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Poland's Future Includes Fewer Poles, More Foreigners

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #241
Its the worlds top publication.

Thanks for clearning Poland out. But you could put us in that field, I wouldnt have attacked :).

Anyways...Iraq, Pakistan (home to two of the oldest civilizations of the world... Babylon and the Indus valley people) are not contributing in science and intellect to their host nations? Ofcourse, the religious disturbances pop out. But then, apart from that, people from these backgrounds are very well off. However, putting a list will only populate this threat... and showing just one (for a few) does not justify my point (because its only a few I show). You can investigate yourself.

Regarding Bangladesh, Romania and Poland: People from Bangladesh (and I met) are intelligent. Just while at your question, I landed here... have a look:


Also en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jawed_Karim... its about the co-founder of youtube ... read that.

And there are much many, about students fromt his country. And with my experience, i think that these ppl are intelligent.

Romanians and Polish people have also been able to achieve much feats in the world. If you would see these nations and people with abit of positive light, you will be able to find these yourself.

No. Not only the french team, but many other nations teams and olympic teams... etc.

I suggest the same to you.

Its not that I am after making them look bright. But, when you guyz busy taking notes of the dark patches... I prefer looking at the bighter part of the story :).

I believe human's are gifted. All humans. And the true magic lies in appreciation of such gifts... and enjoying their benefits with a welcoming attitude.

The problems ofcourse... they come with it. But we should tackle and manage to overcome the problems and establish good understanding and lasting development, which would benefit both of us.. and make us closer...eventually one nation...towards a common goal.

So it was an opportunity when Your G Grandfather entered UK from middle east, but now its undesirable since You're a british already :D

Ya Spade :D .. she is the children of immigrants...WOULDNT YA KNOW :P! :D.

:) ... Jew didnt come from sky... they are Arabs (Middle eastern... and the term 'Arab' comes from the language 'Arabic' which is a modern version of 'Aramic'.. a language Jesus used to speak, and was popular in Palestine... which many Jews used to speak too)... who had to flee due to opression. And find a home in different parts of Europe and other places. They were often unwelcome and reportedly were very much undesired. We can get glimpses from early novels...even Shakespear.

++++(plus)... they are very much Aasians :) :)...:P

No hard feelings... but ... couldnt resist writing that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
18 Sep 2008 /  #242
I believe human's are gifted. All humans. And the true magic lies in appreciation of such gifts... and enjoying their benefits with a welcoming attitude.

The problems ofcourse... they come with it. But we should tackle and manage to overcome the problems and establish good understanding and lasting development, which would benefit both of us.. and make us closer...eventually one nation...towards a common goal.

Whoa...what a lefty-goodytwoshoes-totallyPC-view of the world!

Any contact with reality lately?

It's exactly people like you which brought this mess to western europe countries...time is high for a change of course!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #243
Any contact with reality lately?

yea.. daily
Spade  1 | 81  
18 Sep 2008 /  #244
time is high for a change of course!

Barack Obama addresses a crowd of over 200000 people in Tiergarten, Berlin.

High time for a change.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Sep 2008 /  #246
So it was an opportunity when Your G Grandfather entered UK from middle east, but now its undesirable since You're a british already :D

You're obviously a bit stupid, so I'll spell it out, he was European - not middle eastern - his mother was French and I have no idea what his father was - he was adopted in to my GGG Grand parents family! Is that enough informatioin - they were not Jewish, they were ENGLISH - he was a baby born in the UK to a Frenh, Jewish woman.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #247
Jewish woman

There is still jewish blood floating in your veins... now what will you do about it?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Sep 2008 /  #248
Since I was brought up with a good deal of knowledge of it, Im quite happy :) I don't see it as something to be ashamed of, quite the oposite.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #249
I don't see it as something to be ashamed of, quite the oposite.

But then... you are so vicious against immigrants dear fellow member .. hmm..

anyways... on another context. England is much a multiethnic country... how are your relation with the asians you probably frequently keep meeting? You have them as friends?... or do you throw a stone :D (I hope not).

But you must be interracting with them! There are just so many! Isnt it?
Spade  1 | 81  
18 Sep 2008 /  #250
You're obviously a bit stupid, so I'll spell it out, he was European - not middle eastern - his mother was French and I have no idea what his father was

Let me help You out on that one, actually His father was an Arabic Jew. I must tell You that there are a lot of the people who won't consider You even as a white woman, let alone being English :D
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #251
@ ShelleyS: You never get in arguments, You are only giving statements and defamings. The nutter is You.

@ Equator: You have been that one writing to warszaw8 " if You hate me cause I am black" or something like that.

Jesus himself was just a Jew, leading a group of followers. He never started a new religion - that was done by his followers after his death. Christianity started as a heretical group of Jews. Non-Jews were accepted later. (Boy was that a mistake!)

Yehudi, where do You take that knowlegde from?

What had it been following Your convictions what Jesus had wanted, what had been his special messages?

What had been the reason for the hatred of the organized Jews against Jesus, so that they didn't only kill him, but gave their best to humiliate him and to torture him to death in a really horrible way?

Come on, Yehudi, and give answers!


And for those who want to know - Jews are both a nation and a religion. We are a nation that has its own religion. People can join the nation by accepting the religion.

If Jews are their own nation they all should go to Israel cause different nations on the same ground give a reason that true unity is impossible, means always a reason for trouble. You can see that fact in the history of Jews around the whole world.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
18 Sep 2008 /  #252
It's not a refereed journal and not held to academic scrutiny. I am not disputing the information but I'm wondering if you're having a laugh at me by referring to one article from RD as some sort of definitive evidence.

According to this late breaking information I guess I should change my opinion to:
*Every single 3rd and developing world immigrant is making huge contributions to their host nation and there are absolutely no negative effects that can be associated with large numbers of immigrants in comparatively short periods of time. Any suggestion otherwise is simply unfounded and does not deserve to be investigated or discussed further. Every curry house I have ever gone to or any small shop run by foreigners which was CASH ONLY were definitely paying taxes and enriching the economy, always, without fail.*

Wow so this means that every immigrant from Bangladesh has started up a similar enterprise in their host nation right? Seriously I could start posting stories of immigrants being tried and convicted but who do you think will come up with more articles supporting extreme examples? And will that prove anything?

Exhibit a: khabarexpress.com/10/09/2008/ABVP-students-protest-in-Kolkata-against-Bangladeshi-immigrants-news_42873.html

and someone suggested? You're really either missing the point or using strawman tactics.

Dude you've no idea, I am incredibly left wing on some issues and I think immigration is a good thing in small doses. I had a very similar discussion as this a couple years ago with my best friend in the whole wide world, he lives in Canada and he is an immigrant, he is muslim, his parents are from Pakistan (he was born abroad) and is very pro-immigration. I was living in London at the time and remarked how if I were British I'd be at my bursting point already with the rate of immigration.

Well he had been to London in 2001 or 2002 and got really really offended I'd suggest anything wrong with immigration in any way whatsoever. I can understand his emotional attachment to the subject but some of the stuff he had said really crossed the line. It was then that I could see that even the most rational of people are prone to viewing some subjects in polarities only. He presented similar (polar) arguements as you have but the main problem is those are exceptions to the rule, your founder of youtube example would be like me using Richard Branson as the measuring stick for all British anglo-saxons.

Anyway, we met up in Rome a few months back and he and his wife stayed in London for a couple weeks. Guess who changed his tune? He said he couldn't believe how much the rate of immigration had not only increased but how much it had negatively impacted the city. The point he got that you have missed up till now is that too much and too fast is a problem by definition.

Here's a question for you, what do you think the effects would be in Poland if within 2 years there was a sudden and unexpected influx of Chinese labourers to fill the labour shortage problem in Poland?

Let's say to the tune of 2 million in 2 years.

Do you think that would drive wages up or down or stabalize them? How about housing and infrastructure, how would that be affected, where would they live?

Would they find good conditions or not? Would it be likely that some property owners or developers get rich on this situation? Would that cause property to be more expensive or less expensive?

Oh but hey, the Polish women's volleyball team would be really kickass and so would the national gymnastics, weighlifting and pingpong teams, *whatever negative effects there might be, those sports benefits should offset them.*

Look man, I dig your vibe, I feel the same way but you got to realize that immigration done right is akin to slow cooking, not the fast food approach.

Look at it this way as well, people group together, they seperate themselves, that's how we ended up with indigenous people and nations in the first place (even as far back as Babylon :). As much as you may want everyone to be "one" there are many more people who just aren't on that level.

I'm big on liberal policies but I can clearly see that this one of hyperimmigration is aimed at providing cheap labour to big businesses, dress it up as social dogma and no one is held accountable. Instead of sweatshops abroad, sweatshop workers are simply being imported, both are wrong.
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #253
It is very silly to talk about immigration without talking about the reason for immigration and without having a clear overview: The world is an island of life in an ocean of death, You have to go very, very far away to find next life.

That means: Mankind is sitting in the same boat in an ocean of death.

Furthermore: Most problems in Poland have been made by Germans and by Russians, and Kaczynski is generally right to demand compensation.

But the main problems in Africa, Asia and South America have been made in Europe and, in newer times, in USA.

And now here are Britains and US-people and Poles and Germans talking about the problems of immigrants whether those nations would have made their problems self.

How stupid must anyone be to think that way?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #254

No... Poles are welcoming... :)
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #255


No... Poles are welcoming... :)

I can't say so. I have asked for political asylum and I was told that I would get - if I were a Chinese having those problems in China as I have in Germany, but Germans wouldn't get political asylum in Poland.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
18 Sep 2008 /  #256
I have asked for political asylum and I was told that I (...) wouldn't get political asylum in Poland.

Hell Yeah !
Werfel  - | 2  
18 Sep 2008 /  #257
Guten Morgen

I agree with Sobottka in many hat he talken, is a very controversial. his views are shared by the majority of our society.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
18 Sep 2008 /  #258
Guten Morgen
I agree with Sobottka

Hell No !
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #259
Guten Morgen

I agree with Sobottka in many hat he talken, is a very controversial. his views are shared by the majority of our society.

Nice Greetings to the best of this world, to those who are fighting for true reason, true justice, true peace, true love and true happiness for the whole mankind!

I am very proud to be one of us!
McCoy  27 | 1268  
18 Sep 2008 /  #260
I am very proud to be one of us!

thanks ss-sobotka
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Sep 2008 /  #261
Let me help You out on that one, actually His father was an Arabic Jew. I must tell You that there are a lot of the people who won't consider You even as a white woman, let alone being English :D

English / Irish / French / Jewish and proud! :) oh and WHITE!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
18 Sep 2008 /  #262
his views are shared by the majority of our society.


But that would be contradictionary to the SS-Satanists ruling the country (what Sobbi always states)...
Anarchists being the majority of our society? I wonder why the trains are on time still...:)

God Sobbi...now calling for reinforcment already? The board to tough for you alone???
Werfel  - | 2  
18 Sep 2008 /  #263
Im Deutschland we haben many Anarchists and Neo Nazis. We are in pernament struggle in internet. I see Polish forum has been invaded too.

Sobottka freedom fur Germany. !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
18 Sep 2008 /  #264
Sobottka Anarchie

What are they called then? Sobottists??? :):):)



McCoy  27 | 1268  
18 Sep 2008 /  #265
"majority of your society" :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Sep 2008 /  #266
Bratwurst Boy

I didn't realise nutters like this had use of the internet, I only usually encounter them sat on park benches shouting at the pigeons :)
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #267

Sobottka Anarchie

What are they called then? Sobottists??? :):):)



Anarchists, Bratwurst. We do not follow a dogma that I have would have invented, we are following the rules of our nature, of human nature.

That is the reason for our power, that we are thinking free and do not press down emotions. So the true masterminds all do belong to us, so we are the bravest and the most powerful fighters and so on.

In opposition to You and Your masters and fellows, Bratwürstchen: See, You are only able to lie and to write nonsense, that is all You have to afford.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
18 Sep 2008 /  #268
I didn't realise nutters like this had use of the internet, I only usually encounter them sat on park benches shouting at the pigeons :)

At least they listened (the pidgeons I mean)

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
18 Sep 2008 /  #269
How stupid must anyone be to think that way?


Not everyone is so myopic though.

And as I have stated before I hope no one is arguing that the problems of the 3rd world are theirs and theirs alone, that would be an extreme view which fails to recognize even the most obvious bits of recorded history. Having said that, the answer to those wrongs is not massive open border immigration.

There is a very small number Europeans and Americans became or have become or are becoming very very rich by exploiting the poverty and lack of economic and military leverage of 3rd world nations. There is a trickle down effect but the lion's share stays at the top and it's the top dogs that need to be held accountable for these things, not the average person on the street.

The average person over "here" is just too bombarded by consumerism/capitalism to really make the choices in what they do at home to help stop corruption by their fellow but extremely wealthy and powerful countrymen abroad. People over "here" have to get a lot more political and get their own political and business "leaders" to come clean about a lot of things they're doing abroad which would have farther and more positive consequences than turning every western nation into a global shelter for the poor and impoverished.

Wouldn't you rather the corruption ends over "there" so they aren't forces to come "here?"
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Sep 2008 /  #270
There is a very small number Europeans and Americans became or have become or are becoming very very rich by exploiting the poverty and lack of economic and military leverage of 3rd world nations. There is a trickle down effect but the lion's share stays at the top and it's the top dogs that need to be held accountable for these things, not the average person on the street.

How about the corrupt and wealthy in 3rd world countries, are they not accountable? Just think of the money being made in India and yet poverty if rife. Africa is has resourses but fails to feed it's people, Pakistans Islamabad is a thriving matroloplis, again why are there so many poor? They have little or no infrastructure or administration in place, how can they continue to blame Europe or America?

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Poland's Future Includes Fewer Poles, More ForeignersArchived