well that proves my point....why try to go against russia when you can go with them. The US is across the atlantic..since when do long distance relationships work ?
Why does Poland love the US?
Neither NATO nor the European Union can provide sufficient security to calm Poland's fears, particularly with Russia now resurgent to its east, and so the government in Warsaw wants the United States to base part of its planned antimissile system here to provide an American guarantee of safety, according to Poland's defense minister.
Neither NATO nor the European Union can provide sufficient security to calm Poland's fears, particularly with Russia now resurgent to its east, and so the government in Warsaw wants the United States to base part of its planned antimissile system here to provide an American guarantee of safety, according to Poland's defense minister.
Why do you think so Bubba?
well that proves my point....why try to go against russia when you can go with them. The US is across the atlantic..since when do long distance relationships work ?
True. But close distance relationship can be far more disastrous in the end. You know, the whole collision of interests, etc...
Why do you think so Bubba?
polands fears of russia are irrational and the eu and nato are more than capable of defending poland if push comes to shove. poland is deluding itself thinking that america has any agenda other than self-interest by placing its missile system on polish soil.
if poland wants to strengthen its ties with america over those with the eu then fair enough. but as you say, close distant relationships need a special understanding and if you p!ss of your neighbours, who knows what they might chuck over the garden fence.
so whilst the eu and nato are capable of providing the security that poland feels it needs against a perceived threat from russia, the time might arise where the question to be asked is 'do they want to?'

George8600 10 | 630
9 Oct 2009 / #125
Hello Everyone !
I am from Greek / Polish descent. I think I have the best of both worlds !! And a common history
I am from Greek / Polish descent. I think I have the best of both worlds !! And a common history
Wow, and I thought my half Greek half Polish ethnicity were a rarity. I have met several on this forum already.
As for your statement, you're wrong. You can't generalize a population like that. The Greek disporia here in the US is huge, and all the Greek-American's I have met love their country very much. As for the Greeks in Greece, I have been to Greece many times and have seen none such. English is required to be learned in the school system and almost everyone there was speaking it, not to mention that according the The Economist Pocket Figures of 2009, Greece was a surprising third in rank of the country most travelled to by tourists in Europe by Americans. Much better than the fifth of last year. As for the people, the politicians are very well related. Do you know how much money the US has funded to Greece through the EU and NATO? The US has given us not only tons of domestic products but also tons of military technologies. Half our arsenal of fighter planes, vehicles, and some naval warfare are American made; along with tons of other consumer products that I saw when i went there.
Not only that the US has built many bases both on the islands of Greece and in Greece. Along with three embassies.
As for your generalizing fact, there's people in every country that dilike America, and as previous posters have said what the government thinks isn't necessarily what the public thinks.
I have met many Poles whom aren't pro-America in a sense, (except for those in the US, just like the Greeks). It depends on a variety of things, and as much as I don't want to say it, the US has unfairly helped Greece MUCH more than it has Poland in terms of trade and diplomacy.
However, here's an observation. The Greek's seem to get along better with the British. Being that they seem to have more governmental trade with the UK, and there are Greeks within the government of the UK. Not to mention that Greek disporia there is massive compared to the porportions with the US. Same goes for Russia. The Russians and British have built many more bases in Greece than have the Americans. Why? I couldn't tell you. Also, the Russian and British disporia in Greece is much more massive than that of the Americans living there.
polands fears of russia are irrational
Because Russia just wants peace, pax sovietica that is :)))
if poland wants to strengthen its ties with america over those with the eu then fair enough
By now i think Poland woke up as to the nature of its ties with America with a bang.
polands fears of russia are irrational
polands fears of russia are irrational
Its from 08
I thought BW maybe made another cameo appearance:)
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
9 Oct 2009 / #128
Russia has always been enemy of Poland.
Only the second place, the first one should be granted to Poland itself
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2126
10 Oct 2009 / #129
Thing were better for everybody when we still had the Berlin Wall. The Poles traditionally respect a strong hand and that is why they loved Mother Russia. The Poles have nothing in common with the united States of America, which in its very essence represents everything good from the true Anglo Saxon races.
You state something like that again and I WILL get a hacker for you! ;(
I'd wish in ignorant and selfish Europe, closing its eyes on revanchism in Russia, Germany, Italy some nation would be at least different as USA or UK are. You call it pro-USA? Then I wish Poland to be pro-USA.
scrappleton - | 829
10 Oct 2009 / #131
Then I wish Poland to be pro-USA.
Well it's very boring if everybody is like USA. Poland is Poland and will always will be so. Actually, it's a lucky place to be. There is an identity there.
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
10 Oct 2009 / #132
Oh.... I feel sick. Take away this strped rag!
At least our flag represents freedom not some hammer and sickle, the tools of low paid working fools.
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
10 Oct 2009 / #134
Oh Dear Mr. America, either your note is a joke which I don't understand, or your mind, when you wrote it, was very seriously deranged! Allow me, however, to adduce my humble thoughts against your super-patriotic, and therefore distorted, exclamation.
Yes, you are right, hummer and sickle once were our national emblem. That was a time when the general idea of universal happines and prosperity had animated whole nation. Sure, both our nation are great, but the great difference still exists between them:
Despite many atrocities in the history of SU during XX century, it was animated by the above mentioned idea, while US was animated only by its greed... And certainly we shall not be blurred by these hypnotic mantras about "freedom"... Japan, Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan etc., tell about your "freedom" to millions and millions who died as a result of american insatiable thirst of "freedom".
Yes, you are right, hummer and sickle once were our national emblem. That was a time when the general idea of universal happines and prosperity had animated whole nation. Sure, both our nation are great, but the great difference still exists between them:
Despite many atrocities in the history of SU during XX century, it was animated by the above mentioned idea, while US was animated only by its greed... And certainly we shall not be blurred by these hypnotic mantras about "freedom"... Japan, Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan etc., tell about your "freedom" to millions and millions who died as a result of american insatiable thirst of "freedom".
Why does Poland love the US?
its not love. Its sado-mazo
Because it the way they would like Poland to be....or through a genetic memory they recall lost powerful country as Poland used to be .....freedom and small government .... well **** it! And bustards who took over in USA..
Because the US doesn't strictly enforce their laws :) :) They can slip in under the radar :)
They can slip in under the radar :)
i protest ,,.... perfidious Albion
mock this you .....sheep!
Why you all make a distinction between US policy, as if US missiles will protect you, and EU policy is a mystery to me. USA is in bed with the EU, all you have to is open your eyes and look to see the US starting wars with the UK, eg; Iraq. And the G8/G20 meetings. They are all in bed together it's a no-brainer.
The EU is just using the US in places like Poland to push what it wants through the door because obviously, Poland will not accept a missile system from Germany.
You really need to get a grasp on the fact that all the big governments, USA included, are controlled, not so much by the people within those nations anymore, but a small handful of corporations, big businesses. And borders mean nothing, it's global. They meet in Madrid in the spring and Pittsburg in the fall. Borders are for controlling the civilians, not the corporations.
Russia may stand out as a nemisis in the deal to hold them off, I am not sure about Russia at this time in regard to those corporations. I get the impression they are often against the policies of the mainly western corporations.
They used the Federal Reserve banking system to buy out America almost 100 years ago already. It's worldwide though, the idea of central banks came from Europe, not America. And the Fed is owned by international bankers, not american bankers.
The EU is just using the US in places like Poland to push what it wants through the door because obviously, Poland will not accept a missile system from Germany.
You really need to get a grasp on the fact that all the big governments, USA included, are controlled, not so much by the people within those nations anymore, but a small handful of corporations, big businesses. And borders mean nothing, it's global. They meet in Madrid in the spring and Pittsburg in the fall. Borders are for controlling the civilians, not the corporations.
Russia may stand out as a nemisis in the deal to hold them off, I am not sure about Russia at this time in regard to those corporations. I get the impression they are often against the policies of the mainly western corporations.
They used the Federal Reserve banking system to buy out America almost 100 years ago already. It's worldwide though, the idea of central banks came from Europe, not America. And the Fed is owned by international bankers, not american bankers.
Truth spoken here folks. There is a revolution coming to America, but, not the one you think is coming.
Truth spoken here folks. There is a revolution coming to America, but, not the one you think is coming.
Because Poland loves $$$$$$$ and they think $$$$$$$$ grow on trees in America.
That's the assumption some of my older relatives in Poland believe; especially the ones that have never visited the United States. They think we're all virtually made of money.
This thread right here
illustrates perfectly why a missile system will not protect you. these people do what they want where they want and they would absolutely love to send their brainwashed troops into your backyard to give you a false sense of security and play on your fears that Russia want to hurt you. Russia will want to hurt you if you put that up and who could blame them..
You are just cannon fodder for EU bloodsport. The EU will be more than happy to claim Poland after you are all dead.
illustrates perfectly why a missile system will not protect you. these people do what they want where they want and they would absolutely love to send their brainwashed troops into your backyard to give you a false sense of security and play on your fears that Russia want to hurt you. Russia will want to hurt you if you put that up and who could blame them..
You are just cannon fodder for EU bloodsport. The EU will be more than happy to claim Poland after you are all dead.
Why does Poland love the US?
one of possible answers... because Poles aren`t stupid.
Polish Tusk see what USA did to Serbs and he then put cross on himself and thinks... if USA insist, bater good relations with mujaheedines, then pain that faces Serbs
arose from a blood of infidels