Just to make some ungrateful neighbours sh1t their pants.
Should Poland acquire the atomic bomb?
Maybe they should and then performs tests in Greece?
M-G (always happy to provide tips)
M-G (always happy to provide tips)
Whom do you want to scare? Slovakia or Lithuania? ;)
Whom do you want to scare? Slovakia or Lithuania? ;)
Why not. If Iran can, So can Poland. And research could be done in the name of peaceful reduction of carbon being released in the burning of coal.
Who says that Iran can? They are cooperating and inspectors can verify that.
They are cooperating and inspectors can verify that.
Only time will tell if they are cooperating, or if long term playing cat and mouse will come up. I hope it is all good.
Well, they played their card beautifully again. I don't know who else spotted it but they selected China and Russia to enrich their fuel. Hmm...what could America and Britain say to that? They also selected France who have been vociferously opposed to Iran's program in the past. France is out of range so who knows what they will do.
they played their card beautifully again. I don't know who else spotted it but they selected China and Russia to enrich their fuel. Hmm...what could America and Britain say to that?
Exactly why I mentioned the whole cat / mouse venture. You don't trust Iran, and you don't really trust Russia / China either. Will the inspectors really get the true picture... And if they do, will the US believe it (credibility factor?) If they don't what is to be gained?
What we all tend to forget, or maybe don't know, is that Israel has a very high-tech monitoring system in place. What they fear most is the development in bunkers where their equipment likely cannot penetrate with any accuracy.
development in bunkers where their equipment likely cannot penetrate with any accuracy.
Doesn't have to be that accurate, just big enough to rattle the mirrors off the walls.
It's all hysteria and downright hypocritical. Israel has no right to possess them if Iran doesn't. Give me a good reason why that should be the case.
Give me a good reason why that should be the case.
Let me start by saying I don't think Israel should have them either, but given my druthers, I'd druther have Israel have them over some tin pot fundamentalist Islamic nation like let's say, Pakistan. Simple reasons are the security of said weapons and the likeliness they would be used for defensive purposes rather than offensive purposes. The great deterrent, I think they called it.
Destabilising Pakistan is a risky strategy for sure. However, they are on better terms with their neighbour India now.
As for Poland, if they want a bargaining tool and some leverage then by all means :)
As for Poland, if they want a bargaining tool and some leverage then by all means :)
Destabilising Pakistan is a risky strategy for sure
Sorry, I missed it.
What strategy? Who's Strategy?
The very fact of intervention and chasing those weirdie beardies. The tribal areas are soon to be shaken up and this will lead to headlopping paradise for those frail oil chaps. In fact, the Pakistan national army went in a couple of weeks back. Bombs are going off quicker than whor*s drop their kegs. Pakistan was never that unstable prior to US and NATO intervention. They want to wreak havoc to give themselves a reason to be there.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2128
29 Oct 2009 / #16
As for Poland, if they want a bargaining tool and some leverage then by all means :)
Well I hardly can presume they would start mass production of nuclear warheads and start conquering the world xD
It's not about conquering but about meaning business. It's all about deterrence.
The very fact of intervention and chasing those weirdie beardies. The tribal areas are soon to be shaken up and this will lead to headlopping paradise for those frail oil chaps. In fact, the Pakistan national army went in a couple of weeks back. Bombs are going off quicker than whor*s drop their kegs. Pakistan was never that unstable prior to US and NATO intervention. They want to wreak havoc to give themselves a reason to be there.
Cockroaches tend to head for the corners when somebody turns on the lights. I think somebody turned on a light in Kandahar, and the cockroaches went to Pakistan.
Should Poland acquire the atomic bomb?
Maybe.....but who is going to have control of the button.....i can,t see anyone in Polish politics at the moment that i would trust with the remote control for the telly....
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2128
29 Oct 2009 / #20
It's not about conquering
I know that just that I was pointing out that some just doesn't know that ;)
IF Poland would gain nuclear power it would been mostly for energy, fixing the coal problem. ;)
As for Poland, if they want a bargaining tool and some leverage then by all means
It's not about conquering but about meaning business. It's all about deterrence.
And you believe that the Russians and the EU watch quietly as the Poles acquire nukes? Good luck with that... ;)
Meh, the only way to get political excuse for nukes is if Germany goes nuclear but tbh i'm happy we dont have any, there's not many strategic installations here and in the event of the nukefest Poland will be the least glowing country in Europe.
I know, the Other. Still, why should Russia have them and not Poland? Who gives anyone the right to decide for others what they have decided for themselves? Russia is cutting back, fine, that's their perogative. Still, that shouldn't preclude the right of self determination of Poles.
Still, why should Russia have them and not Poland?
The answer is simple: because there are already far too many nuclear weapons on the planet. What does a (still) poor country like Poland want with that crap; especially when it's a member of NATO? Aren't there any more pressing issues in Poland to spend money on?
Still, that shouldn't preclude the right of self determination of Poles.
Yup, just like Iran, North Korea, Israel, South Africa, Pakistan... ;)
Poland signed and ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, so the nuke option is off the table anyway (yeah, I'm optimistic).
Should Poland acquire the atomic bomb?
Sure, even two bombs :D Just in case when one would miss its target ;)
Why not?
France got it !
North Korea got it !
Everybody got it but us!
Time is high to set it right
France got it !
North Korea got it !
Everybody got it but us!
Time is high to set it right
Why not?
We're going to nuke Lwów so you cant have it.
You bastard!
I console myself by the thought that you had been exposed to radiation and you will soon mutate - and I'll sent you as Poland secret weapon - to rebuild the city!
I-S (wise)
I console myself by the thought that you had been exposed to radiation and you will soon mutate - and I'll sent you as Poland secret weapon - to rebuild the city!
I-S (wise)