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Could Poland handle another war?

7 Aug 2008 /  #1
God, Honor, Fatherland (Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna)


the time has passed ... picture - Poland invaded again... how does that picture look to you...?
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #2
Poland invaded again... how does that picture look to you...?

I wonder if expats from around the world would flock back to fight, vis a vis the Balkans War?
LAGirl 9 | 496  
8 Aug 2008 /  #3
NIER DOBRZE God I hope Not !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Babinich 1 | 453  
8 Aug 2008 /  #4
Sorry for being dense but which war are you referring to?
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
8 Aug 2008 /  #5
A hypathetic one dear...
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #6
With all respect to say 'could Poland handle another war' the word 'handle' really ins't that relevant because when were poland actually ready to handle a war?

From what i can remember they didn't really seem able to handle world WII and have been invaded more times than the NODS on my Command and Conquer game :). So there for have not really 'handled' any wars, unless your clarification of handled is different to mine.

I would say however that Poland is probably in better shape to handle a war than it was back in the day, although i'm not sure on the current state of the army, navy, airforce and the technology involved.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
8 Aug 2008 /  #7

With all due respect, how do you think England would have faired had it been a mainland country and attacked by all sides?
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #8
what so everybody attacked Poland at the same time?? In WII the Germans and Russians had a go from both sides, that counts for one 'take over' :)
celinski 31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #9
In WII the Germans and Russians had a go from both sides, that counts for one 'take over' :)

Thats all sides, not to mention Poland was picking up the pieces from the last war. First to fight, all fronts, from start to finish.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #10
Are you joking, fighting on all sides from start to finish, can you just remind me how long it took the German blitzkrieg to rumble through Poland????? I think the Germans ad Russians were having a race to see who could take most of Poland within four weeks :).

Fair play you had a lot of angles of attack but which did you actually defend?? Are you counting underground fighting, when occupied, or sending accross pilots too. I don't believe those two elements would constitute being able to 'handle' another war
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
8 Aug 2008 /  #11
Are you joking, fighting on all sides from start to finish, can you just remind me how long it took the German blitzkrieg to rumble through Poland?????

A few days less than to crush Holland, Belgium, Luxumbourg, France and your "mighty" expeditionary corps.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #12
hang on a sec, i'm not talking about Belgium, Holland or Luxembourg, i'm answering the questin set by Polishgirlx at the start of the thread.

expeditionary corps

fighting away from home, what has to that to do with defense??
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
8 Aug 2008 /  #13

Surrender monkeys as they are better known...
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #14
i'm answering the questin set by Polishgirlx at the start of the thread.

You're not answering anything - you're just slagging off Poland and pretending naivety is the reason for your silly posts. For all the time you spend on this forum, one would think you would know more about Poland and its military tradition.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
8 Aug 2008 /  #15
hang on a sec, i'm not talking about Belgium, Holland or Luxembourg, i'm answering the questin set by Polishgirlx at the start of the thread.

You're not answering anything... once again you are trying to be "provocative" as you think that It's "fun" or "cool" but Torn, you may pretend to be a girl and chat with boys, you may wear your mum's panties but once you touch these things, you may except the same kind of "respect" for yourself and your... ehmm... "kingdom".

BTW There was a time when we could crush you so easily that most of people here wouldn't have even noticed that there was some war - one could wonder If that shouldn't have happened.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #16
Surrender monkeys as they are better known...

the French haven't got the stomach for a war, they just love their food to much :) We eat to live, they live to eat :)

You're not answering anything - you're just slagging off Poland and pretending naivety is the reason for your silly posts. For all the time you spend on this forum, one would think you would know more about Poland and its military tradition.

hang on hang on, i'm not answering the question??? i'm looking at the current situation now and asessing it!!! As i said looking back historically, Poland does not fair well in wars, I expect if the Germans wanted anoher pop they probably could but the RUski's well i'm not sure if they could afford another war, they can barely feed their own people.

As for 'Slagging off Poland' what i've said is true, they have historically been invaved many times and even been shared between the Germans/Russians, how is that slagging them off???

Why are you slagging of my polish knowledge?? what have i said that is not true, are you telling me Poland has never been invaded??

Please as an Australian (Who tend to be three months behind the rest of the world, lol) correct me on everything i've said, although maybe the news the Poland was invaded by Germany hasn't reached you guys yet :)
celinski 31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #17
In WII the Germans and Russians had a go from both sides, that counts for one 'take over' :)

So they were in the middle of whom?
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #18
There was a time when we could crush you so easily that most of people here wouldn't have even noticed that there was some war

Well put - blunt and to the point. Of the hand full of occasions when Poles went up against Poms in battle, it was the Poms who came off second best - and substantially so.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #19
You're not answering anything... once again you are trying to be "provocative" as you think that It's "fun" or "cool" but Torn, you may pretend to be a girl and chat with boys, you may wear your mum's panties but once you touch these things, you may except the same kind of "respect" for yourself and your... ehmm... "kingdom".

right not anwering the question at all, by refering back to previous events, looking at the current sitation and saying whether or not i think they could handle another war!!!! As for the girl thing, we've been through this so many times, if thats all you've got then its pretty weak :).

BTW There was a time when we could crush you so easily that most of people here wouldn't have even noticed that there was some war - one could wonder If that shouldn't have happened.

lol, crush us so easily, stop dreaming were in 2008, the past is the past big boy :). I wasn't even talking British/Polish, just Polish. It isn't even me that turned this into a British VS Polish thing, your insecurities did that.

As for trying to provoce, i don't think so, if i wanted to do that surely i would have come on and said a lot worse.

So they were in the middle of whom?

Germany and Russia, how does that make it all sides????

Well put - blunt and to the point. Of the hand full of occasions when Poles went up against Poms in battle, it was the Poms who came off second best - and substantially so.

lol, when was that??? 27BC :)

typical, the Poles referring to the past because thats all they have got, why not think about Poland today and the potential instead of needing to reach back into the past either depressing yourselves, like our historians on here.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
8 Aug 2008 /  #20
As i said looking back historically, Poland does not fair well in wars

So Torny, how o how happened that Poland was once the largest country in Europe ? How do you think It survived so many wars ? How do you think Poland defeated Bolsheviks ?
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #21
Please as an Australian (Who tend to be three months behind the rest of the world, lol)

Giggle. Stop acting like a goose. I might be an Aussie, but I reckon I can hold my own against you, you paragon of intellect.
celinski 31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #22
It survived so many wars

Great point, it's also why Hitler and Stalin both had to attack at once, not just Soviet or Nazi's.
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #23
lol, when was that??? 27BC :)

Read some history books - look at Napoleon's peninsular campaign.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #24
So Torny, how o how happened that Poland was once the largest country in Europe ? How do you think It survived so many wars ? How do you think Poland defeated Bolsheviks ?

That is the crucial point though Greg, 'was' Poland 'was' the biggest country in europe, it is not anymore. If it were that great would it not still be the same size, now as it was then. I am not saying Poland is/was weak, i was simply answering whether or not Poland could 'handle' another war like was asked at the top of the thread. In my view, no.

I didn't say Poland was useless or defensless, i mearly pointed out that i didn't think they were ready for another war. Even when under the control of Germany/USSR Poland continued to fight a 'secret war' in many of the major cities and beyond plus the fact throwing soldier and pilots at our ranks.

You've mistaken my 'view' of is poland ready to handle another war as an attack on Poland, ITS NOT, i should know as i wrote it!!!!!.

Giggle. Stop acting like a goose. I might be an Aussie, but I reckon I can hold my own against you, you paragon of intellect.

wow so thats your comeback, an attack on my intellect, did you not see the smiles after my comments about the aussies, for somebody who claims intellect you missed the fact that these were jokes.

I'm not getting into a 'who has the biggest d*ck' contest with you as there is no point, you like greg has taken my point of view on the subject as an attack on Poland rather than an honest point of view.

Read some history books - look at Napoleon's peninsular campaign.

geeezzz more history, i'm talking about WII not Napoleon, in fact why don't we assess it on todays standings??? i mean after all that is what i originally ended on, its strange how everybody has picked me up on the 'back in the day' comments but not on the actual answer to the set question. So how about it??
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #25
You've mistaken my 'view' of is poland ready to handle another war as an attack on Poland, ITS NOT, i should know as i wrote it!!!!!.

Have you no shame - don't try to extricate yourself from a clearly untenable position brought about by your own silliness and ego. A simple apology to the PF's Polish minority would suffice.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
8 Aug 2008 /  #26
right not anwering the question at all, by refering back to previous events

So did I to put things into right perspective. During the last war Gerries simply developed far superior strategy and no one could defiet them until others simply copied their strategy, which took some time.
celinski 31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #27
You've mistaken my 'view' of is poland ready to handle another war as an attack on Poland, ITS NOT, i should know as i wrote it!!!!!.

Who is ever ready for a war?
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #28
Have you no shame - don't try to extricate yourself from a clearly untenable position brought about by your own silliness and ego. A simple apology to the PF's Polish minority would suffice.

I always apologise when i have done wrong, i have said 'NOTHING WRONG' so i am not going to apologise, i stated my point of view which was not an attack. I'm not trying to dig myself out of any wholes, i don't mind a three on one or even four on one discussion as it seems to be.

So did I to put things into right perspective. During the last war Gerries simply developed far superior strategy and no one could defiet them until others simply copied their strategy, which took some time.

The Germans were defeated by themselves, Hitlers greed and the Russian winter.

Who is ever ready for a war?

exactly, apart from the USA, i cannot really think of a country who could launch into battle. Our forces are stretched enough already throughout Iraq, Afghanistan, UN Duties and other 'special' tasks which are not made public. So i would doubt the UK's hopes of getting involved in another war.
Ozi Dan 26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #29
I always apologise when i have done wrong, i have said 'NOTHING WRONG'

I'm thinking of the recent smash hit sung by One Republic and Timbaland...
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
8 Aug 2008 /  #30
That is the crucial point though Greg, 'was' Poland 'was' the biggest country in europe, it is not anymore.

But that's make your...

As i said looking back historically, Poland does not fair well in wars

a pieace of crap. And even If we say about 20th century then (except many smaller "incidents") Poland had 2 serious wars - one won, one lost and the 2nd one simply couldn't be won.

And "Could Poland handle another war?" is so general question that no one can really answer that, so you with your "no ! no ! definately no !" are either provocative or a total moron.

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