You don't know that, Sokrates. It's all guesswork on your part.
No its not, its all some otherwordly logic on your part. If a country asked to mobilise its forces blatantly refuses its clear that it wont mobilise AND go to war.
As for your French "defensive propositions" if i recall correctly they were about a limited technology transfer and some small military credits for purchases of French equipment, all in all they were pretty ridiculous and served no purpose.
The man was all about romanticism, Sok. Dmowski was a pragmatist
Sorry they were both pragmatic, though Dmowski took it to an extreme.
No, his alleged going to France and snubbing of the Germans showed his cards
What cards? He checked the opinions in France, found them to be extremely defeatist and that all.
much like Tusk pandering to American concerns over the missile shield and angering the Russians.
Please Sean dont compare an incompetent theif with a guy who was exceptionally competent, you might not agree with him (though i dont understand your arguments completely) but he was nothing like Tursk and neither was the situation.
Russia is not to be toyed with.
Russia in 1939 had a sh*tty army and its completely conceivable that Poland could hold through the winter, on Germany:
Poland could defeat Germany easily, you didnt know that i've englightened you, the disparity in manpower and equipment was untill 1935 huge, all it took was for France to mobilise in support and Poland would do the fighting alone, and win.
If Poland acted without French support it could be condemned by the league of nations, backstabbed by Russia or even ostracized, Western Europe was untill 1939 much more pro-German then pro Polish, there were attempts to appease Germany and bring them into the circle of the post WW1 order.
So no Piłsudski was not romantic, he did all he could do except for allying himself with Germany (which for obvious reasons was out) eventually realising France is not going to honor any deals he signed the peace treaty.
How do we know France would not honor any deals? Because it did not in 1939, what makes you think it would enter the even declare in 1935 when Poland would be an agressor when it wouldnt fight in 1939 even having some 200.000 underarmed German militas against them.
History has proven Piłsudski was right about every even the smallest point, his policies were the best that could have been done at the time, i dont really understand your completely ridiculous arguments, you sound a bit like Gumishu trying to prove a completely otherwordly point by force.