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There is no Muslim in Poland

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
21 Jul 2007 /  #31
They were the Gengis Khan Army... ruled the known world...

I know he is the most notorious.. maybe that is where I get my attitude :)

I miss my brother.. lonestranger.. :(

the story of Jacob is in the Koran,

I have alot of jacobs in my tree.. way up there.. but,, we are definate catholics.
Lonestranger told me that my family looks more tatar.. which could be possible..
shopgirl  6 | 928  
21 Jul 2007 /  #32
I miss my brother.. lonestranger.. :(

I miss him too. He should be finished with the university semester now, right?
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
21 Jul 2007 /  #33
[quote=shopgirl] I miss him too. He should be finished with the university semester now, right?

I dont know,, hes not emailed me back in about two weeks or so..

I really care and respect him alot.. even when I disagree :) lol

tried looking up old first names of tatars.. Nothing!
Lady in red  
21 Jul 2007 /  #34

My great grandfather was called Jakub. But the family have always been Catholics too.

I did quite a bit of research a couple of years ago on this because I was like you, wondered why he would be called Jakub. I have a couple of websites bookmarked somewhere but will need a little time to find them. I can look afterwards if you are still looking Pat ?

I'm just waiting for the rain to stop as I have to go out for a bit so I probably can't do it at the moment. It is fascinating stuff I think to look back at all this :)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
21 Jul 2007 /  #35
I can look afterwards if you are still looking Pat ?

Sure LIR :)) thanks

yes, mine was Jakub too. actually the futher back you go, the easier the records to
read are, they were in latin. but the russian scripts.. ha, that was no fun. not at all.
Lady in red  
21 Jul 2007 /  #36
Jakub is though a Polish name :) Would be funny if we were related :)

There's one site I remember I used when I thought there may be jewish links because of the name Jakub and I wrote to a guy on the website. He is like quite an authority on it all and he mailed me back with lots of information. I haven't got his original mail now but I'm sure I bookmarked the site.

He explained at how names were arrived at and how the same surnames were taken by both Jewish and Polish people alike. wish I'd kept it now but unfortunately it was on another computer :(

Jakub was on my mothers side of the family. I don't know very much about my fathers grandparents or great grandparents. But I think someone who is a member on here may be a relation (far distant one but it's an unusual name )......not sure I'm brave enough to follow that one up at the moment.

Russian scripts.

I can't read Russian :(

I can understand some Russian words but not many.
Qacer  38 | 125  
21 Jul 2007 /  #37
How did the "black genus" play into your topic title regarding Muslims in Poland? I'm utterly confused by your post. I reckon you must be drunk.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
22 Jul 2007 /  #38
I can't read Russian :(

me neither,, one of my cousins is helping with that.. :)

(far distant one but it's an unusual name )......not sure I'm brave enough to follow that one up at the moment.

LIR Why not?? someone we all know??

I have looked up and found many family members whos trees split off at 1862
but these families had contact up till about 1920 or so.
truhlei  10 | 332  
22 Jul 2007 /  #39
Does anybody know anything about Chechen refugees integration in Poland?
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
23 Jul 2007 /  #40
No, but I googled your post and found this..

7 Sep 2007 /  #41
diversity - the key to the future
isthatu  3 | 1164  
7 Sep 2007 /  #42
The pre 1939 war official muslim oath of loyalty to the Polish army,so there....

Przysięgam Panu Bogu Jedynemu być wiernym Ojczyźnie mej, Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, chorągwi wojskowych nigdy nie odstąpić, stać na straży Konstytucji i honoru żołnierza polskiego, prawu i Prezydentowi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej być uległym, rozkazy dowódców i przełożonych wiernie wykonywać, tajemnic wojskowych strzec, za sprawę Ojczyzny mej walczyć do ostatniego tchu w piersiach i w ogóle tak postępować, abym mógł żyć i umierać jak prawy żołnierz polski. Bereetjum Mine Allachivy Veresulini illeclezine a hetdeteum minel masiurkine BilWałłagi, Tałłagi, Amin.

or,for the rest of us...

I swear to the Only God my faithful allegiance to my Fatherland, Republic of Poland. I swear always to stand by the military banners, to uphold the constitution and guard the honour of the Polish soldier, to be obedient to the law and to the President of Poland, to faithfully carry orders of my commanders and superiors, to keep the military secrets, to fight for my Fatherland to the last breath in my breast, to always behave so as to live and die as a true Polish soldier. Bereetjum Mine Allachivy Veresulini illeclezine a hetdeteum minel masiurkine BilWałłagi, Tałłagi, Amin.
25 Sep 2007 /  #43
If you must eat halal stay where you are. We will not eat halal, because we live in Poland and not in, say, Pakistan. When I come to Pakistan I cannot buy whisky but I understand and respect it as a local custom. Why should halal be vailable in Poland? The Muslim minority here is the smallest in the European Union. Probably because welfare benefits are poor and Muslims are not interested to settle here.
Gary Busey  - | 51  
25 Sep 2007 /  #44
Great points, Mirek. Funny how no one seems to care about what the Europeans and Americans feel about immigration to their countries, and whether or not they would like to preserve their nations and cultures instead of being blended into an international rabble.
plk123  8 | 4120  
25 Sep 2007 /  #45
One last example: America, originally English and white, now hosts the most diverse population of the world, yet also the most diverse problems of the world, a true example of the misery we (and I) live in in the most multi-culturally plagued nation on Earth.

you're a dumbass and a bigot.. america was originally native americans as in indians. may want to read up first before spewing crap all over the place.
Gary Busey  - | 51  
25 Sep 2007 /  #46
Of course it is true that Native Americans had settled the continent--thinly, in terms of numbers--before the Spanish and English settlers arrived. But now there is a status quo. This is true of most every nation or region on the planet. Humans migrate and some groups push out others.

But at any given time, there is a status-quo that most people want to preserve. Despite all the clap-trap about "diversity" and "multiculturalism" being so wonderful, they can also cause tension, rivalry, and violence between populations.

Nations like Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark have the lowest crime rates in the world, and it is no coincidence that they are extremely homogenous in terms of race and culture.
sledz  23 | 2247  
25 Sep 2007 /  #47
a true example of the misery we (and I) live in in the most multi-culturally plagued nation on Earth.

We have a saying here:


Now why dont you get your sorry a_ss out
krysia  23 | 3058  
26 Sep 2007 /  #48

Same goes for food. You don't like the food, get out!
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
26 Sep 2007 /  #49
And it is the black genus that says "Poles are racist" "Poles are not white" (first time I've heard that one) just because are men are sick of lude advances by black females. We're not racist, black women just aren't our type. But if you continue to provicate us, we will gladly become racist.

If you are trying to defend your "whiteness", you are racist!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
26 Sep 2007 /  #50
OK I will copy witek from other discussion :

"Middle Eastern haplogroups such as J and G are also uncommon in Poland. Wheras Western and Southern European populations, as well as the Ukranians and southwest Russians, carry more of these Middle Eastern markers than Poles. This argues against any significant Jewish, Armenian and Turkish influence on the present Polish population, despite these groups' well documented presence in Polish history."

If you are trying to defend your "whiteness", you are racist!

it is not about being tolerant but about true.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
26 Sep 2007 /  #51
Same goes for food. You don't like the food, get out!

true... but after eating american food its possible that you wont fit thru the door when trying to leave
isthatu  3 | 1164  
26 Sep 2007 /  #52
We will not eat halal, because we live in Poland

Dont eat it then you muppet,no one is forcing kebabs down your throat are they?

Probably because welfare benefits are poor and Muslims are not interested to settle here.

Probably theyve got more sense,faced with a choice,UK or Poland to find work,it would seem they make the same choice as a large amount of Poles.
porta  18 | 225  
26 Sep 2007 /  #53
Hehe ,no muslim in Poland is like the Iranian president said there was no homosexuals in Iran ^^

I'm not compairing muslims and homosexuals btw.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
26 Sep 2007 /  #54
Hehe ,no muslim in Poland is like the Iranian president said there was no homosexuals in Iran ^^

try to tell Scot that he is English ...

or try to tell Dutch that he is German

Try to tell Bask that he ie Spanish

Or try to tell Spanish that he is Bask

And it isnt that we dont acceptate our origin but the truth is that we had wars against Turkey on the teritories of nowadays Ukraina (and we beaten them), Tatars were mainly living on nowadays Bielarus and Ukraina, and sience shows that in our DNA there is less marks of nations coming form Middle east than most of EU countries. It is not about our acceptation but only truth. The different case is that we were tolerant for miniorietes coming form this region.

try to tell Spanish that he is Arab

try to tell English that he is Pakistan

there are a lot of Pakistan people in England and English people are (more or less) tolerant ...

try to tell German that he is Turkey ... (in nearest future it may become truth lol)
osiol  55 | 3921  
26 Sep 2007 /  #55
Why should halal be vailable in Poland

Halal produce in Britain is, I believe, mostly produced by Muslims themselves.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Sep 2007 /  #56
[quote=isthatu]The pre 1939 war official muslim oath of loyalty to the Polish army,so there.../quote]
As to Tatars, Yes they were always ok, never betrayed they had separate army units and were extremly good, they were checked in wars against other muslims... There are about 3 vilages near Belarusian border. They live their life and pray in their vilages in mosiques for 500 years they respect our law ... What can be interesting, "new" musilims in our country conisder them as traitors and even dont let them to pray together ...

What is more, they have their own customs and it is ok, never complained that orodox and catolics (in this region 3 religions lives together) celebrates their chrismasts, eastern in way they want ... I think our model of is much better than this which we have in some EU countries. When it is imposible to have Nativy plays, beacuse someone can be offended ...
truhlei  10 | 332  
27 Sep 2007 /  #57
As to Tatars, Yes they were always ok, never betrayed they had separate units and were extremly good, they were checked in wars against other muslims... There are about 3 vilages near Belarusian border. They live their life and pray in their vilages in mosiques since 500 years they respect our law ... What can be interesting, "new" musilims in our country conisder them as traitors and even dont let them to pray together ...

Describe these "new muslims".
The fact you know they hate Tatars shows that you know smth. about them.
27 Sep 2007 /  #58
We have Tatars also in Finland, have been for about 200 years, they are very liked people who respect our culture and they are not trying to change it to Finlandistan.

They are the ones who adapt not to us. it is vice versa with the new muslim population.
I see situation is quite similar to Poland.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Sep 2007 /  #59
escribe these "new muslims".The fact you know they hate Tatars shows that you know smth. about them.

Good example are Czeczen refugies ... I can agree with Russians that they are mafia, they live mostly in Bialystok (nearest big town from Tatars vilages) they dont want to work (thwere is a lot of work on construcions) they prefere our benefits and life in crime. At the begining they were really welcomened because they are Russinas victims as we were, but to be honest If they are not going to learn for Tatars how to live in Poland they will have problems ... In our history we had stronger machos trying to rule on our streets, and trying to change our customs. This lesson we have done properly.
truhlei  10 | 332  
27 Sep 2007 /  #60
If they are not going to learn for Tatars how to live in Poland they will have problems ...

As I read many Chechens don't stay in Poland despite oficial status. They leave for Germany and Belgium to become ilegals. Quite a surprising behaviour. Why not to spend some 6 years in Poland, receive citizenship and move longer?

they live mostly in Bialystok

What is the reason of such choice. Bialostok seems to be a conservative region that doesn't like new residents.

they are not going to learn for Tatars how to live in Poland

That is not because they are muslims. they are from mountains. That's why they are divided into tribes (they call it tejp) that have mutual assistance and quite isolated even from other Chechen tribes (the custom of mountanous life - you can see similar things among other ethnies in mountains).

Besides that agriculture in mountains was connected in the past with insecure climate and hunger death thread made them visit their neighbours and taking hostages in order to receive meal in exchange.

My Georgian friends told me that was a common practice with mountain residents in also in Georgia.
Tatars from Crimea also had some habits of the sort in the past but today they abandoned old traditions and mentality.

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