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Is the E.U. good for Poland??

Crow  154 | 9556  
12 Oct 2007 /  #31
It is same as you ask- Is the Borg from Star Trek good for humanity??
12 Oct 2007 /  #32
joining the eu is great for poland u will see in a few years. look at the republic of ireland sine joining the eu they have become 1 of the richest coutries in the world.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
12 Oct 2007 /  #33
The anti-EU argument is basically 'Yeah, the 5 billion euros a year in subsidies, freedom of labour movement and access to one of the most important markets in the world economy is nice, but I cant afford to buy a house at the moment.'

The house price issue is effecting many people throughout Europe, including Britain, only we arent net beneficiaries from the EU. And yes, our house market is also being inflated by foreign buyers(mostly Russians).

Welcome to the global economy. Polands in a better position than many so quit your *******'.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #34
joining the eu is great for poland u will see in a few years. look at the republic of ireland sine joining the eu they have become 1 of the richest coutries in the world.

agree, we have go the way chosen by Ireland ...
12 Oct 2007 /  #35
nobody gives a damn,just let them do what they want

Nigel, I completely agree with you. EU is great for Germany and France but we have no say...especially now after our govmnt gave up everything on the last EU summit...politicians...grrr...

And I don't care that Ireland and Spain have become rich (I seriously doubt it happened because they are EU members). Their governments made a couple of smart economic decisions and established pro-market reforms. That's why their economies have become so prosperous. EU had nothing (or almost nothing) to do with their economic success...

Going back to EU crap. In the past we were being told what to do by Russians and Germans and now we allow ********** to tell us what to do and change our laws and customs.

I guess some people don't give a damn about things like independence and sovereignty anymore. As long as their stomachs are full and they got enough cash in their pockets...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
12 Oct 2007 /  #36
did anyone ask if poland is good for the eu...?
Crow  154 | 9556  
12 Oct 2007 /  #37

Why would ask? its obvious
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
12 Oct 2007 /  #38
some felt the need to ask if the eu is good for poland so i thought i would turn the question round
Kilkline  1 | 682  
12 Oct 2007 /  #39
Does anybody find the word "*******'" offensive? I'm unsure why it was asterixed out in my earlier post. I also put a following post in querying why my post was edited and this was removed which is a bit overkill.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2007 /  #40
look at the republic of ireland

Old argument... Ireland joined EU in 1973 and they were still a poor country for many years after that until their own government chose a good economical policy.
johan123  1 | 227  
12 Oct 2007 /  #41
Ireland has never really been a poor country!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #42
Ireland was really poor ... read some books
johan123  1 | 227  
12 Oct 2007 /  #43
Of course, if we go back long enough we'll find periods in Irish history where poverty was evident. I was more refering to recent times, let say 30-40 years ago. Ireland has always had industries which have produced wealth, which in some respects, was hidden from the taxman. This wealth was later used to fund the Celtic tiger when conditions were right for investment.
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Oct 2007 /  #44
Ireland was really poor

People used to leave Ireland to find work even more than the Poles do nowadays.
Much more.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
12 Oct 2007 /  #45
Ireland has never really been a poor country!

This suggests you meant overall, not just recently!
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Oct 2007 /  #46
used to fund the Celtic tiger when conditions were right for investment

This might be something to do with the Germans spending less and saving more.
johan123  1 | 227  
12 Oct 2007 /  #47
This suggests you meant overall, not just recently!

Point taken!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #48
oh come on we were really poor only durring comunism time ... so what is your point johan123
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2007 /  #49
Ireland has never really been a poor country!

No. Ireland was a rather poor country until late 80's.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
12 Oct 2007 /  #50
Ireland has always had industries which have produced wealth, which in some respects, was hidden from the taxman. This wealth was later used to fund the Celtic tiger when conditions were right for investment.

Sorry Johan, this just doesn't make sense.
The "Celtic Tiger" phenomenom was all about dropping the corporate tax rate and attracting global businessess to the EU. Something that Poland is in an even better position to do now than Ireland was back then..
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #51
we have flat 19% corporate tax ... that is why currently we have so many foregin investments
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
12 Oct 2007 /  #52
perhaps you can explain why there is so little SME start-up in poland...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #53
bureaucracy :/ but I think that in some way it changes, and after this elections I m sure it will change.

PO is leading now in pools but even PiS will win there is no chance that they will be able to form gov with populist and have majority ... so there are only 3 possibilities PO-PSL PO-LiD PO-PiS and PO is very liberal in economy.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
12 Oct 2007 /  #54
as a sole trader or startup business what is the tax allowance - how much can you earn before you start paying tax?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2007 /  #55
and PO is very liberal in economy.

Yep. 20% VAT is so cool...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #56
as a sole trader or startup business what is the tax allowance - how much can you earn before you start paying tax?

situation isnt good ;) but last time we started "inkubatory przediębiorczości"

so you go there and by 2 years you pay 122 PLN montly and you dont carre other taxes you pay only 19%

Yep. 20% VAT is so cool...

so why do you atack PO ???

in their program they have 3 times 15%

15% VAT
15% corporate tax
15% income taxe
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2007 /  #57
in their program they have 3 times 15%

Old news.

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #58
and where is your "liberal" PiS ?

have you watched debate especialy part about economy
12 Oct 2007 /  #59
I don't think Tusk will be any better than Kaczynski. Currently I don't see any political force in Poland which would have strength or qualified people to make any REAL change. I hope I am wrong though.

Going back to the original post. I think EU has become a political organization rather than economic partnership (which it was long time ago). Like all political organizations it is rather concern about its own political agenda than free market or economic progress.

By the way, that whole discussion weather Ireland was poor or not is pointless. The point is that Ireland has become a prosperous country largely on its own.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Oct 2007 /  #60
and where is your "liberal" PiS ?

Both PiS and PO are economically socialistic but the first one are patriotic socialists and the 2nd are international ("European") socialists, so I prefer the first one.

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