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Puzzler  9 | 1088  
6 May 2007 /  #1
Italian press reported last Sunday on the shooting of a 5-year old Polish girl by a 32-year-old Italian man, Alessandro R., in the town of San Paolo Belsito near Napoli.

The man apparently had an argument with two Poles at the local bar, and when they left, he went back home, fetched a gun, went up near the house the Poles had entered, and started firing randomly at the house. The 5-year old Karolina got hit. Her father ran outside carrying her in his arms and screamed for help, but 'nobody heard it,' he said. 'Why did they kill her, not me?' asked Karolina's grieving mother.

The Polish family said they were leaving Italy and going back to Poland.

Just after the murder, the culprit went into hiding, but soon came up to the local police station accompanied by a lawyer.

See Corriere della Sera report at: corriere.it/Primo_Piano/Cronache/2007/05_Maggio/05/napoli_bimba_uccisa_sparatoria.shtml

Well, although Italian hacks from Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica inform about the incident in a tone rather sympathetic towards the unfortunate Polish family, one should not forget that the Italian hacks, particularly those from the aforementioned newspapers, have been carrying on an organized hate propaganda against Poland and the Poles, so they are as responsible for the Polonophobic abuses in Italy as the direct culprits themselves. Consequently, their present 'sympathy' is false and of no value at all.

And, to my knowledge, the numerous Italian Polonophobic abusers, including murderers of Polish men and women, either have been punished for their crimes only mildly, or not at all.

Will the present Italian killer of a Polish child get away with murder as easy as his other countrymen?

Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 May 2007 /  #2
Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves

everyone should defend themselfs. but what about those who visit poland and
get killed by polish? they might not have been polish who did it, but to be living in
Poland makes you polish is what i was told.. even though my blood is polish, I would
never hurt a flea. I would defend myself if my life was in danger, and certainly my
children. people need to take account for their actions. the itialian guy deserves
capital punishment, he was responsible for a death, that is unexcusable.

What would your course of action be Puzzler?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 May 2007 /  #3
Damn Italians once again. Screw them.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2007 /  #4
if you go to the next man country and give it large then what do you expect...?

know your place... same all over the world
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #5
Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?

That just 'ghetto'ises peoples and creates more fear and intolerance. What the Italian did was inexcusable but he could have argued with another italian man and done the same - You wouldnt be posting it here then. Instead you've exampled 'confirmation bias' as outlined by another member in another thread. It is an isolated incident and a tragic one. Not one to start getting Poles to a call to arms

inciting further hatred. Learn what Jesus taught you if you claim to be a catholic. If not at least use common sense that violence begat violence and will NOT solve the issue. Mad people exist IN all Countries and you would not be so talkative about examples where Polish citizens are in the news for such gruesome and unacceptable acts to other nationalities - of which HAS happened and we should not attribute such unacceptable to ANY ONE RACE as a whole
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #6
Do you mean, Bubba, that the Polish folks involved in the case 'gave it large' to the Italian man and did not know their place, and that's why the Italian killed the little girl? So it's the Poles who are to blame for the murder, according to you? Are you somehow justifying the Italian guy's killing the Polish girl?
7 May 2007 /  #7
I don't understand why this discussion has to be about Polish or Italians at all. This could have happened in any country, provided the men had excess to weapons, otherwise he would fetch his fellows and beat the father of the chilld in revange.

As with other similar stories, the easy access to weapons was a deciding factor!!!!!!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
7 May 2007 /  #8
Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?

It's too bad that the article is in Italian, but how does anyone know what the arguement was about? Is he a child killer or was the bullet meant for the father? How is this polonophobic...or is this just a generalized statement?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 May 2007 /  #9
otherwise he would fetch his fellows and beat the father of the chilld in revange.

In revange to what ?
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #10
or is this just a generalized statement?

generalized statement i fear - inciting fear and hate between nationalities i suspect

If this child was from Ire or Uk - Puzzler wouldnt have battered an eyelid to any polonaphobia - he prob would have been disguisted at the crime though
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 May 2007 /  #11
It is an isolated incident and a tragic one. Not one to start getting Poles to a call to arms

agree, And Puzzler, you cant keep twisting peoples words, your trying to make this
into more then what it should be, regardless of what you think.

Instead you've exampled 'confirmation bias' as outlined by another member in another thread.

again agree. he seems to not care about human life as a whole. which is how it
should be.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
7 May 2007 /  #12
he prob would have been disguisted at the crime though

as any normal human would be
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 May 2007 /  #13
Screw the woomps. And Daf leave my posts alone.
7 May 2007 /  #14
In revange to what ?

the father and his friend had a fight with the Italian ,including hitting him in a chin with a beer bottleprior to the shooting according to polishnews.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2007 /  #15
could someone explain what a woomp is please
<A deregatory name for an italian - origion is mentioned in another thread - the search funtion should find it for you>
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 May 2007 /  #16
the father and his friend had a fight with the Italian ,including hitting him in a chin with a beer bottle.

********. It's a lie made up by these damn woomp monkies.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #17
as any normal human would be

precisily, you should see the question he asked Bwoo in th (question style thread)

There is no italian mass hatred of Poland as a result of this article and neither would there have been mass hatred of Ireland if it was an Irish child.

it is a standalone crime that is universally unacceptable and tragic. It is not a call to arms for crying out loud :eyesrolling:
7 May 2007 /  #18

wimp:) I am just guessing.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2007 /  #19
i thought it might be wop..
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #20
It's a lie made up by these damn woomp monkies.

and you've got the minerals to back that up or are you just assuming that all italians are out to get the Polish?

It was a crime, a tragic one and could have been English, Spainish - race was immaterial to arguing and its ensuing result.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 May 2007 /  #21
what about the little 5 year old british girl who has been abducted by some nonse in spain... what conclusions can we draw from this... call to arms and lets get espana...?
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #22
Well, daffy, is your message: 'Get over the murder, Polish folks, and don't defend yourselves against abuses directed at you, turn the other cheek'?

'What the Italian did was inexcusable but he could have argued with another italian man and done the same.'

- It has happened, though, that in reality he shot dead a 5-year-old Polish girl, not another Italian.

I doubt if he would have dared to shoot down a fellow Italian.

Just as I doubt it if you appealed to your fellow Irish not to do anything if an Irish little girl were murdered by a foreigner (God forbid if he were Polish!).

Following your line of reasoning, Daffy, any murder should go unpunished, because the murderer could have killed anybody else, and punishing him could create hostility on the part of him and eg. his buddies.

So you say Daffy, that punishing a murderer is 'inciting to hatred'?

And if you bring in Catholicism, does the Catholic Church recommend lawlessness and getting away with murder?

And no, this killing of Poles by Italians has not been an 'isolated incident,' but another murder in a series.

By the way, Daffy, I wonder why have you removed my reply to patrycja's posting?

Some censorship after all?
7 May 2007 /  #23
I don't know, I read the coverage in 2 different polish newspapers and that's what I found out.(rolling eyes)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 May 2007 /  #24
and you've got the minerals to back that up or are you just assuming that all italians are out to get the Polish?

It was a crime, a tragic one and could have been English, Spainish - race was immaterial to arguing and its ensuing result.

I agree , your trying to stir up something puzzler.
espana  17 | 956  
7 May 2007 /  #25
in spain...

in portugal and she is 3
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 May 2007 /  #26
I doubt if he would have dared to shoot down a fellow Italian.


so you telling us puzzler, that if another fellow polish cracks you over the head with
a glass bottle, your going to say, oh, ok, its just you, your one of me, so I will do
nothing to you, you can crack me over the head anytime, how bout another??

FISZ  24 | 2116  
7 May 2007 /  #27
And no, this killing of Poles by Italians has not been an 'isolated incident,' but another murder in a series

So, this has happened numerous times in Italy? Are you saying that this is a new trend in Italy?
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #28
Well, daffy, is your message: 'Get over the murder, Polish folks, and don't defend yourselves against abuses directed at you, turn the other cheek'?

you know it is not. it is dont think its a case of Italians all hate and kill Polish people as YOU are implying. rather twisted IMHO you've done this to MANY members here. Twisting there posts to serve your hateful goals

Following your line of reasoning, Daffy, any murder should go unpunished, because the murderer could have killed anybody else, and punishing him could create hostility on the part of him and eg. his buddies.

i have not applied murder should go unpunished and no-one else has seen such resoning either - your twisting yet again not questioning.

So you say Daffy, that punishing a murderer is 'inciting to hatred'?

No, i said;

Isn't it high time for us Poles to start defending ourselves energetically against the Polonophobic racists, cowards, fascists and killers of our children?

is inciteful to hatred. all crimes will be punished to the law not vigilantism and god hope not your kind of vigilantism.

And if you bring in Catholicism, does the Catholic Church recommend lawlessness and getting away with murder?

You know it doesnt and i find your question inane. and unhelpful to the discussion
As you full well know the answer already

And no, this killing of Poles by Italians has not been an 'isolated incident,' but another murder in a series.

confirmation bias yet again - ignore all the other murders but jump on any that have polish victims, forget about the murders where polish have killed. or any other nation citizen for that matter - cop on will ya

By the way, Daffy, I wonder why have you removed my reply to patrycja's posting?

Some censorship after all?

its in the (question style thread) there was no censorship :D :D :D
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #29
'I don't understand why this discussion has to be about Polish or Italians at all.'

- Because the murdered girl was Polish, and her murderer was Italian. Hope this rings a bell?

So you suggest that the nationalities of the people involved in the case should not be mentioned, because it could have been any nationalities? Following your reasoning, should the word 'Polish' removed from the name of this forum, because it could be any forum at all?

'This could have happened in any country...'

- But this has actually happened in Italy, and not in another country. Does it make you wonder why?

'provided the men had excess [SIC - P.] to weapons, otherwise he would fetch his fellows and beat the father of the chilld in revange.'

- How do you know what would have happened? Are you some kind of psychic?

Re: 'As with other similar stories, the easy access to weapons was a deciding factor!!!!!!'

- Do you say that it was not a specific Italian creep by the name of 'Alessandro,' but 'a deciding factor' that killed the girl?

Fish, yes, it has happened numerous times in Italy. Yes, it seems to be a relatively new trend there. The reasons are simple: Polonophobic hate propaganda on the part of the leading Italian media hacks.

Hm, Daffy, reading your comments to my statements, I now seriously am starting to wonder if you're not justifying and defending the Italian murderer of the Polish girl.

Your statements seem to prove you are.

By the way, what 'vigilantism' do you ascribe to me, and why this alleged vigilantism should be, as you seem to suggest, so much worse than other kinds of vigilantism?

And yes, by removing my totally pertinent reply to patrycja's posting, you have performed an act of censoring.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #30
Following your reasoning,

there is no following reason with you - you creat an entire new blend! that is not what has been suggested at all! the fact it was a Polish victim is NOT to say that THe italian NATION is OUT to KILL Polish as you suggest. and that WAS all that was being suggested.

'This could have happened in any country...'

- But this has actually happened in Italy, and not in another country. Does it make you wonder why?

Murder happens in EVERYcountry - shall i now write about all Polish killers of polish people and people of other nations? Your point is ridiculous and self serving

- How do you know what would have happened? Are you some kind of psychic?

Its an opinion - if they didnt have weapons its a very good reasoning too. 'follwing this reasoning you Dont you like opinions puzzler?' :) (this is the type of replies we get from you)

Again Puzzler - this is a crime one person against another - an innocent got caught in the middle - the two men had arguement between them and one had a gun. it is a punishble crime tradegy. What you are suggesting is disgraceful and out of touch with reality. People of all nations and creeds should be defended from such atrocities but you cannot see the fact that it is not all murders in Italy against Polish people. You ignore, BLATENTLY, murders in Poland, Murders in Italy against otehrs, and murder everywhere. All are crimes all are tragic. The world is NOT out to get you.

And yes, by removing my totally pertinent reply to patrycja's posting, you have performed an act of censoring.

It was removed like the rest to the (questioning style topic) it is there to be answered like the rest of the moved messagesd that spilt topic

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