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Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 May 2007 /  #31
'This could have happened in any country...'

- But this has actually happened in Italy, and not in another country. Does it make you wonder why?

any killings make you wonder why. how stupid.. do you question anyone who is
Polish and kills? none of its right, any human being that is capbable of murder
is insane.

Hm, Daffy, reading your comments to my statements, I now seriously am starting to wonder if you're not justifying and defending the Italian murderer of the Polish girl.

Your statements seem to prove you are.

no they dont, what schooling did you take puzzler? you seem to analyze and twist
to your liking avoiding their valued questions.. making more questions out of it..
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #32
Miranda, give the url of the alleged 'polishnews' articles.

Hm, I wonder if the UPA beasts would appreciate miranda's assertion that it's not specific people, but 'deciding factors' that murder others?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 May 2007 /  #33
daffy your not. hes managed to twist everyones words..

ok round Number two..

so puzzler, are you saying that we all on this board are inhuman??

do we not think for ourselfs? do you have such opinions of us that you know
what we think day in day out?

why is it only you that stirs up the board?

please, one at a time, so you dont hurt yourself thinking..
7 May 2007 /  #34
Miranda, give the url of the alleged 'polishnews' articles.

yesterday in Rezczpospolita ( I am sure you are able to look it up)

Hm, I wonder if the UPA beasts would appreciate miranda's assertion that it's not specific people, but 'deciding factors' that murder others?

yep, keep wondering, nobody cares....
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #35
Patrycja, you seem to have repeated numerous times that I've been twisting somebody's words. Prove I have. Otherwise, it can be justifiably said that its you who are twisting my words.

Miranda, there are some who care very much - me included.

Save us God from 'Poles' such as 'miranda.'
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #36
Patrycja, you seem to have repeated numerous times that I've been twisting somebody's words. Prove I have

Hm, Daffy, reading your comments to my statements, I now seriously am starting to wonder if you're not justifying and defending the Italian murderer of the Polish girl.

Your statements seem to prove you are.

There is but ONE example. Twisting. when everyone here knows this is not the case.

Save us God from 'Poles' such as 'miranda.'

miranda does not twist other peoples words or incite fear or hate
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #37
Daffy, why wouldn't you allow the people I'm addressing my questions to, e.g. miranda, patrycja, answer them?

Why do you keep on answering my questions put up to them?

Are they and you the same person?

By the way, when do you answer my question re your allegation that I practice (?) some extremely bad vigilantism and incite hatred between nations?
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #38
Why do you keep on answering my questions put up to them?

freedom of speech - they can still answer you also. and its a forum so i can add my opinion of any post like any other member can too
sparrow  2 | 243  
7 May 2007 /  #39
I doubt if he would have dared to shoot down a fellow Italian.

You can not know that, you have no reasonable proof to doubt that as you don't know the man.

Why wouldn't Italians shoot Italians? Do you have any idea how many Italians were killed during the mafia wars in the '90s? There used to be at least 1 murder a day in Catania mid-90s.. same in Napoli.

You're automatically assuming this man had something against Poles so he went out to kill some. He had an arguement, got pissed off, lost his mind & shot. What on earth does that have to do with Polonophobia?

Is anyone who kills a man from a different country a xenophobe according to you?

You're reasoning is completely loopy.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #40
Hm, Daffy, reading your comments to my statements, I now seriously am starting to wonder if you're not justifying and defending the Italian murderer of the Polish girl.

Your statements seem to prove you are.

you call that reasonable? you actually think that of me? hey all can we have a vote here? who thinks like puzzler, seriosly, that i am defending the the italian murderer cos i cant see it
7 May 2007 /  #41
Miranda, there are some who care very much - me included.

what do you care about Puzzler??? you abviously don't care about being polite and avoiding offending others? I care about people being killed. As far as I am concerned, the matter is to be settled between Poland and Italy and I am not going to spend hours discussing who hates whom. The only thing I know that you hate people who have a different opiniopn than you. Perhaps you even hate yourself - who knows. And don't ask me to prove it you. Look in the mirror and become your own friend, perhpas then you will find friends in other people. It's not my, or anybody elses doing that you have serious case of paranoia, which you bring anywhere you go.
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #42
Daffy, you hamper any normal discussion in this thread by answering for others.

It's as though you've been trying to prevent any matter-of-fact exchange on the murder of the Polish girl.

Prove that I incite to hatred against Italians.

Meanwhile yourself seem to incite contempt and hostility towards the Polish people by denying them the right to defend themselves when abused, playing down murders committed against them, and even denying us the right to express our feelings about the abuses leveled at us.

All in a 'Polish Forum.'
sparrow  2 | 243  
7 May 2007 /  #43
It's not about the "Polish people" It's not a premeditated orchestrated murder in order to kill Poles. It's an arguement that got out of a hand & a Polish citizen got killed

slight nuance
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #44
Prove that I incite to hatred against Italians.

Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?

proven, and not just against Italians it would seem

following your reasoning it must be ok to kill all polish who kill other nationalities?

bad isnt it? we know thats not what you've said yet its twisiting - what you do other peoples posts.

Meanwhile yourself seem to incite contempt and hostility towards the Polish people by denying them the right to defend themselves when abused, playing down murders committed against them, and even denying us the right to express our feelings about the abuses leveled at us.

another twisted example - this is not what i advocate at all. NO one has the right to take th law into there own hands and you are a disgrace promoting fear and hatred against all italy for the crime of one man against another man. The child was an innocent victim of two mens disgraceful behavior. shame on you for promoting revenge and hatred

the only hampering is from you. people wont discuss with you as you twist there words. this is a forum, posts are open to all members for reply.
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #45
Well, miranda, any person, and especially an educated person (that you suggest you are) ought to be able to prove the validity of what they state. Hence no, I won't abstain from asking you for a proof of your assertion that I 'hate people who have a different opiniopn [SIC - P.] than' I.

Prove this and also your assertion that I'm paranoid.

No, you don't care at all about people being killed; your posting where you postulate that the nationality of the victim should not be mentioned is proof of this.

Oops, miranda. Prove as well that I'm being impolite.

Daffy, so when I write: 'Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?', I incite to hatred against all Italians?

espana  17 | 951  
7 May 2007 /  #46
real polish

you did say you are going to be a good boy puzzler?
what the matter?
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #47
Daffy, so when I write: 'Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?', I incite to hatred against all Italians?


if you cant see that by what you have written - and by what all of us have already replied, then one more post is not going to help. the answer to your question lies in all the above posts piece by piece.
7 May 2007 /  #48
No, you don't care at all about people being killed; your posting where you postulate that the nationality of the victim should not be mentioned is proof of this.

prove it.
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #49
Espana, if being a good boy means not complaining when my countrymen are being mistreated and my country put down, then I don't want to be a good boy.

By the way, you yourself defended very vigorously Spain's honour when you had the perception that I was tarnishing it, didn't you?

Were you a bad boy then too?
7 May 2007 /  #50
Well, miranda, any person, and especially an educated person (that you suggest you are) ought to be able to prove the validity of what they state

I am sorry. I have expressed my opinion and I have never heard that opinions have to be proved, especially personal opinions, which I believe expressed on this thread an dI though it was actually a very realistic one and closer to the thruth than yours. We don't know what really happened in Italy and with news I usually wait until the matter goes to court, which might takes years. I am not gonna get excited about it, because I have no control of what will happen at this point. Nobody knows if it was an ethnic killing, as you suggest or just a simple bar fight followed by a shooting of an innocent child. Right?????

I am familiar with debates and critical thinking but I STRONGLY believe that is is hard to
implement themon forums in general and it has better use in univesities, courtrooms and such.
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #51
Daffy, so you can't prove that I incite to hatred against Italians when I write: ''Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?', I incite to hatred against all Italians' ?

Aren't you a liar, Daffy?
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #52
if you cant see that by what you have written - and by what all of us have already replied, then one more post is not going to help. the answer to your question lies in all the above posts piece by piece.

Its already been proven and id only be repeating myself.

Aren't you a liar, Daffy?

no, prove it ;)
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #53
In other words, miranda, you say that you can scribble what you please and not be accountable for the content of your scribbling?

And yes, opinions can be proved and disproved, in that any opinion contains a message that can be judged as either true or untrue.

There's no escape from this principle, I am sorry to communicate to you.

I'll be calling on your BS as long as I remain in this forum.
7 May 2007 /  #54
Prove this and also your assertion that I'm paranoid.

you seem to think that everybody is after Polish people and after you when there is a slight differance in opinions. Have you ever thought that perhaps people have a differnet take on things for different reasons, life experiances, personalities and the style of thinking?

Not everybody is the same and that's why this is called forum. It's for exchanging opinions, not for fighting, calling people names. I have never called you names yet. It's not my style. I told you off - but you deserved it a 100%.

Why would you bring UPA into disscussion at all? I had nothing to do with it, since I was born long time after that period?
7 May 2007 /  #55
what happened is terrible and this man will go to prison so both families will have been affected, men fighting has caused this, nothing to do with nationality and I cant believe the arguments going on about it, the life of a child has been lost.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #56
the life of a child has been lost.

thank you for bringing this back into context Shelley.
7 May 2007 /  #57
In other words, miranda, you say that you can scribble what you please and not be accountable for the content of your scribbling?

I don't scribble. I write. That's a big differance. How can you hold me accountable -arrest me for my pretty balanced opinions? You know well that's it's impossible:)

in that any opinion contains a message that can be judged as either true or untrue.

of course, it's yours and everybody else's call, however you don't need to link my opinions to my ethinic background every time you get a chance, because ethinicity is only part of who I am. That's kind of selfexplanatory for me:)

There's no escape from this principle, I am sorry to communicate to you.

as I said, it's your call. You are free to do whatever you heart desires. I am not going to change my opinions to your satisfaction. Even you wouldn't like it.

I'll be calling on your BS as long as I remain in this forum.

sure, go for it, it that's what gives you a thrill, be my guest. That doesn't mean that I will be responding.
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #58
Miranda, what evidence do you have that I 'seem to think that everybody is after Polish people and after' me you when there is a slight differance in opinions' [sic]? Give pertinent quotes, postings. Did I ever write or suggest that the whole world is against us and me? Where?

Re: 'Not everybody is the same and that's why this is called forum.' - does your, er, tolerance also extend to my modest person? I wonder.

Re: 'It's for exchanging opinions, not for fighting, calling people names.' - What do you mean by fighting? Do you mean that I fight here instead of discussing? Prove it. As for name calling, have I done it? If I did, was I the only one to have done it?

Re: 'I have never called you names yet. It's not my style.' - You can call me any names, but expect that I'll reply in kind.

Re:'I told you off - but you deserved it a 100%.' - What incident do you mean?

re: UPA. You seem to be very cold-hearted towards Poland and Poles. I wonder if it's your Ukrainian background.
7 May 2007 /  #59
let it go Puzzler, I am really tired now:)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
7 May 2007 /  #60
Miranda, what evidence do you have that I 'seem to think that everybody is after Polish people and after' me you when there is a slight differance in opinions' [sic]? Give pertinent quotes, postings. Did I ever write or suggest that the whole world is against us and me? Where?

Puzzler, it was here. You laid it out for us.

"I encountered wonderful people, but also lots of prejudice towards me as a person of Polish extraction there. So called 'Polish jokes,' which portray us as excrement-smeared cretins, seem to have been ingrained deeply in the American psyche. I was very hurt.

Then in Canada I encountered even worse prejudice - folks laughing rudely at my last name, telling unheard of slurs about Poland and Poles, discrimination in school and workplace.

The so-called Canadians are the worst racists I have ever met."

And then you apologized. :)

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