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Could Poland handle another war?

Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #31
Poland had 2 serious wars - and the 2nd one simply couldn't be won.

I'm in the trenches with you mate - it's the war against ignorant, whining, skinny white legged Poms who think they know it all, but all they really know is how to drink warm beer and pee in ashtrays at the local pub.

:) - does that make it funnier Tornado?
celinski  31 | 1258  
8 Aug 2008 /  #32
I wonder if Russia or Germany would be ready without the other? Seems to me they were both pretty brave until they turned on each other, then low and behold Soviets granted amnesty.

Used to be the bullies that ganged up on the smaller one was nothing to be proud of. What about killing unarmed, or taking families in the night. Although they both stated taking out all Polish, we are here to tell.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #33
I'm thinking of the recent smash hit sung by One Republic and Timbaland...

how can it be to late if i don't need to in the firstplace, but i like the slant you put on that :)

And "Could Poland handle another war?" is so general question that no one can really answer that, so you with your "no ! no ! definately no !" are either provocative or a total moron.

its neither mate, there are not a lot of countires that could just up and have a go at playing war at the momnet, Poland is one of them, stop trying to lead down the path of me being provocative because i'm not.

I'm in the trenches with you mate - it's the war against ignorant, whining, skinny white legged Poms who think they know it all, but all they really know is how to drink warm beer and pee in ashtrays at the local pub.

:) - does that make it funnier Tornado?

unlike you mate i can take a bit of bashing :)

I wonder if Russia or Germany would be ready without the other? Seems to me they were both pretty brave until they turned on each other, then low and behold Soviets granted amnesty.

I think the Germans kicked off anyway, regardless of what the Ruski's were doing, Hitler was driving the Nazi war machine and that was that.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Aug 2008 /  #34
What is the acceptable Polish answer to this question?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #35
ok so now only the Polish are allowed to answer??? although it would be interesting to have a polish view on this!!!! So over to the Polish.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
8 Aug 2008 /  #36
What is the acceptable Polish answer to this question?

I like your style mate!

unlike you mate i can take a bit of bashing :)

Easy on old fruit - I'm just giving you a friendly ribbing mate! We all know you're harmless and mean well.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Aug 2008 /  #37
its neither mate, there are not a lot of countires that could just up and have a go at playing war at the momnet

It all depends what kind of war, against who, when, where, how, what kind of support from allies If any etc. so your screams in this thread are simply pathetic. No offense Torn but you are just not the smartest guy and sometimes for your own benefit you should rather just listen, read and generally get some knowledge instead of screaming and spreading bullsh*its like a 5 years old child.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Aug 2008 /  #38
Kilkline:What is the acceptable Polish answer to this question?

I like your style mate!

Just trying to put the question in as inoffensive a way as possible to avoid prodding what is obviously a very sore subject for Poles.
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Aug 2008 /  #39
Poles are natural warriors.There is no major war in the last 200 years where Poles have not participated.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11901  
8 Aug 2008 /  #40
Well...in Germany it was called "militarism" and it was regarded by the allies as a bad thing and something to get out of the Germans!

With Poles it's a "good" thing because?

God, Honor, Fatherland (Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna)


the time has passed ... picture - Poland invaded again... how does that picture look to you...?

War against whom?
Borrka  37 | 592  
8 Aug 2008 /  #41
With Poles it's a "good" thing because?

At least we have some occupation.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #42
It all depends what kind of war, against who, when, where, how, what kind of support from allies If any etc. so your screams in this thread are simply pathetic. No offense Torn but you are just not the smartest guy and sometimes for your own benefit you should rather just listen, read and generally get some knowledge instead of screaming and spreading bullsh*its like a 5 years old child.

every time you just question somebodies intellegence, why why why??? there is simply no need, what was the point of asking the qeustion in the first place, nobody on here is good enough to take every potential situation into account. So don't go calling me 'the dummy' or 'not the smartest guy' i don't exactly see Albert E in you either if i'm telling the truth. No i'm not a specialist on Poland or Polish history but at least i don't pose and act like i know everything like you do!!!!!

I would tell you to get off your high horse but you don't have one :). As for listening, i've heard enough of your rubbish too and as far as spreading 'Bullsh*t' i've not said anything!!! what have i said apart from the fact Poland is not ready for anoher war??? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT.

Youbring me into question and slam me each time i have an opinion, well at least i have one and its much better than just bad mouthing people like you do. its always good to make a point as well as slag people off, how about it, try it :)

So do not do not do not preach to me, your not good enough to do so.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Aug 2008 /  #43
Well...in Germany it was called "militarism" and it was regarded by the allies as a bad thing and something to get out of the Germans!

With Poles it's a "good" thing because?

Because Poles werent the ones doing the invading. I know its hard for a German to imagine a war which you didnt start but for Poles this is quite normal.

Youbring me into question and slam me each time i have an opinion, well at least i have one and its much better than just bad mouthing people like you do. its always good to make a point as well as slag people off, how about it, try it :)

There was nothing wrong with your answer that I could see but some people regard your answer as the wrong one. They however havent said what the right one is.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #44
There was nothing wrong with your answer that I could see however some people regard your answer as the wrong one. They however havent said what the right one is.

its typical though, people find it so easy to criticise the answer on the table, while at the same time not be able to come up with their own.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11901  
8 Aug 2008 /  #45
Because Poles werent the ones doing the invading. I know its hard for a German to imagine a war which you didnt start but for Poles this is quite normal.

What...those two times...that's nearly nothing...tsk...

But then...only taking up weapons if in defense, being attacked doesn't make you "natural warriors"
but rather "forced fighters"!
A warrior-people prefers war to anything else...
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Aug 2008 /  #46
But then...only taking up weapons if in defense, being attacked doesn't make you "natural warriors"
but rather "forced fighters"!
A warrior-people prefers war to anything else..

True. Its a bit contradictory to say 'we're a warrior race' and 'we're always the victims'. The two dont quite relate.
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
8 Aug 2008 /  #47
Poland wouldn't be invaded again and if they were to be invaded then they wouldn't be fighting alone. Europe wouldn't allow it to happen to any European country.
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Aug 2008 /  #48
'we're a warrior race' and 'we're always the victims'.

You are a victimized warrior race.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
8 Aug 2008 /  #49
No i'm not a specialist on Poland or Polish history

We already figured that one out. Which brings me to think, why do you make statements about subjects of which you have no idea of? (Polish history)

They however havent said what the right one is.

The question is to vague to answer. We need more details.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Aug 2008 /  #50
then they wouldn't be fighting alone.

Just like Georgia now gets "vast support" from the "west" now...
David_18  65 | 966  
10 Aug 2008 /  #51
Shame on you guys who are flaming Mr Tornado so hard!!!

He just wrote his point of view and instead of flaming him like you do/did you could simply discuss the matter and come to an conclusion of the matter like the gentlemans you are.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
10 Aug 2008 /  #52
Shame on you guys who are flaming Mr Tornado so hard!!!

WOAH-HO-HO! What is this admonishing from the schoolmaster?

You want them to feel the bitter sweet repentence and regret after flaming mr. tornadoo, oh, waaait! You wrote "flaming!"
I thought you had written f,...ahh, never mind.

Seriously, a discussion about war, where'd yah think it was gonna lead to? A consensus.

Have fun "flaming" fellas;)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Aug 2008 /  #53
We already figured that one out. Which brings me to think, why do you make statements about subjects of which you have no idea of? (Polish history)

there is a difference between not being a specialist and not knowing, i thought you would know that :)

He just wrote his point of view and instead of flaming him like you do/did you could simply discuss the matter and come to an conclusion of the matter like the gentlemans you are.

that is all i have asked for, however all i've got is abuse yet no answer. Seems some people would rather criticise yet not be able to produce the goods. I don't mind being told i'm wrong/have a lack on knowledge but please back it up with a bit of an argument and some facts, instead of the usual volley of abuse.

Seriously, a discussion about war, where'd yah think it was gonna lead to? A consensus.

no but at least make it a 'discussion' not a 'slanging match' dosen't it make sense??
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
11 Aug 2008 /  #54
yeah it makes sense in a hypothetical way, but you got a bunch of guys discussing war and conflict on-line.

key words: conflict; on-line

You rarely see insults when guys are discussing which women are the most attractive but funny how that changes with the topic.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
11 Aug 2008 /  #55
can you just remind me how long it took the German blitzkrieg to rumble through Poland?????

It took much longer than it took Germans to kick the combined French and British forces in May of 1940.

As ShelleyS suggested, attacked by two most powerful European armies Britain would not last a week had it not been an island. But then, with your 2 digit IQ you are likely to have a problem with understanding this.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
11 Aug 2008 /  #56
You are a victimized warrior race.

The English? You'll have to explain that one.

This warrior race tag is bollox anyway as most countries, with the exception of the Swiss, seem to lay claim to it.

It took much longer than it took Germans to kick the combined French and British forces in May of 1940.

As ShelleyS suggested, attacked by two most powerful European armies Britain would not last a week had it not been an island. But then, with your 2 digit IQ you are likely to have a problem with understanding this.

No one's denied this but thats not the subject of the thread!

Again, those who are getting upset by Tornado's opinion are bringing up irrelevancies because his opinions offend their blind patriotism.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
11 Aug 2008 /  #57
No one's denied this but thats not the subject of the thread!

The same is true about T's comments.

Again, those who are getting upset by Tornado's opinion are bringing up irrelevancies because his opinions offend their blind patriotism.

His opinions are stemming from blind anti-polonism. How about starting at the cause of my comments.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
11 Aug 2008 /  #58
The same is true about T's comments.

No, his comments addressed the question.

His opinions are stemming from blind anti-polonism.


This is a relevant response-

The question is to vague to answer. We need more details.

this isnt-

with your 2 digit IQ you are likely to have a problem with understanding this.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Aug 2008 /  #59
His opinions are stemming from blind anti-polonism.

I think he just gets a bit excited to be honest and probably doesn't think his comments through.

It's not the easiest of questions to answer but I'd say it's pretty unlikely that they ever would be attacked again, they have strong ties in the EU now and I don't think that Russia is too interested in them.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
11 Aug 2008 /  #60
Kilkline and ShelleyS make me eat crow, this has become a discussion after all. Well done!

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