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Living in Krakow with other foreigners?

23 Mar 2006 /  #1
I am going to be living in Krakow for the next 6 months or so. Does anyone know the best way to go about finding somewhere to live? I would prefer to live with other foreigners (I'm Australian) or at least people who spoke some english. And I don't want to pay too much. I found a good notice board in massolit books, the second hand book shop, which had a few notes in english about people looking for flatmates and stuff. Does anyone know of anywhere else? Apparently the medicine department of the university has lots of foreign students, maybe there could be some kind of notice board or something there? I'd greatly appreciate any input on this.

OP Guest  
24 Mar 2006 /  #2
I think the best is to look in local newspapers and/or thru friend. i'm sure there are many foreigners in Krakow (students, businessmen). At worst, go to the main square and ask nice girls - they will help you out :).
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
24 Mar 2006 /  #3
You may [] - check this thread too.
13 Jun 2006 /  #4
Where in Krakow ? How much are you wanting to pay?
13 Jun 2006 /  #5
It depends if you want to buy or rent an appartment/house. If you want to buy an appartment or house then here are some of the realestate dealers operating in Krakow: 6%2C215%2C7757%2C2256%2C385&gbRegion=0&gbVoivodeship=6&gbCity=0&gbDist rict=0&gbRegionCount=4584&gbVoivodeshipCount=0&gbCityCount=0&gbDistric tCount=0&kw=c&catid=1015&cplx=0&dl=0&sortBy=0&showFullList=0
Goonie 8 | 242  
25 Mar 2007 /  #6
Merged: My grandma and my aunt are in town from Krakow!

They flew in a couple days ago and are staying a whole 3 months!

Man I am going to be fat this summer :)

Grandma cooks some mean food and my aunt is friggin hilarious, were going to a polish club togather lol
Goonie 8 | 242  
25 Mar 2007 /  #7
here we are at a japanese stake house lol

ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
25 Mar 2007 /  #8
Haha. Nice Goonie :)

Btw, did that guy ever answer my questions about Greece??? Or did you and Sledz scare him off?

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