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Should Poles become a minority in Poland?

IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #91
Right, i'm sure he is.

Why do "fish and chips" muslims try to forcefully convert people?

Most of what you claim is written with pure ignorance. Where I come from, there are many people who are ethnically diverse yet enjoy a shared culture. I know many a second generation turk in London who lives their life just like an "indigenous" white person.

As for forcefull conversion, please stop embarrassing yourself. You make yourself look like a total fool by claiming that this is a common occurence in Britain. It really is pathetic.

I dont want ethnic slums

Even the Polish ones? You ever been to London son?

I live in a very prosperous, middle class areas of London which has many Turks, Pakistanis, Greeks, Indians, blacks living there. Most Poles live in poorer areas. That is a fact.

And i have no big love for Germans but i'll take a Fritz over a paki any day of the week.

Says it all really. "Scum" doesn't quite cover it.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
15 May 2009 /  #92
And i have no big love for Germans but i'll take a Fritz over a paki any day of the week.

Genetic and racial characteristic are secondary to cultural and religious differences and you are mixing both together.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #93
Quite intentionally I might add.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2009 /  #94
Even the Polish ones? You ever been to London son?

Yep, there's no Polish slums in London that could equate to some of the hellholes the colored minorities made.

Most of what you claim is written with pure ignorance. Where I come from, there are many people who are ethnically diverse yet enjoy a shared culture. I know many a second generation turk in London who lives their life just like an "indigenous" white person.

Bullcrap, English by large dont enjoy having minorites, in the privacy of their homes, i've heard quite a few remarks upon immigrants, sometimes Poles but most often blacks and muslim.

As for forcefull conversion, please stop embarrassing yourself. You make yourself look like a total fool by claiming that this is a common occurence in Britain. It really is pathetic.

Its not common? Then why do the report claims that hundreds of girls are targeted? Whats with muslims beating up native Brits for no other reason than being native Brits?

These crimes dont exist in Poland, there's poor neighbourhoods yes but if you told a Pole not to go into one because he'll get mugged or beaten he'll look at you like an alien, the kinds of hazards the colored minorities created in UK are completely non-existant here which is why i dont want any non-white newly made Europeans in general and muslims in specific.

Poland is quite safe and free of ethnic issues that are ripping UK apart and the only way to stay that way is to keep blacks and muslims out unless they're non-muslim and many generations here in which case they're fully assimilated.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #95
Yep, there's no Polish slums in London that could equate to some of the hellholes the colored minorities made.

But there are Polish slums right?

Bullcrap, English by large dont enjoy having minorites, in the privacy of their homes, i've heard quite a few remarks upon immigrants, sometimes Poles but most often blacks and muslim.

You've heard these remarks in the privacy of English homes? Mr Sokrates, the bullcrap is all yours. Of course some English people don't like minorities, but guess what, that includes Poles. I guess they don't confirm to your hierarchy of ethnic bigotry.

Its not common?

No it's not. Stop embarrassing yourself.

It's definitely not as common as white people putting cocaine up their nose and shoving glasses in to other people's faces in town centres all over England on a Friday/Saturday night. I wouldn't however for one second suggest that this is a predominent facet of English culture.

Whats with muslims beating up native Brits for no other reason than being native Brits?

Or vice versa?

These crimes dont exist in Poland, there's poor neighbourhoods yes but if you told a Pole not to go into one because he'll get mugged or beaten he'll look at you like an alien, the kinds of hazards the colored minorities created in UK are completely non-existant here which is why i dont want any non-white newly made Europeans in general and muslims in specific.

Poland is quite safe and free of ethnic issues that are ripping UK apart and the only way to stay that way is to keep blacks and muslims out unless they're non-muslim and many generations here in which case they're fully assimilated.

Ok, so you don't have a problem with people who feel the same about Poles in Britain?
pauls  - | 30  
15 May 2009 /  #96
Of course some English people don't like minorities, but guess what, that includes Poles. I guess they don't confirm to your hierarchy of ethnic bigotry.

It never ceases to amaze me how a few Poles are so DESPERATE to put themselves in to the ethnic category they don't belong to. What does it achieve? What does it matter?
15 May 2009 /  #97
I should think the amount of coloured foreigners relocating to Poland will hugely increase over the next 10 - 20 years with all the interacial marriages bound to occur from Poles hooking up with ethnically non white Brits.

Provided those marriages last, or reduced by the possibility of emigration back to the original country of those ethnically non white Brits.

Why do "fish and chips" muslims try to forcefully convert people?

Or more importantly, embrace the "taleban" in them trying to get out?
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #98
What does it achieve? What does it matter?

Nothing imo. But then I attach very little (if any) importance to ethnicity. Judging the inidvidual is paramount, and making blanket generalisations about people based on their ethnicity directly contradicts this ideal.
nunczka  8 | 457  
15 May 2009 /  #99
I live in a very prosperous, middle class areas of London which has many Turks, Pakistanis, Greeks, Indians, blacks living there. Most Poles live in poorer areas. That is a fact.

I know nothing about the Arab culture.. So far America has had no problems with them. I for one have never met one.

But as for poor Polish and other caucasian neighborhoods occupied by blue collar workers, It is a honor to live amongst them. the homes are over a hundred years old, but they are well maintained, painted, and kept clean . The streets are swept, no trash is allowed to accumilate and one can walk the streets at night in safety. There is NO CRIME.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #100
But as for poor Polish and other caucasian neighborhoods occupied by blue collar workers, It is a honor to live amongst them. the homes are over a hundred years old, but they are well maintained, painted, and kept clean . The streets are swept, no trash is allowed to accumilate and one can walk the streets at night in safety. There is NO CRIME.

You are referring to Americans of Polish descent right? Even so, I doubt that the above can be applied to every Polish community in the States.

Maybe I just took season 2 of The Wire too literally ;-)
nunczka  8 | 457  
15 May 2009 /  #101
You are referring to Americans of Polish descent right? Even so, I doubt that the above can be applied to every Polish community in the States.

Irons, In America, our neighborhoods are all mixed (WITH CAUCASIANS) Italians, Greeks, Bohemians, German, Irish.JEWS But we live in harmony. When these immigrants came over in the early 1900 we were a melting pot. In my whole life, I never witnessed and violence with none but a certain MINORITY. We tend to stay together. There are NO Caucasian Ghetto's. Working class? Yes but really great people. But America is beginning to go by the wayside. Our cities are being overrun by third world nations with the blessing of our Liberal Government. I can see the beginning of the end.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #102
Our cities are being overrun by third world nations with the blessing of our Liberal Government.

I presume this is the fault of successive governements? I wonder why you would vote for a government that allows unrestricted immigration from third world nations.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 May 2009 /  #103
Irons, In America, our neighborhoods are all mixed (WITH CAUCASIANS) Italians, Greeks, Bohemians, German, Irish.JEWS But we live in harmony.

Exactly. The Poles dont seem to understand this.
nunczka  8 | 457  
15 May 2009 /  #104
I presume this is the fault of successive governements? I wonder why you would vote for a government that allows unrestricted immigration from third world nations.

Don'T knock it Irons. just look at what your government is doing.You guy's have the same problem with your government. It all comes under being politically correct.We all did not vote liberal. but a lot did. I just hope that the rest of Europe learns from our mistakes.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2009 /  #105
But there are Polish slums right?

To be honest i've been neck deep in work so i wouldnt know, didnt encounter any though.

Ok, so you don't have a problem with people who feel the same about Poles in Britain?

Nope, i dont mind white immigration to Poland but i imagine i'd be pretty pissed if one milion Brits came here and took our jobs because they work better and cheaper than we do.

Exactly. The Poles dont seem to understand this.

USA is a completely different case, its entire culture and tradition was not homogenous from the beginning, another thing, culture and religion do not play a significant role in US, its a country where economy in all its aspects in the heart of everyday life.

In countries of homogenous long standing tradition and culture like UK immigration is a proven failiure, colored immigration even a bigger one.

Why do you feel the need to MAKE us liberal, by and large Poland is not liberal, we've been a homogenous nation for more than 70 years now and it has MANY advantages like social and political stability, everyday safety and lack of ethnic based crime, i have nothing against limited income of white Europeans but after seeing the slums of London and Paris i dont want colored minorities here, most people in Poland feel the same so why not respect it and nurture your little pakis in your own country if you enjoy their presence so much?
Wroclaw Boy  
15 May 2009 /  #106
In countries of homogenous long standing tradition and culture like UK immigration is a proven failiure, colored immigration even a bigger one.

The UK is not a proven failure though quite the contrary infact. Were leading the world in new integration and for the most part its a roaring success. What ever made you believe otherwise?

Perhaps you should encourage the reloacting of non native Poles into your slums perhaps then you might learn something.

At the end of the day Poland or any other country on this Planet is not solely for the use and abuse of born and bred nationals, the sooner you realise that the sonner we can all move on. One world one peolple. You'll get there in the end dont worry.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2009 /  #107
The UK is not a proven failure though quite the contrary infact.

Please, you're living in the same city as i do, can you name a single slum district? Or something even remotely close to Londons colored slums in terms of danger and poverty?

Were leading the world in new integration and for the most part its a roaring success. What ever made you believe otherwise?

Stuff like this and much much worse, if you're a roaring success how come there's places where a WHITE person cant go in safely? You're bound to become a minority in your own country and you're calling it a roaring success? Thank you but no thank you, you have a great and rich country if you want to mess it up thats your choice but dont convince us Poles to jump ship with you.

At the end of the day Poland or any other country on this Planet is not solely for the use and abuse of born and bred nationals, the sooner you realise that the sonner we can all move on.

Of course its not but we should be selective about who we are letting in, we're not a rootless state like US or a suicidal one like UK, we have a back thats not very flexible so its smart to let in people who will bend to us not make us bend to them, colored minorities have this nasty tendency of using all the nice priveliges but demanding rules to be theirs.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #108

There is a problem with permitting asylum seekers from war-torn countries to stay in the UK. Such people are unlikely to integrate quickly, but that is different issue entirely. There are abuses of the immigration system (dodgy marriages and student status etc.) but the system is designed to encourage immigration to the UK based on skills and merit rather than ethnicity.

Which is exactly how it should be imho.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 May 2009 /  #109
Please, you're living in the same city as i do, can you name a single slum district?

Frankly i consider 70% of Wroclaw slum districts, Krzyki, Gaj being the predominant shite hole of the lot.

Or something even remotely close to Londons colored slums in terms of danger and poverty?

Im not from London but where i grew up there were places that i was afraid to even ride through on my bike, not from the ethnics but my own country men. Ive been beaten up a few times and news flash all from fellow English whites.

Stuff like this and much much worse, if you're a roaring success how come there's places where a WHITE person cant go in safely?

WTF, well lets parade pretty Polish women through the worst districts of Poland's worst neighbourhoods. It all evens out in the end.

Thank you but no thank you,

Its not your call mate its happening wether you like it or not, best step into the real world and next time you meet a Paki or Indian at your local pub speak to him only then will you discover that hes the same as you, quite probably better than you in many ways.

Oh sorry you dont have public houses in Poland as such, ahh thats the problem!!!!
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #110
Wroclaw Boy

Good post but there's little point offering rational argument to a bigot.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 May 2009 /  #111
Assuming hes under 35 years of age, theres life in the old dog yet.. He'll change his opinions. After all thats what its all about - yes? I know weve had a few minor issues on here and i can see certain issues form your point of view (a Londoner) im learning all the time.

The ability to change one's self is priceless in my opinion.
PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
15 May 2009 /  #113
Good post but there's little point offering rational argument to a bigot.

They maybe racists but they are not supremacists, they maybe nationalists but they are not bigots, since their Catholicism prevents them from being both. There are always exception to the rule. Your argument is that you want what's happening in Britain to happen in Poland?- No thanks.

No answer?

Your obviously proposing multi-culturalism, two questions.
1. Whats the goal (the end) of multi-culturalism?
2. Do cultures compete?
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2009 /  #114
Who is favoured by the influx of immigrants at the end?
Ironside  50 | 13054  
15 May 2009 /  #115
Your obviously proposing multi-culturalism, two questions.

No, I don't

Genetic and racial characteristic are secondary to cultural and religious differences and you are mixing both together.

PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
15 May 2009 /  #116
If not multi-culturalism than what are you proposing?

Genetic and racial characteristic are secondary to cultural and religious differences and you are mixing both together.

How are they secondary to culture and religion when culture and religion are not passed through blood and play no role in the spread of ideas?
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2009 /  #117
I visited Prague recently.The former beautiful city full of slavic people has turned into a black hole full of multi-colored crap.There are no Czechs to be found in the center anymore.They have been thrown out by the third world.

This is what Poland will soon become if you don't stop the waves.
The Russians already managed to throw them out.
jump_bunny  5 | 236  
15 May 2009 /  #118
The former beautiful city full of slavic people has turned into a black hole full of multi-colored crap.

This is not about the nicest way to describe foreigners.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2009 /  #119
For me it is boring to visit Prague if there are no Slavs there.Why go there and not to any other place?You will see the same.

I visited Mykonos island,the same situation again.Overall overflood by people all over the world.Such a boring situation.And gays everywhere.
I will prefer to go to places where Slavs go and it is nice.
I understand that some people want to make money but there is really no reason to see japanese tourists filming you and everyone else on the beach with video cameras.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
15 May 2009 /  #120
And gays everywhere

what did u expect in Mykonos? They've been "going Greek"there since long before the tourists came...if u want to visit gay bars with no tourists, why not visit in winter?...:)

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