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If Poland is attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not?

Senach  1 | 47  
4 Nov 2009 /  #151
Not really,my little Moskovskaya,Rebellion is in my Blood(i have done my Ydna) so i know my Father,You know how to carry out orders,just like those Viking ****** in the Dail.

Well i have to go,got to hid more Nordic money away from their Goverment's,i am finished with you,i will come back when it please's me.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
4 Nov 2009 /  #152
This just goes to show that you haven't got a clue, you lousy little rat. Except for your negativity and racism and all. Ever heard of mutual destruction? Wasn't that the reason why the Cold War never turned hot?

Well there are two examples,
1. WW1 remember how it turned out? It was well planned nobody would want to attack anybody since it would just make a huge catastrophic war, instead a bloody slaughterhouse.

2. Cold war as you mentioned, so both possibilities are most likely to happen.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
4 Nov 2009 /  #153
Mr Grunwald

With the ocurrence of nuclear weapons as a big difference. That's what kept the Cold War cold - one knew that the other one had the same weapons as you and could easily destroy you completely as well. There would be no winner left at the end. WW1 was a "normal" war with the exception of industrialisation and the fact that entire economies were focused on waging war against other economies.


M-G (coffee)
sjam  2 | 541  
4 Nov 2009 /  #154
That's what kept the Cold War cold

IMO what kept the Cold War cold was the numerous 'proxy' wars between the Western powers and the USSR throughout this whole post war period thus allowing each power to fight each other without direct contact.
Crow  154 | 9552  
4 Nov 2009 /  #155
Serbs love Poland. Russia won`t dare to attack it, unlesse Oba Ma hipnotize Poland to attack Russia first. But, as we know, its not easy to hypnotize Poles
OP Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Nov 2009 /  #156
U.S. attacked Afghanistan to build pipeline through it, why Russia would not to do the same to Poland, west would be happy
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Nov 2009 /  #157

Some things are only alive on this forum. Not in the real world.


M-G (good night)
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Nov 2009 /  #158
If Poland will be attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not?

Keep dreaming.NATO will just take some compensation in oil.
Crow  154 | 9552  
6 Nov 2009 /  #159
Serbs could do much more for Poles in case that Russia go crazy and attack Poland suddenly. Only Serbs could stop Russians

wait, wait for the moment

How you people imagine this?... you think that Oba Ma (for example) just can come with NATO and start to defend Poland from Russia?

people, people,... let us be realistic. In such a scenario, it is much bigger chance that Poland stop to defend from Russia and join in attack on NATO and black messiah

ahahha hahha hahah hhaha
6 Nov 2009 /  #160
ahahha hahha hahah hhaha

*sinister laugh from horrors*
Crow  154 | 9552  
6 Nov 2009 /  #161
If Poland will be attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not?

ahaha haha hahah i can`t stop laughing

This thread is insult for Polish logic, some anti-Polish joke.

*sinister laugh from horrors*

ahaha hahah ahahah hahaha hahah
kondzior  11 | 1026  
7 Nov 2009 /  #162
Obama's US turned out to be rather unreliable. They have unilaterally broken international treaty without so much as by your leave. What'll stop them from ignoring others. Pieces of parchment, thats all it is, it turned out.

UK won't do squat without USA.
France won't do squat. Period.
Germany... Frankly, the mere thought of Russia invading from east and Germans alone coming with brotherly help from the west gives me creaps.

But Russia is still our most dangerous potential enemy and we cannot base our defence on hope for some sort of second miracle of vistula.

I think thats the reason of signing Lisbon treaty or our recent deals with Sarkozy. To cury some favors with "old Europe" as US seems to be out of the picture. But thats just grasping for straws.
scrappleton  - | 829  
7 Nov 2009 /  #163
as US seems to be out of the picture.

Hopefully for us US taxpayers.
Crow  154 | 9552  
7 Nov 2009 /  #164
But Russia is still our most dangerous potential enemy

i don`t think so. Things changed

Today is different. Stronger Poland means bater chances for bussines with Russia
kondzior  11 | 1026  
7 Nov 2009 /  #165
Crow, I have read some of your topics, I admire your vision and passion.
But in this case you dont know what you talking about. Russia did seem to be changing for the better during Gorbachov. During Yeltsin it has stopped, but there still was some hope. And the current thug of the president backslided them. Now it is almost Soviet Russia all over again.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Nov 2009 /  #166
I think it's somewhere in the middle, guys. It used to be that the Soviet Union was the great antagonist and pusher of an imperialistic agenda. Yes, they have maintained this lust for Russianness and territory, as can be seen from the Chechen Wars. However, the Caucasus is a major part of their foreign policy now, representing a shift away from the Baltic (former CIS) states and Poland. Georgia and Chechnya are of more strategic importance to them.

What must be remembered is that, bluffing or otherwise, Russia threatened to hit Poland with missiles from Kalingrad if they went ahead with the missile shield. Taunting them by signing it is sth like an invitation to treat, a willingness to engage them. It was Poland who showed their hand, only to get nothing from it but Russian antipathy.

However, political enemies and everyday enemies are seldom the same beast. Tusk and Putin met in Sopot and they have met on other occasions too. They don't have the hostility that, for example, Hispanics and Black gangs have. Politics is a game and gang fights are for real.

I agree with Crow in that there is more chance to do business with Russia.
Crow  154 | 9552  
7 Nov 2009 /  #167
Hopefully for us US taxpayers.

but, you would soon found that high standard of living in USA depended from killing a lot of innocent people all arround the globe by USA troops. USA economy simple didn`t found other soultion then to create crisis and wars in the world to meintain domestic economic and social problem. That`s why USA society is deeply anti-morale and anti- progressive.
scrappleton  - | 829  
7 Nov 2009 /  #168
but, you would soon found that high standard of living in USA depended from killing a lot of innocent people all arround the globe by USA troops.

No Vietnam, the balkans, Iraq.. cost money.. they don't really make money for the general public at all. The middle classes have to pay for it but get nothing... they don't create jobs whatsoever.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Nov 2009 /  #169
This discussion is laughable, you are the great economic experts who are going to teach me sth? LOL. Save it!

It is arms firms that will cash in the most. It depends how much your society values outsourcing too. Agencies stand to gain from from cutting wages.
scrappleton  - | 829  
7 Nov 2009 /  #170
It depends how much your society values outsourcing too. Agencies stand to gain from from cutting wages.

makes no sense whatsoever..

It is arms firms that will cash in the most.

Which don't represent the bulk of the middle class, dickhead. BTW: Are you under the belief that only the US engages in arms sales? You are an amateur on these forums. Blah , blah.. congrats on pontificating daily about absolutely nothing.

2. Using derogatory language is strictly prohibited (unless necessary to explain the language's nuances). Posters who use derogatory language towards other users will be banned. This mod gives no quarter.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Nov 2009 /  #171
Then you could benefit from learning. Go and read up on optimisation and norm-fixing as I don't seem to be discussing with sb on my level. Try and see how HR agencies work, Scrappy. We have many in the UK and I have had first-hand experience with them.

I didn't say that the middle class profited at all. They don't and had you asked me I would have told you that. In fact, scour the forum as I think I've made this point 2 or 3 times in other places. The people lose out and we SAW that. I repeat, we SAW that. I'm not blind, I saw what happened too.

Select groups profit from a crisis and Joe Bloggs doesn't feature in that. Scrappy, I have admitted that Economics was one of my weaker subjects at uni but it still seems to be streets ahead of yours. One such group would be any group connected with lawsuits. For example, software companies like Autonomy. Prime borrowers and first-time home buyers too.

Get this, those who stock up on gold bullion too. Mr Silverstein not only profited from this but from his insurance policy too.

Anyway, Scrappy, I'll go back to language you understand. We need to get back to the thread topic.

Before I have you pushed out, I suggest you start staying on topic.

Question for you. Do you know where Poland is on a map? NATO would likely not defend Poland but it would depend on the political climate of the time and the gravity of the attack.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / If Poland is attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not?Archived