I was once laughed at in a humiliating manner when I asked a waiter in pizzeria in Italy to speak English and my grandmother, wishing to be helpful, pointed at us and said 'Polacco'. But I'm a polite, rather shy person so I didn't react. I should have left but my grandmother didn't know what was going on so I didn't want her to feel embarrassed. It did make me feel uneasy in the presence of Italians though...
What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 12015
10 Sep 2009 / #152
them two looked at me like they wanted to kill me
Dude....that's our famous german stare...we always look like that...nothing personally, really! :)
AUSTRALIAN thats the key word here
No, the keyword is 'foreigner'. As a foreigner I was always treated well, and your fellow countrymen seem to share this experience with me.
that is how they are
Who THEY? One German speaking flight attendant was joking on your expense and some people laughed, so all Germans are "evil"? That's why you consider yourself being anti-German? Get lost, man.
Besides: your story is so unusual that it is almost unbelievable. Are you sure you didn't make it up just to "prove" your point?
Germans resettled from Russia or Kazakhstan ,who are ethnic Germans still get viewed by Germans as Russians and not their own, although i know many are criminals or of mixed ethnicity, some look Eurasian, those i too wouldn't accept as my own. And no Other i didn't make my story up, it is 100% true.
On another note here. How close in similaries are the British to the Germans. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hear everyone call, but just think about it. I think the British and the Germans are very much alike. We have the same little routines and customs, we really do like to stick to rules and regulations, we are an oppressed nation, both countries extremely wealthy. We are a perfect match actually. Any other opinions?
Yes,it is strange how Germans treat the Poles.You have to see it to believe it.It is like''WTF,a Pole,who is that-I know them-they are...''
It seems that Germans really know the Poles,they do not view them generally as Slavs or whatever.
It seems that Germans really know the Poles,they do not view them generally as Slavs or whatever.
The only question you have to ask yourself is: do you want Poland to be (mis)judged the same way you (mis)judge Germany? If the answer is NO then I would suggest you do some thinking.
I think the British and the Germans are very much alike.
I agree with you, although I know that I will get stoned and quartered for that very soon.
This is all silly i just told you all what happened, arguing about this back and forth is really stupid, lets move on from this topic and concentrate on the real one. I think our upcoming presidential elections are gonna prove how the population of Poland feels about Russia, its probably gonna be Sikorski or Tusk, personally i think a young energetic politician like maybe Olejniczak just an example, should get picked. Us Poles and Russians are related to one another, blood bonds us, we should be friends.
I agree, there should be closer ties. Many Poles tell me that they prefer to be with Russians than Germans. Tusk is generally neutral but far more pro-Russian than KaczyĆski was.
should be friends.
Are you f*cking nuts? Russia wants to subdue Poland which equals humiliation, economic drainage and eventually maybe even loss of sovereignty.
As far as Russia is concrerned first and foremost we should be carefull, becoming friends means different things in our and Russian vocabularies.
blood bonds us
Bullsh*t, we've been waging wars with one another for the last 500 years, murdering, impaling, executing, i cant really see much basis for "blood bond".
I'm a Slav, they're Slavs and thats all we're, dont attach some romantic nonsense when reality is so different.
Us Poles and Russians are related to one another, blood bonds us, we should be friends.
thank you for these words. Its a great hope of Serbians, our only salvation in a Balkan region that is exposed to constant violance of hostile non-Slavs
i hope, Poles and Russians would start to work togather. And don`t forget Poles and Russians- you are truly big as much you are able and willing to support Ukraine or some smaler Slavic country
If you are selfish to other Slavs, then you are nothing, your power is impotent and usseles and you would face destine of Serbs- once most powerfull Slavs from Baltic to Balkan. Today, we are nothing but scatered remain, sad reminder of ancient first line that often needed to fight alone against overwelming anti-Slavic hordes
Salvation from what, Crow? Zee Germans? ;)
No, it's because your friend has "replica" written on it and my friend here has "Desert Eagle .50" written on it.
M-G (hasn't seen Inglourious Bastards yet :S )
No, it's because your friend has "replica" written on it and my friend here has "Desert Eagle .50" written on it.
M-G (hasn't seen Inglourious Bastards yet :S )
Salvation from what, Crow? Zee Germans? ;)
i added information few moments ago, my friend... as you can see
before Germans, there were Romans. Roman occupation of western Slavic lands even created Germans- cancer on the body of Slavdom
numerous foes arrived before and after Romans... greed people, degenerics,... crazy for the beauty of our woman and even of our man. Welthy of our lands poisoned their minds with eternal hate on us
I'd love to see the reaction of Poles, especially older ones, if I went round with a petition asking them if they'd like to see a full alliance with Russia. More than a few expletives would come out :)
The Germans had no business meddling in Slavic affairs. Don't worry, Crow, there are those Germans who believe that the German Foreign Office screwed up badly.
The Germans had no business meddling in Slavic affairs. Don't worry, Crow, there are those Germans who believe that the German Foreign Office screwed up badly.
crazy for the beauty of our woman and even of our man. Welthy of our lands poisoned their minds with eternal hate on us
Now, now, now, mr Crow, it's not all bad. They brought culture too. The (I forgot the name, I think it was Irillians or Illurians - can't remember exactly) original ppl learned quite a lot from the Greek and the Romans. Macedonia and Thrace were pretty powerful and the Dacians became so romanized that it became part of their own culture. So, I wouldn't say that it was all bad.
M-G (never really payed attention during lectures on ancient history)
What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?
i need answer on this question, please
i need answer on this question, please
First, dogs and cat will sleep together. Then, hell will freee over and pigs will fly. Only then will the heathen pseudo Asiatic horde of Russians be true friends with the righteous and pious people of the Plains.
Poljaci i Poljakinje, Rusi i Ruskinje
Poles and Russians, listen to me my brothers and sisters, listen to me my people, listen the words of a Serbian, words of your kind... i would modify one song for you
Brothers from the Poland and Russia
Is there nobody from there that has a heart and soul,
to look on Serbian lands if only for a moment,
where lost on the border a handful Gate Keeper is fighting to survive in Blood?!
Brothers, a inhumane fist is threatening to mince us
they drink our blood as to take away this strength that is left,
they lied on us brothers, they would lie on you when the moment come
through a thousand summers lost, as a mighty Dragons of our ancestors, we fought with the devil as not to loose our souls and bodies to him
it was and it is the neverendless battle
Brothers from the Poland and Russia, can we not rely on you, to urgently help us, at a time when death hovers upon us all...
from those my brothers that have killing us for centuries...!
lands of Racowie are in flame, Serbs are on the knees
if nothing, I call you my brothers and sister from Poland and Russia not to forget what happened to us...!
and revange us, at least!!!
Poles and Russians, listen to me my brothers and sisters, listen to me my people, listen the words of a Serbian, words of your kind... i would modify one song for you
Brothers from the Poland and Russia
Is there nobody from there that has a heart and soul,
to look on Serbian lands if only for a moment,
where lost on the border a handful Gate Keeper is fighting to survive in Blood?!
Brothers, a inhumane fist is threatening to mince us
they drink our blood as to take away this strength that is left,
they lied on us brothers, they would lie on you when the moment come
through a thousand summers lost, as a mighty Dragons of our ancestors, we fought with the devil as not to loose our souls and bodies to him
it was and it is the neverendless battle
Brothers from the Poland and Russia, can we not rely on you, to urgently help us, at a time when death hovers upon us all...
from those my brothers that have killing us for centuries...!
lands of Racowie are in flame, Serbs are on the knees
if nothing, I call you my brothers and sister from Poland and Russia not to forget what happened to us...!
and revange us, at least!!!
That sounds pretty patriotic, mr Crow.
What strikes me about Serbia is that she always seems to be afraid to be all alone in the world. And a cornered cat makes strange jumps, as we say in Holland. Therefore, I think that the best for Serbia would be to join the EU, so that they don't feel isolated and alone anymore. At least that was the conclusion that I made in the end paper on Serbia at university "Serbia: national insecureness as motor for nationalism".
PS: wasn't this fear of being left all alone the reason for the draconic reaction of the (Serb) government when Slovenia and Croatia announced they wanted to seperate themselves from Yugoslavia?
PS2: the word "motor" is just a free translation of a Dutch word I used which doesn't have a direct translation in English, "motor" comes closest, that's why I put it there. This before you make remarks about it.
Your opinion about this pls, mr Crow.
M-G (and also the song sounds pretty 19th century as well)
What strikes me about Serbia is that she always seems to be afraid to be all alone in the world. And a cornered cat makes strange jumps, as we say in Holland. Therefore, I think that the best for Serbia would be to join the EU, so that they don't feel isolated and alone anymore. At least that was the conclusion that I made in the end paper on Serbia at university "Serbia: national insecureness as motor for nationalism".
PS: wasn't this fear of being left all alone the reason for the draconic reaction of the (Serb) government when Slovenia and Croatia announced they wanted to seperate themselves from Yugoslavia?
PS2: the word "motor" is just a free translation of a Dutch word I used which doesn't have a direct translation in English, "motor" comes closest, that's why I put it there. This before you make remarks about it.
Your opinion about this pls, mr Crow.
M-G (and also the song sounds pretty 19th century as well)
Crow, direct question, WHO is attacking you now?
Many Poles tell me that they prefer to be with Russians than Germans
I'd love to see the reaction of Poles, especially older ones, if I went round with a petition asking them if they'd like to see a full alliance with Russia. More than a few expletives would come out
What is it then - hug the Russians or spit on them? You contradict yourself.
You have missed the most basic of demarcations. Please think and it should become obvious. Hint: It's a recurring mistake on the forum and a perennial point made.
10 Sep 2009 / #173
Crow, direct question, WHO is attacking you now?
Yep, the World Health Organisation have joined the EU-NATO-German-Israeli-Islamic-French-Saudi-Uzbekistani-Danish-Colombi an-Albanian-Madagascan-Japanese anti-Serb plot!
Apologies to Crow for the countries which are part of the plot but which I've not mentioned here (that's part of the plot too).
Hint: It's a recurring mistake on the forum and a perennial point made.
Care to elaborate? I don't get it. Are you talking about PF hypocrisy or what?
LOL. I think Crow has transported himself back to 1993 with war raging in the Balkans. Crow, I'm not aware of Mujas or anybody else presenting a threat to Poland?
Why was Serbia so passive to the Albanian takeover of Kosovo? They flocked in their droves and their passivity to it spoke volumes. Serbia piped up too late. Yes, the EU and NATO played their respective parts but the Albanians mass movement started long before.
TheOther, ok. Ask many young Poles, whether here on PF or in Poland, and they'll tell you that they like Russian people. However, ask them about the govt and that's a different story. Unfortunately, govts throughout history have screwed up international relations between peoples and we have to live with that sad reality.
I merely wanted to make the point that most old people here bear grudges and with good reason (though they never stop :(). Young people think more about the goodwill between them and Russians and less about the govt and history.
Why was Serbia so passive to the Albanian takeover of Kosovo? They flocked in their droves and their passivity to it spoke volumes. Serbia piped up too late. Yes, the EU and NATO played their respective parts but the Albanians mass movement started long before.
TheOther, ok. Ask many young Poles, whether here on PF or in Poland, and they'll tell you that they like Russian people. However, ask them about the govt and that's a different story. Unfortunately, govts throughout history have screwed up international relations between peoples and we have to live with that sad reality.
I merely wanted to make the point that most old people here bear grudges and with good reason (though they never stop :(). Young people think more about the goodwill between them and Russians and less about the govt and history.
Crow, direct question, WHO is attacking you now?
in general, as conglomerates and particulaty those are EU, NATO, Iran, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, England, Israel, Turkey and Albania. Unfortunately, here in the region, germanized Croatia and Bulgaria and islamized Serbs- Bosniaks from Bosnia serve them well in the region
but, who stays as organizer of this movement against us, against Slavic south and Slavija in general... i can`t say. In any case, some powerfull circles
Albanian takeover of Kosovo?
Indeed. That struck me as odd as well, especially when you know that the "Blackbird-field" (excuse my translation), THE cultural heritage of the Serbs is located in Kosovo. Maybe Milosevic knew that he wouldn't have been a match for the US/UN forces?
Does mr Crow have a teletransportation device, Seanus? If so, I would love to borrow it from him :)
mr Crow! I am also waiting on your opinion to my posting earlier on about Serbia joining the EU and so on!
M-G (does like the Serbs though)
Crow, direct question, WHO is attacking you now?
in general, as conglomerates and particulaty those are EU, NATO, Iran, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, England, Israel, Turkey and Albania. Unfortunately, here in the region, germanized Croatia and Bulgaria and islamized Serbs- Bosniaks from Bosnia serve them well in the region
but, who stays as organizer of this movement against us, against Slavic south and Slavija in general... i can`t say. In any case, some greedy people from powerfull circles
Bulgaria is Germanised? Forgive my ignorance, Sir, but that surprises me. With my limited experience of Bulgarians, they appear nice and civil. Is their govt anti-Serbian?
Bosniaks are likely to feel bad considering their losses in the 3-year war. Don't you agree?
Islamised Serbs? I'm aware of the power of religion in the region but surely those Serbs first allegiance is to their country? If I was an Islamised Scot, I'd still swear loyalty to my country as that's how Scots are. My faith and belief in Allah would be my private affair based on reading and feeling. I'd still be Scottish, first and foremost.
My point was that you are not under direct threat as I see it. You know better than I do, Crow, but aren't you being a little paranoid? Maybe not but...
The Other, no worries matey. The point wasn't clear, sorry, I just assumed.
M-G, Crow seems to be, how to say, a 'residual'. I don't blame him at all for feeling surrounded by major powers. His nation was basically raped by megalomaniacs. Still, although I see the undeniable ties Serbia has to Kosovo/Metohija, they took their fingers off the pulse and tried to reclaim too late. They saw the move of Albania to seize the territory through the sham PM there, I forget his name. In 1992 I think, his surname began with R. Anyway, Milosevic sought to annex Kosovo through the Serbian Constitution. The problem remained, mass hordes of Albanians whose safe passage was made easier by NATO/KFOR giving them refugee status when they were ordinary folk.
Bosniaks are likely to feel bad considering their losses in the 3-year war. Don't you agree?
Islamised Serbs? I'm aware of the power of religion in the region but surely those Serbs first allegiance is to their country? If I was an Islamised Scot, I'd still swear loyalty to my country as that's how Scots are. My faith and belief in Allah would be my private affair based on reading and feeling. I'd still be Scottish, first and foremost.
My point was that you are not under direct threat as I see it. You know better than I do, Crow, but aren't you being a little paranoid? Maybe not but...
The Other, no worries matey. The point wasn't clear, sorry, I just assumed.
M-G, Crow seems to be, how to say, a 'residual'. I don't blame him at all for feeling surrounded by major powers. His nation was basically raped by megalomaniacs. Still, although I see the undeniable ties Serbia has to Kosovo/Metohija, they took their fingers off the pulse and tried to reclaim too late. They saw the move of Albania to seize the territory through the sham PM there, I forget his name. In 1992 I think, his surname began with R. Anyway, Milosevic sought to annex Kosovo through the Serbian Constitution. The problem remained, mass hordes of Albanians whose safe passage was made easier by NATO/KFOR giving them refugee status when they were ordinary folk.