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Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states now! Poland reaction?

Yanek  3 | 29  
4 Sep 2008 /  #121
This is not Russia's but I am glad you pointed out your true feeling. When others can live in peace without Russia thinking they can just take others land for oil Russia can grow.

You are mistaken, sir. Wars always occur when not submitted countries become weak and then stronger interferes once and for all to establish its own order and ideology. Russia will not give itself in insult never and if all the fine countries wish to live in the world, and to survive in it, then it’s better do not lubricate to such country as the USA. In case if the global conflict happens, our country will suffer the first. It as the axiom, with it to argue it is impossible. Victories over this war will not get to anybody. There is a question, what for it is necessary to us?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Sep 2008 /  #122
Sir? Madam I think. LOL
celinski  31 | 1258  
4 Sep 2008 /  #123
You are mistaken, sir.

Thank you Seanus it is madam

Wars always occur when not submitted countries become weak and then stronger interferes once and for all to establish its own order and ideology. Russia will not give itself in insult never and if all the fine countries wish to live in the world,

All I have to say is Russia is not tough, they go around the neighborhood picking fights on the little guys.

Russia is in fact insulting herself she needs no help here.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Sep 2008 /  #124
No worries
masks98  27 | 289  
6 Sep 2008 /  #125
link please? I would argue this is false, especially wrt Iraq. Things have been going well enough that there are already talks with the Iraqi government on when we can pull out, and they are running a large part of the country themselves already. With ANY war, journalists can go find a bombed out rubble pile and film it, implying that is the entire country. It also isn't difficult to find someone who will say just about anything-and that isn't even just in Iraq.

Hey JohnP I'm sorry I missed that reply. You're right that things have been better in Iraq, they had to get better at some point. But after all, the war did set-off a quasi-civil war over there aren't I right? Can you be certain that the recent "gains" aren't just a break in the fighting? I hope it's more than that and that this turn for the better will progress and not stall, because even though things are better now, they are still far from the legacy our armed forces should aim to leave behind. And wouldn't you agree that now there are almost certainly terrorist groups in Iraq? That these terrorist will wage war within their borders, probably against the Iraq government (which must look like a foreign import to them, like a McDonalds).

One of the sad things from a cultural point of view is that the US took Saddam's destruction of Babylon even further:

many civilians died in this war, perhaps more than would have under Saddam Hussein in the same period? perhaps up to a million? Who knows what to believe?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
7 Sep 2008 /  #126
Todays news - Venezuaela and Russia to hold joint naval exercises -

Basically, the US didn't like who the Venezualans had democratically elected so they started an embargo. This embargo made it difficult for the Venezuaelans to get parts for their US made military hardware.

No probs, they do a billion dollar deal with Russia for new stuff and give thier old F-16s to Iran.

Another example of US foreign policy making things worse for themselves.

Relevance to this thread ? - The US import 13% of their oil from Venezuala and get 200 000 barrels a day from Russia.
Thats why when Russia invade Georgia the US don't have any influence.
Yanek  3 | 29  
7 Sep 2008 /  #127
All I have to say is Russia is not tough, they go around the neighborhood picking fights on the little guys.

Russia is in fact insulting herself she needs no help here.

Oh my dear, you at all do not own the proper information and to you difficultly to judge that who here is right, and who is guilty.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2008 /  #128
Russia is not tough? That's a laugh Celinski. NATO is having a hard time with their actions and is visibly ruffled.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Sep 2008 /  #129
Todays news - Venezuaela and Russia to hold joint naval exercises

As I said: "You meddle in my backyard - I meddle in yours!"
ski  7 | 140  
7 Sep 2008 /  #130
Why do you think Poland is Russian backyard ? Do Poles have to ask for Russian permitions before making decisions ? isn't Yalta over?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Sep 2008 /  #131
I rather meant the Georgia thingie...

Ask the US why they risked WWII over Cuba!
Isn't Cuba rather independent too?

The US meddled in Georgia, at Russia's border now it's only fair
if Russia wreaks havoc a bit in America...propping up US-hostile govs, delivering
weapons to US-hostile countries...intriguing etc...the whole program! Will see how they like their own medicine!
ski  7 | 140  
7 Sep 2008 /  #132
I rather meant the Georgia thingie...


Ask the US why they risked WWII over Cuba!Isn't Cuba rather independent too?

It was durring Cold War.

The US meddled in Georgia, at Russia's border now it's only fairif Russia wreaks havoc a bit in America...propping up US-hostile govs, deliveringweapons to US-hostile countries...intriguing etc...the whole program! Will see how they like their own medicine!

Do you think that USA is going to invade Russia ? I don't think that USA is threat for Russia it self. Not to mention Georgia.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2008 /  #133
Cold War or not, it doesn't excuse what happened ski.

When u have so many nuclear warheads, of course a threat is present in terms of international strife.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Sep 2008 /  #134
I doubt very much the US is in danger to be invaded by Russia and vice versa...but ever heard of proxy wars? Games played by the big players with willing or unwilling little pawns on the chessboard of global Geopolitics?

Saakashvili couldn't wait to be bribed to become a pawn...he gambled and lost!
ski  7 | 140  
7 Sep 2008 /  #135
Have you seen how Russia played the game ? No respect for agreements with Merkel and Sarkozy. Half of region fears Russia, Azerbaijan has already changed their gas routs. It seems that they prefere to sell gas for Russians ( lower price ) than sell it directly to europe for higher price but with the risk of russian invasion.

It was Russian aim and that is why Russia invaded Georgia. Ossetia and Abkhazia are formaly part of Georgia.
Yanek  3 | 29  
7 Sep 2008 /  #136
Ossetia and Abkhazia are formaly part of Georgia.

Yes, they had been till to 1992, but since that year they live as independent states with their own economics. Georgia announced that "Georgia only for Georgians" and as result of such politics they got what they have now. You will not find any normal nation which will want to live under one roof with such despots as Gamsakhurdia and Saakashvilli, who hates other nations which have been living on those territories for ages. I hope very soon a whole world will be suing this guy for his atrocities.

Of course, I have no doubts that this weak-minded guy was a simple pawn in the big game conducted by White House. There is also another puppet in Ukraine, but his days will be ended soon as well, because he has a minimum support from Ukrainians (just a few percents!). So, we will trace that situation...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Sep 2008 /  #137
Half of region fears Russia,

And the other half?

that is why Russia invaded Georgia

Saakashvili startet to attack the capital of South Ossetia to bring the unruly
rebels who want nothing more than to get away from Georgia under control again.

Ossetia and Abkhazia are formaly part of Georgia.

Well, parts of Poland were formerly part of Germany....
ski  7 | 140  
7 Sep 2008 /  #138
Ok Bratwurs I do support French plan supported by all 27 members of EU. What means Russia can't enter other country to make new country with 50 000 citizens. It is Turkish part of Berlin... Poland is not going to liberate them. . Russia should move their soldiers from Georgia and european troops should try to secure Georgians Ossetians and Abhazians.

Well, parts of Poland were formerly part of Germany....

Well ... what was the reason of Hitler's invasion on Czech rep ?
8 Sep 2008 /  #139
what was the reason of Hitler's invasion on Czech rep ?

I guess he thinks, they're friends enough.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
8 Sep 2008 /  #140
It is Turkish part of Berlin... Poland is not going to liberate them


I doubt Turks want to be liberated by Poles...they live off the fat of the land quite happily....we can't make them to go back! :(

european troops should try to secure Georgians Ossetians and Abhazians.

Secure of what??? They place their hopes in the Russians to secure them from the Georgians...

Well ... what was the reason of Hitler's invasion on Czech rep ?

3 Million Germans placed by a treaty in a new artifical country under a hostile government???

PS: Just read in the news Saakashvili now demands millions of money from the EU to repair war damage and to build up a new economy.....ha! Greedy little f*ucker!

(But the EU will pay....)
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
8 Sep 2008 /  #141
Well ... what was the reason of Hitler's invasion on Czech rep ?

Some czeks consider themselves German. Even still today. Taking back what once was maybe.
ski  7 | 140  
8 Sep 2008 /  #142
Bratwurst Boy

I do support official european plan, but your point of view is very original and interesting.
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
8 Sep 2008 /  #143

Well ... what was the reason of Hitler's invasion on Czech rep ?

Some czeks consider themselves German. Even still today. Taking back what once was maybe.

you mean the sudetgermans who were kicked out of there in 1945. I dont think any ethnic Czech will ever see her/himself as a German...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
8 Sep 2008 /  #144
Vaclav Klaus, their president, wouldn't call himself a German either but if "Klaus" isn't german heritage than what else is...

PS: Another former premier minister was called "Petr Pithart"....not very "czech" either, isn't it!
They must have overlooked one during "kicking out"...
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
8 Sep 2008 /  #145
Maxxx Payne:

you mean the sudetgermans who were kicked out of there in 1945. I dont think any ethnic Czech will ever see her/himself as a German...

Vaclav Klaus, their president, wouldn't call himself a German either but if "Klaus" isn't german heritage than what else is..

a lot of ethnic Finns have Swedish surnames, cos they were drafted in Swedish army but that doesnt make them Swedish
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
8 Sep 2008 /  #146
Well...there was no need to draft Germans into central Europe...they settled there already for CENTURIES!
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
8 Sep 2008 /  #147
If i take a German surname will I become a German ?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
8 Sep 2008 /  #148
How do the Finns get their surnames??? :)

Interesting article:

...However, the German heritage of the Czech Republic and the century-old coexistence between Czechs and Germans in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia cannot be deleted from the people's consciousness overnight. Czechs and Sudeten Germans are historically and culturally too intermingled to simply extinguish centuries of common history in a matter of decades.

While there is an ever-increasing interest in the German history of the country among many young Czechs, there is also a new generation of Sudeten Germans in Germany, Austria and the United States who have a strong awareness of their heritage and roots....

Warsaw8  4 | 126  
8 Sep 2008 /  #149
Who can tell me what countries make up the Rhineland and the Sudetanland? That will answer some questions right there. Their all relative, who cares whos on which side of the river, unitize for the sake of each other! He11 im prolly Bohemian, my version of bohemian is a mixture of nations below the Baltic sea of germanic and slavic origination. Or AKA Alpine Vally. And thats me-Warsaw.
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
8 Sep 2008 /  #150
While there is an ever-increasing interest in the German history of the country among many young Czechs, there is also a new generation of Sudeten Germans in Germany, Austria and the United States who have a strong awareness of their heritage and roots....

Of course there has been mixing but this still doesnt make ethnic Czechs sudet Germans.

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