital's doorsteps. The rest of us pay for it, the state, the counties. That's why it is so expensive. We also get a lot of unnecessary, expensive tests as "screening' measures. No doctor will not diagnose a disease without them, fearing to be sued.
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Jul 2008 /  #93
There is a push toward a national insurance in the USA, many people oppose, because they don't want the government to decide who gets the care and who does not (the young or the old). Besides, who wants to wait for a specialist for two or three months?

this is what i don't get.. who has ever said that one couldn't still get to a specialist or have some of these test done? socialized medicine in the states will never have lack of choices. i think having basic medical care socialized is totally the way to go.. any thing above and beyond that will have to be either supplementary insurance or just one's cost. nothing wrong with that.

it will have to be a two tier system to fly.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
6 Jul 2008 /  #94
I just read some more of the thread. Poland can't be the 51st state because the place is taken by Puerto Rico already. lol

Also, paying out of a packet for health insurance would not work in Poland. People took their free care, however good or bad it is, for granted.

Unlike Poland, France, Canada or UK, the USA does not ration care. You get what you pay for. My niece in Poland had to spend lots of money to take her little boy to a specialist(s) privately to have him properly diagnosed.

So, I would totally agree with a two tier health care system. Most people need basic care only anyway. Picking and choosing to pay for the 2nd tier would be like having a car insurance. We pay for it hoping, we'll never have to use it, but it's there when needed it most.

Stopping to dig our way to a grave with a fork and a spoon would help too.
Many diseases are related to what you put on your plate.
lesser  4 | 1311  
6 Jul 2008 /  #95
There is a push toward a national insurance in the USA, many people oppose,

They are right, this is huge scam.
6 Jul 2008 /  #96
Stopping to dig our way to a grave with a fork and a spoon would help too.

Yes.. I dont really want to pay for some guys bypass because he was addicted to fried cheese.
Crow  154 | 9525  
6 Jul 2008 /  #97
poland has a choice and pl is not even close to being 51st state

Close? interesting

to what is Poland closer?... to become 51st state of USA and to become eternal colony with that, to stay in EU and stay eternal younger partner on the way to assimilation or to become mamber of SA (Slavic Alliance) and get rid of f*****s; the question is now?
Dublinjohn  - | 38  
6 Jul 2008 /  #98

But I am not a slav, when you finally get world power, which I am sure is just around the corner. Will there be place for me?
celinski  31 | 1258  
7 Jul 2008 /  #99
We co-exist with each other..

Good point and I feel the reason for this is many who fought for free Poland could not return when communism took over. I wonder what life would have been like for the ones that lost family to Soviets?
Michal  - | 1865  
7 Jul 2008 /  #100
America has always traditionally opened its door to many working class people of every race and creed-not only from Poland. It benefits their economy as America can pay low wages and does not have to recognize pension and social security rights. There are many hishpanics in America as well as rich Russians. Poles go anywhere looking for work and seldom worry about tomorrow. That mentality pleases America and rightly so. Health and safety are not considerations in the Polish mentality so they are good cheap workers who will not cost the American Health service money when they fall off high buildings!!
celinski  31 | 1258  
7 Jul 2008 /  #101
Health and safety are not considerations in the Polish mentality so they are good cheap workers who will not cost the American Health service money when they fall off high buildings!!

IMO health and safety are rather important to Polish. Cheap is also not how I would define Polish. We are hard workers that do an honest days work for an honest pay.

I think this refers to Poland merging with the States vs. Polish coming to live in the States. IMO this would assure Poland staying independent.
Crow  154 | 9525  
7 Jul 2008 /  #102
But I am not a slav, when you finally get world power, which I am sure is just around the corner. Will there be place for me?

there is no need for big words here.

Slavs deserve freedom and right to rule their realm as any other ethoses in the world, no more, no less. All others, who aren`t hostile on Slavs, have right to expect respect from Slavs. Slavs were, are and, would be always open for cooperation.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
7 Jul 2008 /  #103
Slavs were, are and, would be always open for cooperation.

Erm....that happens right now already...
celinski  31 | 1258  
8 Jul 2008 /  #104
USA needs to remember what they stand for.

In 1969, how did he know... good old Red.

Some of you may remember him but he passed away possibly before some of you were born. Red Skelton was a good & funny man. He also ended every show by saying, 'GOOD NIGHT AND GOD BLESS'. Listen to the end of this. It is something he said 38 years ago.

It's very important that you listen to the very end!! Eerie! Take a moment and listen to it (from 1969). How would he have known that this is what is happening? Click on the link, and turn your sound on.

southern  73 | 7059  
12 Jul 2008 /  #105
A new study found out that 1/3 of the Germans don't care much for democracy anymore....

I am afraid the percentage is a lot higher,about 2/3.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Jul 2008 /  #106
Polish people love America.

Not anymore.
Dmowski  - | 17  
14 Jul 2008 /  #107
Yet we prefer it to russia, though its a choice between three devils, European union beeing the third.
Crow  154 | 9525  
14 Jul 2008 /  #108
Erm....that happens right now already...

That will happen. Sooner or later, Polish inteligentsia would brake chains of informative blockade which surround Serbians

Leđani, would return to their traditional zone of influence on Balkan, relaying on Racowie, again

NOTE: (Leđani - people from northern land, land of ice, from Southern Serbian perspective - archaic Serbian designation for Poles)
14 Jul 2008 /  #109
though its a choice between three devils

...crowded hell, good thing there's 9 levels.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Jul 2008 /  #110
The last time I read, it is estimated that about 48 millions of Americans do not have a health insurance, mostly illegal immigrants.

And where did you read that illegal immigrants are called Americans?

American health system sucks. Plain and simple. Unless you're loaded of course, and spending few hundred $$ for some of the major operations is just s little bump in your investment portfolio.

In fact in the US there is no health care system at all but a huge business. That business is so much better than the one in Canada (for example) that Americans used to go on drug tours to Canada. No. Not that kind of drugs. They would go to Canada to fill their US prescription for as low as 90% of what they would have to pay in the US. The same drugs, the same manufacturer, No difference at all. Canadian government had to ban those (an drug sales on the internet).

There are good examples of well functioning public health systems (France or Germany) but they are not widely publicized in the US media. Instead, the America pharma and medical lobby do all they can to paint public health care as a sign of communism, the fall of freedoms and intrusion of the government into personal lives and decisions. Where the propaganda fails it's not hard to create a crisis and offer a solution, such as 100% private medical system of course. One that does indeed exist in Canada has little to do with the system itself but rather with a huge competition for workforce. Americans scoop most Canadian nursing school graduates and a large number of doctors.

As for "free" medical care in the US - it's free to get patched up to be sent home. But first you have to wait for hours and hours, regardless of the reported condition. But try to receive extended care, such as cancer treatment and similar. Now we're talking huge money. The poor don't have enough to even get started, the middle class is no longer middle class less than half way through the treatment - having sold the house, liquidated IRA and all kinds of saving accounts.

Health insurance can help, but beware of those thieves. The employ really good doctors, lawyers and such to prove to the unsuspecting customers that they are not eligible for one benefit or another for some obscure, but legally sound reason.

If you're healthy you can do quite well in the US. If your health is so and so, and you have to work for a living then... good luck.

Money doesn't bring happiness, but in the US it can buy few dozen years more to live.
14 Jul 2008 /  #111
Americans scoop most Canadian nursing school graduates and a large number of doctors.

Perhaps your invective is better suited for their ears, those who don't want to stay in your happy family. Maybe not everyone is on a race to the middle? America is a tough place to live always has been.. a salad and a couple of good workouts a week usually keep the oncologist from your door. Walmart offers extremely cheap perscriptions now. There is not quite the wailing in the streets you seem to imply.

good examples of well functioning public health systems (France or Germany)

..well oiled machines are they? No inequities?

48,000,000 is 16% of the American population.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
14 Jul 2008 /  #112
There are good examples of well functioning public health systems (France or Germany)

I just visited my family in France in May. I met my sister-in-law's aunt in her late eighties (left Poland after the war and there are four generations living in France now). She fell ill and was taken to the hospital. She was brought back the next day and left almost on the doorstep and the ambulance left. Well, they figured she was to old to be treated...Luckily, she is fine. The family did not have the best things to say about the national health care in France. Most goes privately, if they need to...

Apparently z_darius got his butt kicked in America so he is grumpy. :)
having 'titles" in this country helps, but what really counts is your head on your shoulders. That's all you need to make it.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Jul 2008 /  #113
Perhaps your invective is better suited for their ears

I posted what I did because I am a member of PF and topic is right. I am not a member of any Canadian medical forums though. The situation is not a secret. After all I did not attend nursing schools in Windsor Ontario, so I read in a Canadian newspaper that a couple yers ago not a single graduate of the scholl stayed in Canada.

Some, luckily, are returning though. They like the money but not the working conditions.

Walmart offers extremely cheap perscriptions now.

True. Some drugs in Walmart are very cheap. Drugs alone don't do it though. You still need a doctor, and some people need more than just 250mg ampicillin once every 2 or 3 years.

There is not quite the wailing in the streets you seem to imply.

Oh, the streets are fairly clean. Only the fittest and fattest can roam then ;)

No inequities?

Would that be even possible?

Still, who cares.
You call a doctor (they'll actually come to your home no matter what time of day or night), or go to see one and you are taken care of. If you're French it's all free. If you're not you'll pay about $100 for the service and they may throw in the prescription drugs for the price. In a US hospital the $100 won't cover even a single Tylenol pill. And that's in addition to a couple thousands of dollars per day in a hospital bed if the get the privilege.

he family did not have the best things to say about the national health care in France.

Mileage may vary. My sister couldn't be happier. She has a condition which requires specialized computer systems so she can do her work. Since it's health related the gov. pays it all and the price was not trivial 80,000 FF for that alone. That on top of a mountain of other medical expenses which in the US would put most middle class Americans on the street.

Apparently z_darius got his butt kicked in America so he is grumpy. :)

Actually it wasn't my butt but that of an employee of mine. I spent 8 hours in an "emergency" room with a patient whose ribs were broken and one lunged collapsed. 8 hours! When I complained I was told American medical system is the best in the world :))

having 'titles" in this country helps, but what really counts is your head on your shoulders.

In the so called US health system it's not about heads on shoulders at all, but about money in banks, or pockets. Believe me, hospital will not accept your head, or mine as a payment for their services. But hey, don;t take my word for it. Check it out one day and tells us what you found out.

Btw, didn't your family get their butts kicked in France if they're so grumpy about the health system there?
Decorator  4 | 291  
15 Jul 2008 /  #114
That is one of the things that unfortunately upsets me about the U.S, healthcare should be accessable to all, in the U.K regardless of what social status you belong to, you are elligable to free healthcare. If of course you are fortunate enough to be able to pay into private healthcare you can recieve a more personal health system.

Having moved from the U.K to Canada in the last year, i now pay $54 ( Canadian ) per month to cover me.

Please before people get on my case about being negative about the U.S, nothing could be further from the truth. Oh dear this has taken me ages to write due to the fact i have just go in from my monday night beer-a-thon

Take care all.

Babinich  1 | 453  
15 Jul 2008 /  #115
There are good examples of well functioning public health systems (France or Germany) but they are not widely publicized in the US media.

The examples I'd like to see analysis on are the systems implemented by Singapore and Switzerland.
15 Jul 2008 /  #116
Please before people get on my case about being negative about the U.S,

Lol, go in peace my son.

so I read in a Canadian newspaper that a couple yers ago not a single graduate of the scholl stayed in Canada.

Well, sure they left for a better wage.. (shrugs)

Would that be even possible? Still, who cares.

Who cares, the people who get screwed probably. Yes, it is possible, you site the French as shining examples.. a Jamaican cabbie who lives around me spent a few years in France.. things are pretty rosy there.. (if you're native born French), you get the shaft if you're not. C'mon there's not degrees of care over there?

And while we're on the good people of Gaul, do you remember a heat that happened in 03? 14000 French elderly died.. basically because lack of ice. That doesn't sound like particulary advanced healthcare. All the doctors were on holiday for God's sake.


Now if I need bypass surgery am I going to let a "state" doctor do it.. hell no. Hernia maybe. That's why a lot of Canadians come down here for the big stuff. If something does go wrong, at least you can hold the phyiscan accountable.

I get taxed 25% of every thing I make.. not 45% - 55%.. thus I can afford some health care... with the caveat being.. If I dont get sick.. I GET TO KEEP MY MONEY.. WOO HOO. What a concept, huh? Plus, nowadays there is catastrophe insurance, employer healthcare bank accounts, etc. What's more.. Costa Rica is becoming a good cheap place for minor surgeries.

Most Americans would rather take care of these things on there own. Doesn't make them the devil incarnate.

Does your post have merit? Sure... healthcare is exorbitant. You just have to be crafty about it. You, like virtually any Cananadian, just love to dig a spur into the Yankee flank any chance you get.. it's okay, I'll still wave to you when you're in Florida in February. I just thought I'd offer a rebuttal. : )
LAGirl  9 | 496  
19 Jul 2008 /  #117
wow Poland 51st state ok instead of learning Spanish lets Learn Polish.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Jul 2008 /  #118
I prefer the US leaves everybody alone for the next 2 decades. Russian bear no longer hibernates, well there are many a smart able minds in Europe to take care of him.

We should leave everyone alone...we have enough problems here that we need to straighten out: the economy, our education system and the need to reflect and live out our traditional Christian values...most Americans profess a belief in Jesus Christ and His Gospel...however, American Christians for some reason do not see the dichotomy between the teachings of Christ, and the perverting of his teachings by leaders like the satanist Bush and his krewe...gangster scum like I just mentioned, through the tool of the mass media, have turned many Americans into zombies...American needs to take real moral stands, become a peacemaker and a credit to humanity, and leave other nations ALONE....President George Washington stated that 'America should involve itself in no entangling foreign adventures...trade with other nations, yes...intrigue,no'.
19 Jul 2008 /  #119
We should leave everyone alone

Yes.. most importantly leave the British alone. I'd rather a real enemy than a fake friend.

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