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Marek  4 | 867  
3 Apr 2007 /  #61
Nie, Panie Witku! :)

Zobacz profil, Marek Pajdo.

Twoje pytanie: "Dlaczego zydi od wieków mieszkali w Polsce?" Dobrze, jednak oni nie zostali asimilowane jak w Niemczech.


Mr. Puzzler,
If I wrote in "broken" Polish, it was in order for me to make myself understood in your native tongue rather than subject myself to YOUR broken English. I assume, as with myself, that you wish to use this forum to practice a second language? :)

"Mr. Marek"is pure Polish, sorry. ("Panie Marku!"), just "Marek" or "Mark"in English.

The remainder of your post is perhaps to be expected. None of us enjoys facing the truth.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
3 Apr 2007 /  #62
OOOOOOOHHHHH!!! I smell a fight coming on.....it's beatdown city time!!! :)

OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
3 Apr 2007 /  #63
Mr Marek, re:'None of us enjoys facing the truth.' - Meaning that you as a Jew do not enjoy facing the truth about the Jewish Polonophobia, and I as a Pole don't enjoy facing the truth about the Polish Jew-phobia? If so, let's try to face it no matter what. Do you want to try? Re: Jews in Poland allegedly did not assimilate as good as Jews in Germany. - Because they didn't want and didn't have to do that. The Poles were far more tolerant towards the Jewish national and religious separatnedness than the Germans. There's abundant historical evidence of this. By the way, what kind of great Jewish 'assimilation' was it in Germany if the Jews were eventually dispossessed, massacred, and shipped to concentration camps by the Germans? If the Germans allegedly assimilated the Jews so very well, why during their most nationalistic hour - in Hitler's time - did they want to get rid of all the Jews from Germany? Tell me, Mr Marek. :)
3 Apr 2007 /  #64
embarassing moment for the Queen 2 weeks ago.

Which moment was this?


What does this name mean? Is it like The Riddler or The Joker from Batman?
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
3 Apr 2007 /  #65
On the other hand, why should I conceal the fact that I deeply respect the British Royal Family, and also love the English?

I think the queens heritage is german...so you deeply respect her german roots?
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #66
the queens heritage is german

OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
4 Apr 2007 /  #67
Sobieski (what an insolence to use this name as nick) why are you asking me if I 'deeply respect' the Queen's 'german roots' (sic)? :)

Mr Marek, yes, it's a fact that your Polish is terrible, even worse than your English. You say you're 'purely Polish' ? Hahahahaha! :) :) :) :)
4 Apr 2007 /  #68
Maxxx_pooyne, the Swedish regard the Finns as silly (just like, e.g. the Dutch regard the Belgians, and the English used to regard the Irish, as silly), and poke fun at them, but, as far as I know, the Swedes don't despise nor hate the Finns just as the Germans do the Poles. Recently, a poll in Germany showed that the Poles are the least liked nation in Germany.

I have faced very bad attitude from most Swedes, but it is not as bad as the German attitude to Poles I admit (Estoinia ruled by Teutonic Order is also a good example, virtually all land was taken by Germans). But in Finland was exploited harshly by Sweden and many still despise Finland in Sweden. Even Norwegians and Danish don't like Sweden much, that tells much about the Swedish attitude towards it's neighbors. Maybe it's because they are the biggest scandi nation and that makes see themselves as the "best". It is very similar to Germany. Also both are very polite if they just want to but mostly don't see the effort, because they think see their neigbors as inferior.
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #69
why are you asking me if I 'deeply respect' the Queen's 'german roots' (sic)?

cos you hate all things german apparantly (id imagine that is why he is asking you)
4 Apr 2007 /  #70
200 years anniversary of abolition of slavery was celebrated by the Queen and other VIPs in the church in London and interrupted by a speach of an Aftican man, who later was arrested ( he obviously wasn't invited).
Marek  4 | 867  
4 Apr 2007 /  #71
Your English actually is better than I would have thought.

Very well, I'll continue in English. (Anytime though, I'll switch back to Polish) :) I wish to respond to several of your claims, namely, that you somwhow equate Polonophobiia among Jews with Judeophobia among Polish Christians, is that correct? As a Jews of Polish origin, I must use the chicken/egg analogy: Jews were called into Poland as elsewhere in medaeval Europe and used for their busienss skills ass barganing chips. While it is true, Jews lived separately and did not interact with Poles, this was far from their own choosing.

If anything, blame Jewish clannishness and suspicion on the Cahtolic Church which did not allow Jews to live and practice the professions of Christians.


Marek, Puzzler, not "Mr. Marek"!!
Crow  154 | 9560  
4 Apr 2007 /  #72
I don`t understand why would any German insult any Pole?

Poles (Slavs) are old European people and Germans as ethnic formation are new-formed conglomerate of assimilated Slavs. How come to that that Germans have that twisted necesity and needs to insult Poles or any other Slavs?

My God, ideologicaly Germans aren`t even Europeans.

Greedy ugly fingers, greedy fingers...
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #73
Poles (Slavs)

point of order, not all poles are of slavic descent.

ideologicaly Germans aren`t even Europeans.

eh, what? whats your basis of that?
Crow  154 | 9560  
4 Apr 2007 /  #74
eh, what? whats your basis of that?

Well, how would you explain their non-European agressive attitude? Send people are that aressive (Egyptians/Chartaginians/Moors- their spiritual fathers)!

Take historic facts in consideration.

Of course, I don`t have anything against non-Europeans. God forbid. Hire we speak just about facts from history and I point on those non-Europeans who were invaders in one period of our history.

Regularely, Germans and some other poeple from false West would point on other Whites as non-Europeans (to create complex in Slavs- because of easiest assimilation) and regularely some of them would say that Slavs come too late in Europe- what is first class nonsense (archeology, genetics... abonden that view).

In the same time, nobady on so called West wouldn`t tell you nothing about fact that netive European languages were replaced (on Western parts of Europe) with newly created languages because of Semitic penetration on Meditarenian coast and deeper into European inland. Look on the old toponimes and hydronimes on West. All sounds very Slavic.

Slavic languages are last native European languages and basement of other European languages.

Then, take in consideration that German state always proudly underlined that German (Teutonic) elite (Hooly Roman Empire) preserved continuity with Roman Empire. Hitler was absolutely true spiritual Semitic and that`s why he hated Slavs that much (because Slavs stayed loyal to European heritage and Germans abondened it).

Today`s Europe has its fundaments in Greak and Roman low and heritage and we know who were antic Greaks and Romans. Geneticaly they were mix of native Europeans and Semitics but, ideological they absolutely abondened European (read Proto Slavic) heritage and started to impose (by brutal force) newly ideological constuctions on natives.

By anology, today`s Germans are spiritualy just old opressor of native Europeans. No more, no less- same people who turned Slavs into slaves. Even word `slavery` coming from name Slav- when our oppresores sow that conquored people call themelves- Slavs. Memory on Sarmatian name survived in form of `servant` and `serf` but, before that Sarmatian (older name of all Slavs) name influenced word `Ser`- reamain from great time when Slavs (Proto Slavs) spread culture (cult of Sun and Earth) and knowlage of agriculture all around Europe. Read about that process in Catholic Encyclopedia (one part).

Daffy, did you ever heard for facts about Arcturus Castus- more latter known as King Arthur Pendragon?

Time of arcturian legends on British islands represent memory on time of cathastrophic penetration of foreign spiritual construction onto minds of native Europeans in that part of Europe.

That is time, when English people was extracted. Trechery of Europe connects them with Germans and only that. All other is myth of oppressores and THEIR world of MATRIX.

Irish, Scotish and Welsh people resisted, their language preserved connection with old native European languages (let`s say dialects). That saved your spirit till the modern days.

My regards, brothers.

I am born in Serbia and I don`t have problem to speak truth. Always expect truth from a Serb.

Glory to Mother Slavia! Freedom to all progressive humans!

Down with world of Matrix!

not all poles are of slavic descent

But of course.

Same is in Serbia.

There are many citizens in Serbia who aren`t of Slavic or Serbian origin. They live side by side with Serbs.
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #75
Daffy ... Freedom to all progressive humans!

Can i say im delighted that your post had such more rounded and civility, Thank you very much honestly!

Quoting: daffy
not all poles are of slavic descent

But of course.


did you ever heard for facts about Arcturus Castus- more latter known as King Arthur Pendragon

i am very familiar with King Arthur and am a fan of the type of kingdom it held of civility, equality and so on.

I wouldn't delve into the idea of matrix's and oppression so much in this regard as today we do not have a difficulty with our past. we are proggressive in that we learn from its mistakes and learn from our fortunes, moving on together in unison, together, better.

I respect our diverse histories, but i rather prefere to focus on reconcilliation and unifications rather than dividing and poking sticks into old wounds.

Im sure by now you are aware I am very much a big picture person.
Crow  154 | 9560  
4 Apr 2007 /  #76
Im sure by now you are aware I am very much a big picture person.

I know you.

I would be with you when that Big picture start to collapse. And, even then I would suggest to you to preserve your faith at least in your children, for some days in future.

We Serbs (all Yugoslavs) were maybe first who believed in united Europe. But, for `Western`Europe is only important to weak Slavic element on Balkan. That`s how it is and that`s why we Serbs seek for hands of Mother Slavia. That is our ultimate respond on situation.
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #77
im sorry i dont fully understand what your trying to say here

I would be with you when that Big picture start to collapse. And, even then I would suggest to you to preserve your faith at least in your children, for some days in future.

were maybe first who believed in united Europe.

good, then keep that belief alive. practise it. work towards it. be progress.
4 Apr 2007 /  #78
To Puzzler _ people like Daffy just have no idea, don't waste your time. I recall statement he made before that Poland and Russia need to come together to make Europe safer - so, are we feeling insecure again????what a great thinking just like in 1939. Nobody in England was interested with Churchill's warnings then, but when sh*** hit the roof they knew who to use. Historia kolem sie toczy.
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #79
I recall statement he made before that Poland and Russia need to come together to make Europe safer

HAHA thats not something i recall ever saying

so, are we feeling insecure again????

ive not now or ever implied this
4 Apr 2007 /  #80
O well Daffy one can only be perfect - no hard feelings i hope... just skip the name
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #81
O well Daffy one can only be perfect

we try to be, we never reach, but it is in trying we improve and progress.

no hard feelings i hope

none at all

ust skip the name

sorry dont get it? can you explain what that means?
anielka  2 | 84  
4 Apr 2007 /  #82
If anything, blame Jewish clannishness and suspicion on the Cahtolic Church which did not allow Jews to live and practice the professions of Christians.

I don't know much about Jews per se, I'm curious, where did the concept of not touching a Gentile come in or is this myth. This is portrayed clearly, as is the father Topol disowning the third daughter when she marries a Russian in the film Fiddler on the Roof, or is the film not true in showing Jewish culture?
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #83
jewish culture, while not an expert, as we know is older than christianity (you'd be surprised that some christians dont know that)

Anywho. they came from a time where a family was pretty much a nation. and it was the way then (and can still be seen today - in any religious background) that the family come first and outsiders (gentiles) are not trustworthy, treat with contemp/skeptism.

This is what i understand that background to be from, open to correct and edumacation

I'm curious

ja tez
OP Puzzler  9 | 1088  
4 Apr 2007 /  #84
Daffy, prove that I allegedly 'hate all things german apparantly' (sic). :)

Mbti, I think daffy is a nice sensitive European kid, but at times a little insufficiently, or wrongly, informed, and a bit too firmly holding onto his convictions. ( It's not my intention to patronize daffy; my opinion about him is based on facts.) Well, I'll do what I can to put him on the right track.

:) :)

Marek, any evidence that Jews 'were called into Poland as elsewhere in medaeval Europe and used for their busienss skills ass barganing chips' (sic)? Any evidence that the fact that Jews didn't interact with the Poles wasn't the result of the Jews' 'own choosing'? Finally, any evidence that it's the Catholic Church that should be blamed for the Jewish 'clannishness and suspicion' (sic), because the Catholic Church, allegedly, did not allow Jews to live and practice the professions of Christians'?

By the way, the Jewish author Gross, whom you seem to value highly, appears to be a charlatan and Zionist propagandist, rather than a serious historian. (By education, Gross isn't an historian, but a sociologist.) Even the Jewish famous author Norman Finkelstein seems to see Gross in such a light. Gross seems to be another Jewish Polonophobic hate-monger, working for the Holocaust Industry. :) :)
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #85
little insufficiently, or wrongly, informed

i could say the same thing about you, its a circular arguement

sensitive European


and a bit too firmly holding onto his convictions

again, could say this about you too - circular argument

prove that I allegedly 'hate all things german apparantly'

thats putting words in my mouth. i didnt say you hate all things german. id be surprised and dumbfounded if that were the case
Marek  4 | 867  
4 Apr 2007 /  #86
Czesc, Anielko!

Tylko na piatku wieczorem jest zakazane, ze mezczyzna dotycha kobiete z powodu prawa Torahy


Puzzler, (Thanks, incidentally, for finally having stopped with that "Mr.Marek," :)
Frankly, your examples indeed feed into anti-semitic rhetoric masked as liberal "free speech" in the name of democracy.

Evidence??? History itself is evidence enough.
In the US, I'm not proud either of slavery or the KKK or of uncounted other matters, but if someone criticizes my country, I don't call them "anti-American"! :)

Incidentally, I love the Polish language and culture. Even a Polish-born Holocaust survivor admits that there are perhaps only three great Poles who rose above the flock: Frederic Chopin ("Szopin", if you prefer!), Jan Karski, who warned the Allies about the Shoah and of course, Karol Wojtyla, who would make me proud to be a Pole.

anielka  2 | 84  
4 Apr 2007 /  #87
Czesc, Anielko!

Czesc Marek!
In deference to others who do not understand Polish but are interested in this, I'll speak English to You.
Thanks for clarifying one of my questions - but I need more explanation re Fiddler on the Roof on my query.
Aha, how do Holocaust survivors view or opinion Zhegota - surely this tops the list .What more could we do help You?
On a much smaller scale, my beloved Grandmama, hid Jews - only for a day or 2. Then they moved on, where ,their names she didn't know - until there was another tap at her door. She never talked about them but Tata a child was curious and observed. Much later she was stopped in the street by stangers, telling Tata they were acquantainces she had not seen for some time, yet these were acquantainces he did not recognise.

4 years in a displaced persons camp, emigrated to a foreign country and passed away in the summer of 1974. A saint, may She Rest in Peace.
Marek  4 | 867  
4 Apr 2007 /  #88
Thanks for your prompt reply post, Anielka!

Sorry about the Polish. (Force of habit, I guess). Your English, like Puzzler's, is rather good, I think. Presumably you have no difficulties with the subtleties of our language.

The Fiddler question is also interesting for me, although, don't forget; it's only a movie and therefore, not representative of reality.
Indeed, men and women are not allowed to touch one another on the Sabbath, but there are also other traditions too numerous to explain at the present time.

Off the topic, but on the topic of Polish culture, do you know Elzbieta Orzeszkowa? I love her short stories (which, of course, I've read in the original :) ).

Marek Pajdo
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Apr 2007 /  #89
Bartolome, yup, I get yer draft, but even if the Scottish folks scolded me, I wouldn't stop liking them. And if they and me talked, I'm sure they'd lose their alleged by you adversity towards me. Of all the groups known to me, only the Brits are capable of such good-heartedness.

Hmmm, my post was meant to be with some tongue-in-cheek, but you took it too seriously. Anyway, you must be very persuasive, since I have encountered reactions like 'F/in' Poles are everywhere' (But, luckily, these were minority). Talking about 'Britishness', I think that this idea is becoming more and more obsolete with growing nationalism amongst Brits, or perhaps should I say English, Scottish and Welsh people.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
4 Apr 2007 /  #90
That`s how it is and that`s why we Serbs seek for hands of Mother Slavia. That is our ultimate respond on situation.

Well.....if you want one big slavic country that bad.....you can always become part of Poland :)