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joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
11 May 2007 /  #1
As a Polish-American, it is sometimes difficult to get news about Poland here in the United States...the Poles who live in the US tend to keep a low-profile in terms of getting

news out about their feelings/thoughts about political issues, and the corporate news
media acts as if Polish-Americans don't exist...so in light of this, I search the internet to
get some ideas about what is actually happening in Poland today...my neighbor is a
Polish doctor who is working at the University of PA doing cancer research...he is here on a special visa...I am sometimes able to get interesting info from him...my question is:

What is the opinion of Poles about the Kaczynski government?...he seems to be a Polish
nationalist who is trying to marginalize some of the unhealthy influences on Polish soci-
ety, i.e. the homosexual agenda, aspects of 'globalism', and remnants of the Bolshevik
bureaucracy...can I get some response/discussion on Lech Kaczynski?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 May 2007 /  #2
I like them.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
11 May 2007 /  #3
What is the opinion of Poles about the Kaczynski government?...he seems to be a Polish
nationalist who is trying to marginalize some of the unhealthy influences on Polish soci-
ety, i.e. the homosexual agenda, aspects of 'globalism', and remnants of the Bolshevik
bureaucracy...can I get some response/discussion on Lech Kaczynski?

My gf's family in Poznan don't like him at all. When I was there for the election, just about everyone in Poznan was pissed off. They were saying that it's mostly the farmers and people that live in Eastern Poland that like him. I don't know too much about the opolitics there, but from an outside observation, none of the youth like Lech so much.
daffy  22 | 1153  
11 May 2007 /  #4
My gf's family in Poznan don't like him at all.

nor my GF's family in Wroclaw... no point me getting into it as I cannot answer any resulting questions but i have no internal polish political opinion as i cannot have one living as I do in ireland :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 May 2007 /  #5
When I was there for the election, just about everyone in Poznan was pissed off.

It's like with Bush in America. Anybody doesn't like him, but "somehow" he won the elctions, twice.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
11 May 2007 /  #6

Ya, corrupt voting systems also responsible. Do dead people also cast voting ballots in Poland?
11 May 2007 /  #7
Most of young, well educated people are sick of them! They won election because of 'radio maryja' and old catholic people + farmers... :/ gee.... * them all!
witek  1 | 587  
11 May 2007 /  #8
the average montly salary in Poland is approx. $2700 zl

however this average is misleading as many people still make about $1500 zl

hence the median montly salary is much lower than $2700 zl
FISZ  24 | 2116  
11 May 2007 /  #9
Witek...was that meant for another topic?

How do you feel about the duck twins?
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2007 /  #10
Serbs think that evil twins Kaczynski are just little bit less idiots then it was resting in peace now Yeltzin of Russia.
11 May 2007 /  #11

One really needs to understand the complexities of what has happened over the last fifteen years.

After the initial transfer of power the communist elite seeked to position itself as beneficially as possible. They did so by focusing their attention on the new positions of power, which had opened in the new free market Poland. Positions which:

Firstly, ensured that they would have as much influence as possible in any major decisions concerning privatisation of former state companies.

Secondly, that western companies would be forced to deal with them, regarding major transactions / start ups , or if they refused find a red tape nightmare that would be impossible to overcome.

Thirdly, by taking positions of influence in the media. Positions that would later be used to build a new political base.

With the above in place they returned to power firstly by winning the presidency and later by forming the last SLD government.

IS LECH KACZYNSKI DOING A GOOD JOB? Well it really depends on what your Polish family background is? For or against the communists.

PiS is basically seeking to destroy the influence of the former communist power base in all areas of Polish society. Those whose life blood depends on the influence of the former system are certainly screaming for help now.
11 May 2007 /  #12
He's doing what should have been done nearly 20 years ago. Rooting out the communist pigs that are still in our government, still saturating our land with their filth, and still trying to keep Poland as a horse out to pasture. I'm an extremist, but Poland would be 5x better right now had we just hung all the Communists populating the Russian Controlled Polish government when we threw off the shackles. Instead, they are still roaming free and most of them still have influence or hold positions in our government.

Poland will never move ahead until the "Hand washes hand" policies of corrupt government practices during Communism are eradicated like the plague they are.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
11 May 2007 /  #13
Those whose life blood depends on the influence of the former system are certainly screaming for help now.

Would this be those who are older generations who do not have means of
support, medical, which was part of their benefits under the communists party?
11 May 2007 /  #14
No Patricia - people like late Salomom Morel who when escaped to his country still kept colecting from the polish government pansion to the tune of $5000 per month while my mother an honest anticommunist $650, my friends g/parents retired MO, her father former KP member are still enjoing the old benefits - thise people "are screaming for help now" hopefully The brothers are going to sort the matter out. The health system is limping, but it is not that bad, and still free, so olders arn't left in desparation. My mama goes from one appointment to another, physiotherapy, gimnastics, intramuscular shots of something, massage - it cost her nothing.
12 May 2007 /  #15
What about week or two in "senatorium" do doctors still prescribe this kind of theraphy and how das it works now.
12 May 2007 /  #16
Lech's the man for the job !
Real Polish gu  
12 May 2007 /  #17
Some of those posts u ppl posted are very idiotic. The Kaczynski is trying to fix the ****** economy that commies left and all u ppl can do is nag. Well if you dont liek them then do something geez. Read some real news not what they tell you in the commie media
12 May 2007 /  #19
yeah... they try to fix sth - lol! you made me laugh. They are liars and so many times they proved it that i even will not get into details. Young people are not interested in lustracja (inspection? not sure if it is good English word for that), fighting with communists and so on! they should focus on that what is going on now, about future of Poland, not the past! thanks to them so many people decide to leave Poland (and they say that thanks to them unemployment rate is getting lower - lol, no wonder... maybe soon nobody will stay here :D ). I know many students and nobody is supporter of PIS! They were choosen especially by older people :/ Geez... they had just a little more votes than PO/Tusk and they won just because they used 'radio maryja' and Rydzyk's supporters :/ Hope they will not be in charge for a long time!
Real Polish gu  
13 May 2007 /  #20
to the post above.... what can you do if the commies (PO) is constantly not supporting and just plainy ******** about what should be done when they just **** everything up
sparrow  2 | 243  
13 May 2007 /  #21
Some of those posts u ppl posted are very idiotic. The Kaczynski is trying to fix the ****** economy that commies left and all u ppl can do is nag. Well if you dont liek them then do something geez.

That's almost 20 years ago, other economies that had been in communist hands recovered better & faster allready. So he could do a better job of it.. and as long as he doesn't we have all the reason to nag..

Read some real news not what they tell you in the commie media

What commie media? Let me guess.. I should read the far right conservative media & believe that then? That's the "real" news? Are there any media that aren't commie for you?
13 May 2007 /  #22
Guest #2, you're an idiot. Of course young people are interested in weeding out the communists. How can we move forward with our economy when those fools are still there dragging us down?
13 May 2007 /  #23
To focus of what's going on now one has to understand the mind set created under the communist system. " we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us" Communism sought to create an economy/ economic structure in a society based upon lies.

High unemployment always existed under communism by way of over employment in state factories that produced goods that had no real market value. People were forced to buy these goods through lack of choice. Jobs were available in these factories to all regardless of productivity. Employees were paid fictional wages/other benefits , so as they could buy fictional goods in an overall fictional society. ( fictional in relation to real economic value)

The system later collapsed and left a legacy of economic mismanagement that has taken decades to change. A change which has been painful for generations use to working within a fictional economy. Even today most people don't understand the relationship between productivity at work and their paypacket. Unemployment is a direct result of not been able to understand this.

Poland now has an excellent chance to move forward. All the conditions are in place to ensure economic growth if powers that be wish to do so.
14 May 2007 /  #24
hmm.. brothers Kaczynski? The weakest president and prime minister ever. The biggest shame of Poland in my opinion.

No doubt, they are fighting with the postcommunist influence on polish society, what is not bad in general, we can all agree here. Unfortunately, all the rest is a tragedy:

1) Poland is having an economical boom lately, but Law and Justice is doing nothing to keep the prosperity on after this few years of coniuncture will end up.

2) Politicians from LaJ don't know how/don't want to invest in the countrys future, f.e.: The countrys budget is reaching a new peak each year - but LaJ built only 6 km of highways since 2005...

3) Society is getting more and more agressive, because LaJ are fighting with almost every group of intelligent, ambicious and enterprising people: lawyers, doctors, enterpreneurs, students, well-eductaed specialists. And, last but not least, these groups of people are leaving the country and settling down in western EU or US.

4) The level of tolerance, the level of trust, the level of respect for the Polish authorities, the level of both national and European integration - all of them are strongly decreasing.

Conclusion: If you share European or American way of thinking, you wouldn't like Kaczynski brothers. Even though in some media it seems that they are doing a great job in here. Indeed, Law and Justice's P.R. & marketing specialists are the best on the Polish market.

Greetings from Warsaw, Poland.
sparrow  2 | 243  
14 May 2007 /  #25
Read in the papers today that the Polish High Court condoned the Kaczynski's for making unconstitutional laws & ammendments. The one where people are forced to confess if they did or did not "collaborate" with the communist govt. at that time. People could lose their jobs if they admit to have worked for the communist regime at the time.

Excellent decision by the court imo.
15 May 2007 /  #26

unconstitutional laws & ammendments

Ifit's unconstitutional to punish former communist criminals then the constitution needs to to ammended.

Conclusion: Ifyou share European or American way of thinking, you wouldn't like Kaczynski brothers. Even though in some media it seems that they are doing a great job in here. Indeed, Law and Justice's P.R. & marketing specialists are the best on the Polish market.

As far as the European's are concerned do you mean the "Yalta" way of thinking:

Fight a long side us , so that we can live in freedom after the second world. Polish people lost their freedom as a direct result of the spineless political decisions taken after the war. Polish soldiers died on the battlefields of Europe so that their nation could be rewarded with an illegal communist system that ruined the country's economy and ripped apart, by use of secret police, the very fabric that binds a nation together.
sparrow  2 | 243  
15 May 2007 /  #27
If it's unconstitutional to punish former communist criminals then the constitution needs to to ammended.

So everyone would worked with the former communist govt. no matter what & how & what force was used is a criminal?
15 May 2007 /  #28
Of course, it's not the case that every member of the communist party was a criminal. There are, however, clear cases that need to be address by the rule of law. These cases concern individuals or groups who held positions of power that were used against the Polish people.

This is not going to go away these individual have to be brought to justice.
sparrow  2 | 243  
15 May 2007 /  #29
Allright, I accept that. But asking everyone to admit if they worked for the communist govt. & making their daily lives depend on it is not the right way. It's pretty much a witch hunt. Which is why I can understand why the court deemed it as unconstitutional.

These clear cases need to be adressed one by one through justice and courts of law & not massively through the ones in power.

And even then I don't know if I'm fully 100% for that, as to me personally, it's something that stands in the way of the future. But I can understand that Poles that lived through it & have profound memories about it do not want to forgive & forget that easily.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 May 2007 /  #30
Im English and for as long as I can remember very few people have been happy with our government, its the way of the world, you cant please all of the people all of the time.

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