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Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states now! Poland reaction?

Sasha  2 | 1083  
14 Sep 2008 /  #181
Are you sure that it was destroyed by Georgian police forces in Ckhinvali? Do you mean Ckhinvali? It was Russian jets that bombed all the territory. Hey, from where you take that disinformation?

ROFL :)))))))))))))))))) Write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, if Georgians did these, can you post any single picture of that entire massacre? Probably you will not, because nobody except Russian bias Media could get into the city of Ckhinvali. By the way when Georgians were standing inside the city one of the Russian journalist asked Georgian police forces to allow him to enter the city. They warned that it was extremely dangerous as Russian jets were going to bomb the city… The journalist got inside the city and was killed by Russian troops…
By the way till now Russian troops don’t allow international observers to get into Ckhinvali… The answers to these questions are simple because they try to hinder something behind them.

Pls attention. :)) You've got a unique opportunity to witness how "young democracy" works and what it actually is. The most unbelievable in this sad story is that this man is sane.

Geolawgyst, post more.

Why after the Russian troops occupied territories they killed journalists and did not allow them work there?

Oh yeah... they wined him "Kindzmarauli" unto death. :))

The journalists from Polska TV were arrested for number of days

Did he really number days? That's a crime... :(((

Mods, could you pls replace Geo's posts to "things that make me laugh"?
GeoLawyer  - | 20  
14 Sep 2008 /  #182
United Europe against Violence in Georgia – Some Pics and Comments

  • For Russian marauders from citizens of Georgian…

  • Humanitarian help for Russian marauders

  • Russian passport burnt by citizen of Russia in front of embassy

  • girl.jpg
masks98  27 | 289  
14 Sep 2008 /  #183
You know nothing about the conflict in Georgia. So, go ahead and keep up that “good job”.

Oh that's nice thanks...!

If you're interested in possible arguments against Georgian actions then let me know and I'll reiterate them for you, if you're not, then let me know and we'll have hit the nail right on its head. I don't think you're open to the strengths of of anti-Georgian arguments. Perhaps you are Georgian and you feel that it is your duty to be biased in Georgia's favor. You haven't shown the slightest bit of interest in the negative affects of Georgia's actions. and I don't understand this statement you made:

"nobody except Russian bias Media could get into the city of Ckhinvali."

then how come most of the international press coverage is pro-georgian? how did you get those pics of Russian destruction? they're all over the press. So clearly, the Russians let many anti-Russian journalists in and out of the region..?
Babinich  1 | 453  
14 Sep 2008 /  #184
There were ongoing skirmishes

Who fired on whom?
GeoLawyer  - | 20  
15 Sep 2008 /  #185
I don't think you're open to the strengths of of anti-Georgian arguments.

Hey my friend Masks98, take it easy. I respect you, Georgians, Russians, polish and any other people or any citizens of any country...
I just kindly ask you and others here do not put disinformation here about Georgia and its territorial integrity which is recognized troughout the world... Please believe me I do not want to be bias and I do want to hear what other people think about the conflict in Georgia. Be sure that every Georgian wants to live with any Abkhazian or Ossetian in peace and prosperity. And Georgia never violated minority rights troughout Georgia's existence and its history. In Georgia live many nations and they will live in Georgia in peace and prosperity again. There are many source of information how the conflict was provoked by Russian military government just beginning from 1993 not ending till now... Please understand that there are two sides in this conflict Russia and Georgia. Now all Europe see it... I just noticed here the title of this thread and it was unbelievable... How only one country - Russia can decide and then change the borders of Europe? Only fools and terrorists can recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Both are the parts of Georgia and they will be soon again within the borders of Georgia. By the way the territorial integrity of Georgia was also recognized by Russia and this is fixed in a lot of UN resolutions which is also signed by Russia itself.

they're all over the press. So clearly, the Russians let many anti-Russian journalists in and out of the region

Polish journalists detained then freed in South Ossetia
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
15 Sep 2008 /  #186
Both are the parts of Georgia and they will be soon again within the borders of Georgia.

Who said this? It's an open question!
GeoLawyer  - | 20  
15 Sep 2008 /  #187
The heads of diplomacy of the 27-nation EU, including Poland’s foreign minister Radek Sikorski, are in Brussels today to decide on the details of the EU mission to Georgia.

Poland was the first country to declare that it would be sending observers. The initial suggestion concerned sending policemen to strengthen security in the region. An official statement is to be made later today by Radoslaw Sikorski.

The EU mission of up to 200 people, will be in Georgia no earlier than October 1. It will supervise the withdrawal of the Russian army out of parts of Georgia to positions occupied before the outbreak of the war in the Caucasus.

EU forces are to be deployed in the zones bordering and within the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhasia.

The return of internally displaced people (more than 500 000) in their native places Abkhazia and South Ossetia will be the subject of negotiations as the next step with Moscow as Mr. Sarkozy said at last meeting with president of Russia...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Sep 2008 /  #188
I wouldn't expect to much from the West GeoLawyer...

The West Begins to Doubt Georgian Leader


Five weeks after the war in the Caucasus the mood is shifting against Georgian President Saakashvili. Some Western intelligence reports have undermined Tbilisi's version of events and there are now calls on both sides of the Atlantic for an independent investigation.

....what I said all along, Saakashvili is a goner now!
masks98  27 | 289  
15 Sep 2008 /  #189
wow Bratwurst boy, did you read some of the other articles in SpiegelOnline? this is probably the best reporting on this Georgian conflict I've seen so far.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Sep 2008 /  #190
wow Bratwurst boy, did you read some of the other articles in SpiegelOnline? this is probably the best reporting on this Georgian conflict I've seen so far.

Between others it was this interview:


which cleared some background and had set me against Saakashvili...
celinski  31 | 1258  
15 Sep 2008 /  #191
which cleared some background

It all depends on who is reporting, seems the "Black Sea" is very popular property. As seen here you must ask, why use such bs to save face?

Putin's gang loses its grip on reality

southern  73 | 7059  
15 Sep 2008 /  #192
Goergian lies blessed footage.

Georgian actors in action.
celinski  31 | 1258  
15 Sep 2008 /  #193
actors in action.

Did Russia Plan Its War In Georgia?
Before the guns of August, there were the maneuvers of July.

Less than one month before Russia's armed forces entered Georgia on August 8, they held massive military training exercises in the North Caucasus involving 8,000 servicemen and 700 pieces of military hardware.

Russian tanks invade Georgia. I'm old enough to remember when the Russians(Soviets)invaded Czechoslovakia. Nazis, Soviets,Putin they're all the same.

Truth is in the eyes of whom?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Sep 2008 /  #194
Masks deserves to be commended for what he is doing. No offence Masks, but New Yorkers seem to be pretty jumped up and patriotic. That has been my experience with them. Pro-American regardless.

U, on the other hand, have shown that u can take a different position and throw out some critical thinking. Everyone seems to don their colours and defend that which they are conditioned to defend.

I have been siding against the Brits in some of the things they say on this forum. I am fairly proud to be British and very proud of being Scottish but still I look for what I see to be the truth. If that means going against conventional lines that I am expected to follow (i.e being pro-British), then so be it. I tip my hat 2 u dude, keep it up.
GeoLawyer  - | 20  
15 Sep 2008 /  #195
wow Bratwurst boy, did you read some of the other articles in SpiegelOnline? this is probably the best reporting on this Georgian conflict I've seen so far.


I should inform you that Georgian army did not use jets. Very "nice information" from you about Karl-Marx Street in Ckhinvali. That is. I did not know about that.

Georgian actors in action.

Hey, and who do you think wrote on that footages? This is the KGB doing these funny things for you and for your friends to deceive all of you... Come on, do it again, post all those lies... there are a lot such kind of stupid things on youtube.com Welcome back KGB.

I am sure nobody believes you. It's clear for everyone that the goal of Russia's fascist clones was to change the leadership in Georgia. That was revealed and it makes some blockheads very nervous... The world unequivocal against fascist Russian government. God bless Russian, Georgian, Polish, Abkhazian, Ossetian, Latvian and other nations.

Now it is 2008, 15 September. These tricks doesn't work now. It is 21st century. I will pray for you guys... I just say to everyone that we love you and we should live in peace...

  • Victims of Russian aggression

  • Burned house in town Gori

  • Victim of Russian aggression in town Gori

  • Village in South Ossetia
Sasha  2 | 1083  
15 Sep 2008 /  #196
Victims of Russian aggression

Cool... I was talking about these actors. There should be a couple of pictures more where "dead body" is staying and chnging its position. Dead alive... :))
GeoLawyer  - | 20  
15 Sep 2008 /  #197
KGB is working men… All the victims are actors and everything that Russia’s fascist actions were just a scene on the stage. The style is the same as usual… Go ahead

da zdrastvuit velikai derjava, ruskaia bliad - as some fascist say it in Russian language...

  • Peaceful protest near the conflict regions against Russian aggression

  • Peaceful protest near the conflict regions against Russian aggression

  • Citizen of Georgia with his children protests in front of Russian embassy

  • Human chain against Russian occupation
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Sep 2008 /  #198
about these actors

Look here some better actors.

They don't allow the youtube video of Saka running.Run Saka run.He always carries this anti-bullet jacket to show how vulnerable he is.He has it over the suit because whoever shoots him needs to know which places are uncovered.

Trained president-lawyer for running.Media game.
masks98  27 | 289  
15 Sep 2008 /  #199
but New Yorkers seem to be pretty jumped up and patriotic. That has been my experience with them. Pro-American regardless.

Thanks Seanus, but really? New Yorkers aren't that patriotic, there are tons of anti-war anti-everything organizations. I was at the 2003 february 15th protest against the iraq war - up to 500'000 people in the streets!

I don't know what the general mood is concerning this Georgia thing, my friends say that it isn't really big news. I think it's very interesting in light of the western reaction. GeoLawyer is a perfect example, trying hard to make the Russians look like Stalin incarnate, while showing zero interest in the actions of Georgia - even though they may have committed serious crimes.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
15 Sep 2008 /  #200
They don't allow the youtube video of Saka running

When he was hidden from hypothetical Russian airplanes? :)
Sasha  2 | 1083  
16 Sep 2008 /  #202
These are not thoughts. It's a hogwash.
celinski  31 | 1258  
16 Sep 2008 /  #203
These are not thoughts

Good morning, Alexander. It is most difficult to determine who is telling the truth. It does remind me of Nazi's blamming Poland in 1939. Not to mention Russia's ability to tell the truth leaves their words to be questioned. You yourself said it's the missile base, I say the oil and Russia claims it's their intrests. What happened to saving the Russian citizen's that just so happen to be living there?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
16 Sep 2008 /  #204
Good morning, Carol! It's almost evening here... (4.30 pm)

Not to mention Russia's ability to tell the truth leaves their words to be questioned.

Better to say the US media doesn't leave any room for Russia's rightness and manually makes all Russia's words to be questioned. It's a big difference. However you have no doubts with what your media says, neither you have any doubts with lie that serves to demonize Russia in the eyes of the World society.

What happened to saving the Russian citizen's that just so happen to be living there?

Nothing happened. They saved many lives. What happened might be illustrated with a car driving... You always have a a choice either to yield or to drive first. You can't drive first if you're already yielded otherwise you would bump the front car and that's what Georgia did. They've lost the battle for "citizenship" but they anyway tried to forcefully be the first... they screwed it up. Brandishing fists after the fight never proves anyone's might.

To disprove what you called "thoughts" you didn't need to read any media. Just open history textbook and read.
celinski  31 | 1258  
16 Sep 2008 /  #205
Just open history textbook and read.

Then I shall say Good evening, Alexander. It's 9:00 AM now and I tend to forget about time differance.

Can you see where Russia's not telling the truth and taking responsability may have international reactions?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
16 Sep 2008 /  #206
Can you see where Russia's not telling the truth

Would you tell me where your government lie to people then?
There're lots of things where they shuck... "sovereign democracy", economical circumstances, demographical situation... Here's some of them. You turn.

P.S. I happened to watch one stupid film in cinema in the US (Alien vs. Predator p.2). It had probably the funniest moment in all the film when young woman say "Government doesn't lie to peope". I liked people's reaction, they were laughing which means this world is not that mad as it seems to be judging by polician's actions.
celinski  31 | 1258  
16 Sep 2008 /  #207
I liked people's reaction, they were laughing which means this world is not that mad as it seems to be judging by polician's actions.

That's the differance, we know they lie and our media can call them out on it. We have many jokes about our Goverment and lawyers. In Russia they just shot the media.
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Sep 2008 /  #208
Can you see where Russia's not telling the truth

Do you want to accept then Steinhard's proposal for an independant committee to investigate what really happened in South Ossetia?
celinski  31 | 1258  
16 Sep 2008 /  #209
Do you want to accept then Steinhard's proposal

Not just SO but all Georgia going back to say, 1989.
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Sep 2008 /  #210
US have already rejected the idea for an independant committee.

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