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polomintz  2 | 46  
25 Sep 2009 /  #1

guys check this link out :) His name is marcus Brigstocke. He is a British comedian and he is generally funny! Please watch this! :) He does make an interesting remark about british attitudes on polish workers! by the way, I agree with him to a certain degree:D

Everyone discuss this - Are Polish people taking our jobs or doing our jobs?

I am so keen to hear about this:D

szarlotka  8 | 2205  
25 Sep 2009 /  #2

Don't think that is an achievable objective. Most people only put the world to rights down the pub;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Sep 2009 /  #3
They aren't taking any jobs where I live :D
sadieann  2 | 205  
25 Sep 2009 /  #4
Poles work and are not taking away jobs from my Company. Russians and Mexicans are the front runners for job competition. Way under bid!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Sep 2009 /  #5
Russians and Mexicans? What a strange combination. Mexicans, maybe, but not Russians.
sadieann  2 | 205  
25 Sep 2009 /  #6
Mexicans, maybe, but not Russians.

Re-phrase: The Russians employ the Mexicans.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Sep 2009 /  #7
This really f**** me off. British peopel simply cant afford to work for minimum wage period.

I used to work in a fctory where there were loads of Poles working and I got invited back to theirs for a party. They way they lived was attrocious. They had matresses lined up against the wall and there were about 20ppl living in one place paying next to nothing for rent.

An average brit on the other hand has expenses such as a mortgage, a fmaily to feed etc. Brits really are better off on benefits. They simply cant take these jobs.

So pls no more "lazy brit" ********
plk123  8 | 4119  
25 Sep 2009 /  #8
lol.. you have a certain right to afford certain things? lazy bum, if you ask me. get off your keester and get two jobs if you feel you need more junk.. now, that's your right. :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Sep 2009 /  #9
British peopel simply cant afford to work for minimum wage period.

Of course they can. You can get a council flat for about 200 pounds a month, council tax of around 100 pounds - leaves around 500 pounds a month to play with. Might not be in the nicest of areas, but hey, they're available.

Of course, the real problem is that Brits are spoiled and MUST have that new television just because Mr Jones next door has one.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
26 Sep 2009 /  #10
Lets be honest here, people have only become so greedy because of the culture that has surrounded the banks for the last 10 years.

On the subject of the poles, yes they are taking jobs but at the same time some of them are doing jobs that we don't want.

My line of work has always managed to employ people but they got fed up with having to pay a decent wage and benefits when they could employ someone for the minimum wage.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Sep 2009 /  #11
I may have mentioned this before but all the staff in all the supermarkets I go to are English...so evidently we are capable of doing our own jobs! Myth dispellled that foreigners do the lower end jobs and Brits are lazy barstewards who wont take them...

Of course they can. You can get a council flat for about 200 pounds a month, council tax of around 100 pounds - leaves around 500 pounds a month to play with. Might not be in the nicest of areas, but hey, they're available


What plent are you living on?????????????????????????? You honestly reckon someone can live on minimum wage????????????

40 gas
35 elec
100 ct
at least 400 rent (even in a **** area, not sure how long youve been out of the counry?)
30 phone (land line)
25 mobi
60 water rates
10 tv (normal)
50 - 150 travel
100 food (given that some people eat fresh food)

you do the maths genius? on £6 per hour how much would a person have to earn to actually live? I mean just live?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
26 Sep 2009 /  #12
but all the staff in all the supermarkets I go to are English...

Are you 100% sure? May be an old generation of Polish immigrants or loads of Poles learned how to spell "have a nice day" properly ^^
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Sep 2009 /  #13
Mr Grunwald

Sweety I know my countrymen/women....One thing I do know! Ive seen a vast repacement of foreigners...over the past year..Sandwich bars the same!

also I forgot to add broadband to that list...

£5 - £20 per month..
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
26 Sep 2009 /  #14
you do the maths genius? on £6 per hour how much would a person have to earn to actually live? I mean just live?

They start out at six pounds an hour but chances are they get raises and make more eventually.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
26 Sep 2009 /  #15
I may have mentioned this before but all the staff in all the supermarkets I go to are English

Well, they're not. And they traditionally haven't been. Perhaps, yes, they have been able to speak English but it's doubtful they can speak traditionally English. Even Waitrose and Jenners aren't admitting to being so biased. Kudos to the girl who contacted me from Waitrose last week who said in Polish 'the job centre put me here and I don't have a f---ing clue'. Well we worked together now and she's got a clue.

100 food (given that some people eat fresh food)

Crap. This is based on something I don't know.
Food is fresh often in this house and come nowhere near 100 a month.
TV, land line and Internet is coming at £40 a month thanks to Virgin can be worked out for new members.
That whole tab of ShelleyS isn't right but need revamped.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
26 Sep 2009 /  #16
Dear ShelleyS

Mr Grunwald


What have I done to deserve such kindness?!

I know my countrymen/women....

Well i was in a supermarket once, I thought it was a Norwegian girl standing at the...
... ... you know what i mean the place where you put all your stuff and get's to know how much it costs and you pay for it! But a bit earlier in the que a Polish speaking person spoke to her and she answered without problems I was amazed!
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Sep 2009 /  #17
Of course they can. You can get a council flat for about 200 pounds a month, council tax of around 100 pounds - leaves around 500 pounds a month to play with. Might not be in the nicest of areas, but hey, they're available.

Hey wife and children sorry about this but were moving into a **** hole, you can forget everything you ever knew we are now officially skint. Please, what is this guy all about?

Crap. This is based on something I don't know.

Thats an underestimate if you ask me, PD are you talking form a single womens perspective?
esek  2 | 228  
26 Sep 2009 /  #18

sure, we're taking your jobs, you're taking our girls... what a great deal, isn't it? :D
time means  5 | 1309  
26 Sep 2009 /  #19

Listed occupation as a student, therefore probably never had a job.
Mister H  11 | 761  
26 Sep 2009 /  #20
This Marcus Brigstocke guy is talking nonsense. As he admitted himself, he didn't have much experience with immigration and was purely coming at it from the Polkski Pete vs Bob The Builder angle.

He needs to get out into the wide world, which is made up of much more than Radio 4 listening, Guardian reading, sandal wearing, muslie eating types that think living on an estate involves a country mansion.

It's not a case of immigrants taking jobs we won't do, as has been said before, the wages that some jobs have just don't pay a wage many can live on.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Sep 2009 /  #21
Well, they're not. And they traditionally haven't been.

Darling they wear name badge in all the supermarkets..no magdas or Polish and none of them are pakis...We are doing our own jobs! Or at leat in Manchester...maybe different in Scotland...maybe??

Crap. This is based on something I don't know

Maybe you live iin a different world..

Food is fresh often in this house and come nowhere near 100 a month.

£25 per week to live and eat on fresh food? and you think I over estimated??? a pack of decent bacon costs me £3, broccoli can cost me £2 for a bunch...I love my fresh veg and fruit...£25 was a conservitive estimate..and didnt include what I spend on sandwiches for lunch! I shop in Aldi now and it still costs me when I buy from there you have to use on the day..it doesnt last! So I tend to buy on a daily basis.

TV, land line and Internet is coming at £40 a month thanks to Virgin can be

I have BT and pay £22 (my bad on my first listing) plus on my o2 contract I pay £5 for broadband..Plus by mobile which I pay £25 per month..thats £53 just on communications a month!

Thats an underestimate if you ask me, PD are you talking form a single womens perspective?

She is talking from a bollox point of view as usual...I gave estimates sweety...lower end...She must also eat like a dog routing in bins because £100 per month was a very estimate.....I like to eat fresh food and "good" meat!

you're taking our girls

Aparently not, since most of the guys on here think they are hoes! (do they like gardening?)
Mister H  11 | 761  
26 Sep 2009 /  #22
Darling they wear name badge in all the supermarkets..no magdas or Polish and none of them are pakis...We are doing our own jobs! Or at leat in Manchester...maybe different in Scotland...maybe??

I really wish you wouldn't use terms like that, you know that it is more regarded as an insult.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
27 Sep 2009 /  #23
maybe different in Scotland...maybe??

'Course it is.


60 water rates

We get Jenners and you get water rates.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
27 Sep 2009 /  #24
maybe different in Scotland...maybe??

Very. It's a mixture in our supermarkets. Polish, Pakistani's, Scottish, whatever. No discrimination in Scotland, or at least in the area where I live, regarding jobs.

Maybe you live iin a different world..

I think we can safely say yes to that one.

There's a possibilty that the cost of living is slightly lower here. I know there are differences between here and Newcastle for example. Also the fact that my work feed me five meals a week so yes I can live on £25 or lower on food per week. Having said that, when I'm not physically at work, but at home working I don't eat lunch. Maybe some cereal. We've an Aldi here and I don't have problems with their fresh produce needing to be chucked after a day. The fruit lasts a couple of days in the fridge.

I like to eat fresh food and "good" meat!

Who doesn't? I keep 'good' meat in the freezer for making pastas, lasagnes, stews etc and buy nice fresh steaks etc when I want them.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
27 Sep 2009 /  #25
They start out at six pounds an hour but chances are they get raises and make more eventually.

Not in the real world, if i was to look for work now it would pay between £6.00 to £6.50 and thats it. Its very unlikely to get a rise these days no matter what your job is. You might get more if you work in london.

sure, we're taking your jobs, you're taking our girls... what a great deal, isn't it? :D

Taking a moment to think about it i've come up with a great solution!, if you about turned and went back no one would have they're job taken and you wouldn't have your women taken from you.

Bargain or what.

I can live on £25 or lower on food per week.


That wouldn't even cover my lunch for the week, an average family of four (2 adults, 2 children) is likely to spend between £90 and £120 on shopping for the week.

Don't be fooled into thinking that benefits will make up what you don't earn as i can tell you from experience they do not come close.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
27 Sep 2009 /  #26
Very. It's a mixture in our supermarkets. Polish, Pakistani's, Scottish, whatever. No discrimination in Scotland, or at least in the area where I live, regarding jobs

Your point is? Have you been to Manchester? Bint?


BAN THIS MOD! You are supposed to be in the background....

There's a possibilty that the cost of living is slightly lower here

You are stupid! You live in one of the most expensive Cities in the UK! You do live in Edinburgh righ? How old are you and do you live like a povy shitsteter with 10 other people in a 1 bed flat? Because you seem to have no idea!

Who doesn't? I keep 'good' meat in the freezer for making pastas, lasagnes, stews etc and buy nice fresh steaks etc when I want them.

Have your purchaced veg from aldi??? you have to eat on the day...I was talking about veg bint!

I expet this post is going to random! because someone wont like it!!!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Sep 2009 /  #27
What plent are you living on?????????????????????????? You honestly reckon someone can live on minimum wage????????????

Easily. Plenty of people can and do - just go on MoneySavingExpert and see for yourself. It involves quite a bit of effort and planning, but it's doable!

40 gas
35 elec

Dual fuel bills can cut this down. Likewise, no need to heat every room, or to keep the heating at 27c the entire time. Indeed, Polish communist heating isn't even on during the summer and we cope just fine. Insulation and so on can cut bills down even further.

100 ct

Fair play.

at least 400 rent (even in a **** area, not sure how long youve been out of the counry?)

For a single person, you can get a council flat in Aberdeen no problem for less than 50 pounds a week. Hardly a great flat, but a flat is a flat.

30 phone (land line)
25 mobi

Why does someone need a mobile and a landline if they're on minimum wage? One or the other!

60 water rates

Cut down on wastage and make sure not to live somewhere with a meter attached.

10 tv (normal)

People on minimum wage can make do with television over the internet. 4OD and BBC iPlayer don't require a tv licence.

50 - 150 travel

Get on a bike! Unless you've got a commute of over 10 miles, there's no excuse not to ride to work.

100 food (given that some people eat fresh food)

I used to live in Chelmsford, and every day, you could buy fresh food from the market for ridiculously low prices at the end of the day. But 100 a month for food is fair.

you do the maths genius? on £6 per hour how much would a person have to earn to actually live? I mean just live?

I calculate it as around 550-600 a month needed to live. Minimum wage pays about 800 - so they've got 200 left a month to enjoy as they wish. If they really can't live, they can always work a Saturday shift in a supermarket to give them an extra 150 or so a month. If you can't live in the UK on over 900 pounds a month, there really is something wong with your lifestyle.

That wouldn't even cover my lunch for the week,

That's because you're a traditional Brit who has to buy sandwiches every day and a coffee. If you made your own sandwiches and took a flask, you'd be looking at 25 pounds a month for lunches maximum. I can knock up a huge pot of pasta and sauce for about 3 pounds (in the UK) - so really, where are you getting 25 pounds a week for lunches from?

Of course, if you can't cook properly and rely on ready meals, I'm not surprised you end up spending over 25 pounds a week on lunches.

Hey wife and children sorry about this but were moving into a **** hole, you can forget everything you ever knew we are now officially skint. Please, what is this guy all about?

Hey kids, sorry, but we're moving into a council homeless hostel because daddy was too proud to live within his means and now the banks want their money back. :)

It's funny how much people in the UK actually are in a sea of debt, just because they cannot change their lifestyle and instead blame immigrants for everything.
27 Sep 2009 /  #28
Have you been to Manchester?

I have! And there are all sorts of nationalities working as shop assistants in supermarkets, more so in Manchester which is very multi cultural now :))

I think PD makes some valid points.

Have your purchaced veg from aldi???

Maybe because it isn't the best produce you can get ? I buy fruit and veg that lasts more than a few days at the very least although I have to admit, I never have bought anything from an Aldi.

I don't think there is any need to be so offensive just because someone doesn't agree with your point of view.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
27 Sep 2009 /  #29
I have never lived on benefits. I do subsidise someone who does though.

A family is different in spending, there's a lot more to consider. My great mate has two kids and I know her shopping bills. There are differences.

Your point is? Have you been to Manchester?

Often, like even this weekend. I'll be there again in...ooh I think I'll keep to that to myself.

BAN THIS MOD! You are supposed to be in the background....

Or ban this user?

Background? No. I imagine and hope that apart from you, I'm not offending anyone with my commentary on spending in the UK, or Scotland. I'm also probably not offending any ethnic group. ;)

You are stupid! You live in one of the most expensive Cities in the UK! You do live in Edinburgh righ? How old are you and do you live like a povy shitsteter with 10 other people in a 1 bed flat? Because you seem to have no idea!

For goodness sake. Why on Earth must you revert to insults all the time? I am not stupid. I musn't be, I'm earning 24 hours a day! When I sleep in my bed my work earns money! I live in a very expensive city but I can keep my personal costs down thanks to some savvy work. Plus the costs of living are lower here than in some English cities...please don't make me explain this again.

I live in nice 2 bed in a great area in the city. Age is unimportant. I have a great idea of living in the city. It's fab and I love it!

Have your purchaced veg from aldi??? you have to eat on the day...I was talking about veg

Aye! The veg in Aldi is probably the best to purchase. Chuck it in your fridge you'll make it last longer. I'd give you my contact for living and working on a budget but quite frankly, I don't want you contacting me or any of my associates!


A ton of great points there. Live within your means. That is what it is all about. And living within your means doesn't mean living 'without'.

I think PD makes some valid points.

Thank you.

Shopping around is the key I feel. What Aldi provides better today might be what Waitrose provides better tomorrow. Keeping your eyes open is a good bet... :)

I expet this post is going to random! because someone wont like it!!!!

Aww, another miscalculation then. If it goes to random it's because someone else thought it was off-topic and random nonsense.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Sep 2009 /  #30
No discrimination in Scotland, or at least in the area where I live, regarding jobs.

I think most Scots are pragmatic enough to realise that they don't want to do rotten jobs for minimum wage, so they're content to let immigrants do the jobs instead. The attitude of Scots towards Dunvagel across almost all aspects of the political spectrum said so much about that.

Let's not forget that Scots were also immigrants themselves to many parts of the world - indeed, Bonnie Prince Charlie had a Polish mother!

Unfortunately, the English seem to have forgotten that they themselves were immigrants in many parts of the world.