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Poland and Germany - Germany unhappy with the present border with Poland?

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
28 May 2009 /  #31
CDU and Bavarian CSU issued a joint proclamation asked for international condemnation of expulsions also they asked for "recognition of the infringed rights".
Well, evidently some Germans are not happy with present border with Poland.

I'm in two minds over this, from one side i hope thats just electoral ********* but knowing full well how must Germans are about the matter i dont think so.

From one side we have PiS who are probably right in every point they make but they make those points like raving morons, from the other side we have PO which reacted in a severely inadequate way.

Expulsions of Germans post WW2 need to be supported as morally sound consequence of a genocidal war, how can we in clear coscience say that these repercussions were immoral, Germans suffered a consequence of their own actions rewarding their descendants with a moral thumb up in the face of all that happened between 1939 and 45 is wrong.

I know some Poles who aren't to happy about our eastern border as well.

Oh we are very unhappy but its not our closet policy to one day recover it.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
28 May 2009 /  #32
You are a PISser Socrates? How disappointing...

When you take the right to follow idiotic politicians please allow Germans the same!

Oh we are very unhappy but its not our closet policy to one day recover it.

Ditto here...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
28 May 2009 /  #33
You are a PISser Socrates? How disappointing...

Jesus no, hate those dwarves.

When you take the right to follow idiotic politicians please allow Germans the same!

I voted for PO, i'd vote for a herpies ridden hooker if it made those little twats lose, it doesnt change the fact that PO should speak out on the international forum, perhaps not even point blank opposition but to make the German statement a milder sounding one.
28 May 2009 /  #34
Expulsions of Germans post WW2 need to be supported as morally sound consequence of a genocidal war,

Only you could describe ethnic cleansing as "morally sound".

how can we in clear coscience say that these repercussions were immoral,

Mistreating civilians is always immoral. Full stop.

Germans suffered a consequence of their own actions rewarding their descendants with a moral thumb up in the face of all that happened between 1939 and 45 is wrong.

An eye for an eye until the whole world is blind, eh?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
28 May 2009 /  #35
I voted for PO, i'd vote for a herpies ridden hooker if it made those little twats lose, it doesnt change the fact that PO should speak out on the international forum, perhaps not even point blank opposition but to make the German statement a milder sounding one.


Could you point me to that bone of contention?
Ironside still didn't gave a link...
OP Ironside  50 | 12312  
28 May 2009 /  #36
That in 1951 Poland claimed territory which had been Polish before WWII.

who and where?

Silesian "uprisings" anyone?

Well, I was thinking about eastern border ...
Should give us border from 1772 and nobody would be complaining, and asking for compensation for 120 years of occupation.
And uprisings were real expression of the feelings of local population.

From 1944 until 1948, between 13.5 and 16.5 million Germans were expelled, evacuated or fled from Central and Eastern Europe, making this the largest single instance of ethnic cleansing in recorded history.

Who live by the sword, by the sword die - or something like that!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
28 May 2009 /  #37
Well, I was thinking about eastern border ...

Well, I not!

Who fights with sword, by the sword die - or something like that!

The expelled were civilians, not soldiers...women and children mostly who never used a "sword"!
And yes, a declaration against ethnic cleansings as a matter of policy is a good thing...I wonder why you protest so greatly!
Or are ethnic cleansings only bad if the expelled and killed are Poles?

And I really would like a link to that...where do you have this from?
28 May 2009 /  #38
That in 1951 Poland claimed territory which had been Polish before WWII.
who and where?

The Polish government and the area around Ustrzyki Dolne.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
28 May 2009 /  #39
That in 1951 Poland claimed territory which had been Polish before WWII.
who and where?

The Polish government and the area around Ustrzyki Dolne.

That in 1951 Poland claimed territory which had been Polish before WWII.
who and where?

The Polish government and the area around Ustrzyki Dolne.

This was a territory exchange with the SU - Poland gave away the area of Sokal and were given Ustrzyki vicinity - soon the Soviets developed coal mining industry around Sokal (Wladymir Volynski) - don't know if it still in operation now

so the exchange was rather favourable to the Soviets
28 May 2009 /  #40
I found a link to today's article in which CDU eurodeputy Elmar Brok
says that Polish-Greman border is politically and legally untouchable
and that nobody in Germany questions it.

He also protests against the unfair interpretation in Poland of the proclamation
for international condemnation of expulsions which according to him has nothing
to do with revision of current borders in Europe.

However, I do wonder what does he mean by "recognition of the infringed rights"?
Rights of refugees to come back to their home lands? Not very likely - more like
rights to get back all the property (land, homes, infrastructure etc. etc.).
OP Ironside  50 | 12312  
28 May 2009 /  #41
The Polish government and the area around Ustrzyki Dolne.

You mean Soviet puppets?

The expelled were civilians, not soldiers...women and children mostly who never used a "sword"!

Germans started ethnic cleansing and were fighting to death - should expect some retaliations.

Or are ethnic cleansing only bad if the expelled and killed are Poles?

phew !!

And I really would like a link to that...where do you have this from?

polish website
lesser  4 | 1311  
28 May 2009 /  #42
You should be grateful that Polish government stopped weapons supply for Spanish commies. If they would be too powerful, perhaps they would manage to win civil war. This could be interpreted as a gesture of solidarity with oppressed Spanish people. Later Franco also expressed his solidarity with oppressed Polish people.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
28 May 2009 /  #43
He also protests against the unfair interpretation in Poland of the proclamation
for international condemnation.

Right in all points...
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
28 May 2009 /  #44
Later Franco also expressed his solidarity with oppressed Polish people.

Franco was Hitlers ally. Hitler practised tactics used in Poland on the Spanish people first in support of the fascist Franco.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
28 May 2009 /  #45
Franco was not so much Hitler's ally. But it's true that Germans did help him winning the civil war. Spain under Franco did not later cooperate with the Germans.
lesser  4 | 1311  
28 May 2009 /  #46
Franco was Hitlers ally. Hitler practised tactics used in Poland on the Spanish people first in support of the fascist Franco.

No Hitler helped Franco in Spain but Franco did not back him during WWII. I don't understand how can you still repeat this nonsense. One could think that I explained Francist political doctrine in details in one of older threads. I suggest to use search engine and reread.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
28 May 2009 /  #47
He build a barn??? :)

A house like a barn. With a view on his own garage, hehe
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
28 May 2009 /  #48
One could think that I explained Francist political doctrine in details in one of older threads.

That "one" swould indeed be one - yourself. ;-)

I suggest to use search engine and reread.

I did and read about Angel Alcazar de Velasco, the Naviera Iberica etc etc etc and all the other support that Franco gave Hitler in his fight against the allies ( including Poland ).
Crow  154 | 9207  
28 May 2009 /  #49
Germany unhappy with the present border with Poland

i told you, didn`t i
mets2redsox0  - | 40  
19 Jun 2009 /  #50
"Expulsion of Germans after World War II. From 1944 until 1948, between 13.5 and 16.5 million Germans were expelled, evacuated or fled from Central and Eastern Europe, making this the largest single instance of ethnic cleansing in recorded history. Estimated number of those who died in the process is being debated by historians and estimated between 500,000 and 3,000,000"

Well, let me put my Two Cents in here, Now, I am Second Generation Irish / Lithuanian American.

Having said all of that, the last Time I checked, the German's (the Nazi's, Hitler) Started World War II in Europe in the first place, and the Russian's Kicked-Out (or Killed) all the German's and all of the People of German heritage from the east back in to what became East German!, after the War was over!.
Crow  154 | 9207  
19 Jun 2009 /  #51
Germany unhappy with the present border with Poland

after Kosovo they would like to have more under their control or under control of their satelites. They have greedy fingers

Problem is that Tusk support creation of Greater Albania. By anology, he for sure loves Greater Germany, too.

What i want to tell you Poljaci, you have problem. A lot of problems
gumishu  16 | 6181  
19 Jun 2009 /  #52
And I really would like a link to that...where do you have this from?

who support those who live by the sword need to pay consequences for what who live by the sword do - the law of karma - if you don't have proper judgement of what is being done in your name don't moan afterwards

I did and read about Angel Alcazar de Velasco, the Naviera Iberica etc etc etc and all the other support that Franco gave Hitler in his fight against the allies ( including Poland ).

Franco was not so much Hitler's ally. But it's true that Germans did help him winning the civil war. Spain under Franco did not later cooperate with the Germans.

I should add significantly - the things you mentioned were anything but significant for German war effort
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 Jun 2009 /  #53
Come and get them :)))))

You realise we would lose any war with Germany? (Of course we'd probably break their industry and make their goverment collapse due to their losses in such war but we'd still lose).
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
19 Jun 2009 /  #54
who support those who live by the sword need to pay consequences for what who live by the sword do - the law of karma - if you don't have proper judgement of what is being done in your name don't moan afterwards

Karma! What crap!
What did Poland do to deserve partitions and occupation for 50 years??? Wanna tell me? :):):)

Or what did the Ukrainians do to deserve to be the poorest sods of them all during the 21th century (first starved to death, later killed from two fronts).

Usually the ordinary citizens, the women and children, bear the brunt of the consequences of the decisions of them above, their rulers, but there is nothing they can do about it!

Bad luck when you live in such times, such places, but not "Karma"!

Or....since you are so self-righteous....imagine you were a german mother and housewife in Germany during that time...what exactly would you do to stop that madness? Or what Karma are you living through?

*waits expectantly*

What i want to tell you Poljaci, you have problem. A lot of problems

Well...right now serbian warmongers are the ones with problems it seems, neither Poland nor Germany! :)
Crow  154 | 9207  
19 Jun 2009 /  #55
Well...right now serbian warmongers are the ones with problems it seems, neither Poland nor Germany! :)

sure, sure... just f*** off your greedy fingers from Slavija and pray to Alah with your muja friends

who would say,... you evil Teutons turned into f*****g caliphate
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
19 Jun 2009 /  #56
Oooooch...did I got you Crowie? :)
Crow  154 | 9207  
19 Jun 2009 /  #57
i feel sorry for you. Realy. Nothing personal

but please, don`t humiliate yourself

look, i am sure that there is hope for you.... turn to Serbia or Poland or even to Russia if it is more acceptable to you and found Slav (Sarmatian) in yourself

Mother Slavija shall protect you from Eurabia
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
19 Jun 2009 /  #58
who would say,... you evil Teutons turned into f*****g caliphate

That was freeckin awesome xD
Shaykh  - | 10  
19 Jun 2009 /  #59
what in da bloody world are you all arguing about? I am sooo interested. Crow seems to be trying to save the world!!! But I don't know from what, can you tell me please?
19 Jun 2009 /  #60
Well...right now serbian warmongers are the ones with problems it seems, neither Poland nor Germany! :)

That would be precisely right. They can't even hold on to what they believe to be their homeland!

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Poland and Germany - Germany unhappy with the present border with Poland?Archived