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What is the future of Catholic church in Poland.

gumishu  15 | 6227  
16 Oct 2009 /  #151
it is as much as overestimated - many of these people are baptised catholics and that's it - only go to church about couple occasions a year or in a lifetime
George8600  10 | 630  
16 Oct 2009 /  #152
That is true, but that still defines them as believers. I have met some Catholics whom are spiritualist or pantheistic, and don't believe EVERYTHING in the catholic faith. But yea, regardless of the high faith of the society, I think they too want a separation of religion and state for a better democracy.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
17 Oct 2009 /  #153
As for the thread starter: no, I doubt he/she was rejected into the EU for that. The majority of people that hold political seats in the EU are religious and christian.

Doesn't the vatican hold a position within the the EU? Certainly it must, as Tony Blair did not convert to catholicism without a good reason.

and probably he is truly and authentically as catholic as my cat.
lesser  4 | 1311  
18 Oct 2009 /  #154
The majority of people that hold political seats in the EU are religious and christian.

No offence but this is one of the most ridiculous statements that I read in this forum. EU establishment is unfriendly to all religions and especially to Christianity. Only pure hatred for Christianity leads them to support position of Islam in Europe.

if Stalin's atheistic communist regime had stayed out

I bet that according to Orzel communist influence saved Poland a bit. :)

I have met some Catholics whom are spiritualist or pantheistic, and don't believe EVERYTHING in the catholic faith.

According to Catholic rules those people excommunicated themselves. People who share you definition of "Catholicism" probably wish this term lose its meaning to nothing.

Doesn't the vatican hold a position within the the EU? Certainly it must, as Tony Blair did not convert to catholicism without a good reason.

Vatican is unrelated to the EU. These two subjects preach often for opposite goals.

If you consider his popularity in the UK and aboard,I think that Tony Blair apparently wanted to discredit the CC by joining to it officially. I cannot explain it otherwise. Immediately after he was accepted, he started talking what he would change in teaching of the church. A person join to church and reject its teachings in the same time.

We should remember how he acted as British PM. Neither in his foreign or domestic policy one could notice any Catholic thought. One could say that this was other way around. When the church call for peace, Tony starts the war. His government is also responsible for destruction of Catholic orphanages.

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