It is a little more complicated indeed. In simple words Russia allow for a possibility to use nuclear weapon in conventional war between Russian ally and somebody else...
Yet I didn't find there words of that it had assumed preemptive nuclear strike. Secondly I bet you will be able to find same stuff to nitpick in other nuclear states' doctrines.
OMG, I love internet, there is everything in it now
Absolutely. You can find there whatever you want (especially in the Wikipedia). But it doesn't mean you don't have to use your own filters.
I studied Russian military doctrine here in Russia in terms of nuclear weapon and I've never heard of preemptive nuclear strikes.
But I should probably say it again:
Russia has the primary targets to be destroyed in case of nuclear aggresion. None of them are in Poland... yet. But I assure you, they will be on Poland territory either, as soon as you install there interceptors. Why? Because this is a direct threat to Russian defensive capacity.
Presidential campaign in 2004 and gas issues prove it isn't paranoia at all :-)
Add to that sentiment manifested by some Russian officials that "Ukraine is not a real country"... Personally I really regret that Russia has this postcolonial syndrom (and Poland too as a recent colony). Reality is that Russia-Poland affairs could be now best then ever because there is no border or colony-center issues between them. The only real issues are energy monopol and future status of Belarus and Ukraine. It is funny how history repeats itself. Ukraine and Belarus were for centuries bone of contention between Poland and Russia. Well, Poland finally comprehend that these are independent countries. It is time for Russia to do the same.
I will never believe you don't realize that Ukraine and Belorussia is kinda blanket which the West (including Poland first and foremost) and Russia pull on themselves. Yes there're some filthy methods using to reach the goal but they're mutual. Poland doesn't comprehend they're independent or if you want Poland comprehends it in her own way. So does Russia. Russia is doing the same. :) Stop whitewashing Polish politicians practically telling "our mud is cleaner than yours".
As for so-called "gas-issue"... well that's not completely Russian invention or even that is mostly not Russian invention. However I don't deny Russia took its part.
The German Army in Moscow...
BB, I've just thought that it's quite deceiving to read the phrase "auf dem rot(t)en Platz" if you know English only. :))