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Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums)

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Oct 2007 /  #91
new pools give decisive victory for PO (!!!) ...

if notging is going to change Liberals will govern alone ... first time in Polands history :)))

as to Johan 123 bookmachers changed their types, now they think PO is going to win ...
Crow  154 | 9556  
18 Oct 2007 /  #92

Will you please, in short, just inform me about current position of Kachinsky and his party (global image in public)? How goes name of Kach political party (just to check)? What`s the key argument of his political opponents?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Oct 2007 /  #93
Kaczysnki is in defend, he tries to prove that only he can solv problem of corruption and that PO is going to make coalition with LiD which is sybol of corruption in Poland (there is some truth) but when new pools show that PO have chance to goveren alone, this argument isnt so strong. What is more Kaczysnki was deafated in debate. Key arguments of his opponents: so support of Radio M and coaltion with LPR and SO, Kaczysnki try to prove that it was real policy, and he did it because it was only one posibility. He is accused of being so ignorant in realtionships with EU in the same moment being bootlicker of USA, and most of people prefere EU than USA ... what is more, he is unable for compromises and people are tired by his speaches. Last time a lot of politicians who were considered as normal not extreme decided to leave PiS or join PO and it counts. PiS have some points to, first one is that our economy is groving but it isnt result of their policy, but they use this argument in their campaing.

What is the key in so sharply changes in pools, it seams that more people thatn usualy is going to vote, and this people are rather with moderate point of view and it gives votes for PO. Campaing is very brutal and the most interesting since '89 and everything changes very quickly ...


PiS has support of poor people form villages and small towns, very religious people, and those who want revenge on commies (but in this case they did anything in 2 years time)

PO supporters are younger much better educated, richer and mostly live in big towns ...


Kaczynski when he formed coalition with extremists and populists have achived greate thing, they have 1-2% support now, but he started to talk with this electorate and some people decided to vote on PO. Kaczynski proves it is real policy (I think it is in some way true) but a lot of people dont believe him :)))
18 Oct 2007 /  #94
PO leads in polls and PiS will take the elections as usual. How many times one could be fooled by silly surveys? If polls would be right two years ago, then Rokita would be PM and Tusk president (victory in the first round!).

Kosowo is no issue in Polish media. Checked the biggest internet portal and they didn't even mentioned that Kaczynski visited Albania. If he didn't went to Russia, US, Germany, France or Brussels then media hardly mention such visits and Albania somewhere in the end of their list of importance.

I have read some time ago Kaczynski statement that he is for territorial integrity of Serbia however I would not expect him to fight for this cause too much. I have heard also some time ago some bureaucrat from Polish MFA claiming otherwise. Honestly I don't know what is our official position. Personally I think that what the US and the EU doing over there is totally illegal.

However I must say that you Serbs always chose the worst line of political defense on international arena. Radical Party should change name for something different because with such name and anti-Muslim rhetoric they will never be considered to be partners for serious discussion. Maybe dealing with US you cannot do much because here we have to do with some geopolitical nonsense with Russia. However in debate with the EU you cannot raise the Muslim issue! Firstly because this is big exaggeration, Albanians are nationalistic and atheist rather than religious. In the EU they want to bring more Muslims (commissioner Frattini plan) and such argument is automatically rejected. They prefer Muslim over nationalists. You Serbs are considered to be nationalists and you should put the same label to Albanians.

The only two parties in Poland that could possibly stand against EU bureaucrats over Kosovo are LPR and UPR but they wont rule here for sure.

by the way, this is the list of famous former and current PO members (maybe you know few of them):

John D. Rockefeller
Nicolaus Copernicus
Margaret Thatcher
Milton Friedman
David Beckham
Albert Einstein
George Soros
Napoleon Bonaparte
Martin Luther
Augusto Pinochet
Nelson Mandela
Al Gore
John Paul II
Vladimir Putin
Gosia  - | 35  
18 Oct 2007 /  #95
i got a sms today, probably you know it. i'll write in polish:
Założenie butów - 30sek,
Spacer do lokalu wyborczego - 600 sek,
oddanie głosu 120 sek,
ujrzenie miny kaczora po wyborach - BEZCENNE!

18 Oct 2007 /  #96
This is a message for all truly liberal, potential PO voters
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
18 Oct 2007 /  #97
Todays Dziennik has PO at 44% and PiS at 33%.
Gosia  - | 35  
18 Oct 2007 /  #98
truly liberal, potential PO voters

and such are most young people in poland.

LPR - please, please don't...
there was a discussion about giertych, i wont comment on his brilliant ideas.
18 Oct 2007 /  #99
This gentleman is not from LRP, this is Wojciech Popiela leader of UPR. When Kaczynski at the begging refused to debate with Tusk, the latter said that this is OBLIGATION of every democratic politician to debate. So Mr Popiela offered Mr Tusk debate proposal and guess what? Lack of response means that according to his own words Mr Tusk is not a democratic politician. ;)

there was a discussion about giertych, i wont comment on his brilliant ideas.

I have seen the thread but to call this discussion is really over-interpretation.

and such are most young people in poland.

I invite you to discussion on the subject between myself and Lukasz. Please show more courage than Mr Tusk :)

Todays Dziennik has PO at 44% and PiS at 33%.

Yeah right :) The only reliable pollster is PGB, because only their surveys were close to reality in recent election campaigns.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
18 Oct 2007 /  #100
Yeah right :)

I have to admit I don't know much about Dziennik, if it has a bias or what the reputation of its polls are. If anyone has a link to PGB I would be grateful for it. Thanks.
18 Oct 2007 /  #101

Their last survey (Personally I think that PiS is a bit over-rated here)

PiS 36%
PO 30%
LiD 18%
PSL 6%
LPR 6%
SO 4%

Dziennik is biased in some way like every newspaper but the real problem are firms that make these surveys, plenty of them and their result in no way reflect final results.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Oct 2007 /  #102
hahaha I dont know where have you find this pools, in all current PO leads by 10% ... you know I know it hurts when your side is lodting but the truth is that liberals form PO have 10% more votes than PiS and your LPR/UPR has only 1-2 %

Your idiot Korwin and fasist Giertych has only 1% of votes ... and it is true :)))) PO will win 100% and your data is not true :)))) but foreigners dont vote and I dont know why you

write this propaganda here .... :)))

and current polls ... conservatisms just watch and cry :))))

There are only two possibilities PO will govern alone or with LiD so just kiss our ass :))) Poland will be second Spain ... there church were helping for right side and what do we have there we all can see ...

as to the pools



so we F*** your conservatists and we have modern Poland first time since 1791 :))) Liberals will take leadership and will govern alone :)))

hehehe Liberals will take the power and you will see :)))) f*** your churches f*** your pope, F*** Radio Maryja. Just Peace Love and we will have second Spain here :)))
Polson  5 | 1767  
18 Oct 2007 /  #103
F*** Radio Maryja

How can we get rid of it and of Rydzyk ?... :P
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Oct 2007 /  #104
How can we get rid of it and of Rydzyk ?...

who cares, according to current pools PO will govern alone or will form coalition with LiD :)))) ant it will be enought to F*** our sick president and all craze people in Poland. I know there is stereotype of conservative Poland but when we were realy free we were always the most liberal country in our region and I hope we will back to this tradition ... as to the extrem right parties they have 1% of support so ... :))) I hope there will be no surprises and we will make next grate step as first coutry in our regions since '89 :)))
Polson  5 | 1767  
18 Oct 2007 /  #105
Yep, let's hope polls are right...2 days left before the D-day ;)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Oct 2007 /  #106
I hope they will vote (one of the most popular party in Poland) it is after aprty but we can see more intersting things during the day ;))))

so maybe just before our victory I will introduce PO supporters :)))))))


and PiS supporters ;))))) :
19 Oct 2007 /  #107
Your idiot Korwin and fasist Giertych has only 1% of votes

Young, rich, well educated, enlightened citizen of the big city have spoken. :)

and current polls ... conservatisms just watch and cry :))))

Is not PO claims to be conservative?

but foreigners dont vote and I dont know why you
write this propaganda here .... :)))

Foreigners don't vote.

There are only two possibilities PO will govern alone or with LiD so just kiss our ass :)))

So, an economic liberal want a coalition with corrupt post-communist party :)

Well... I have strong impression that you confuse liberalism with French revolution, you know this is not the same :)

So you say, F*** everybody who disagree with us and love and peace? :) However perhaps this is my fault, I'm not enough educated to understand this intellectual slang of PO voter. :)

Seriously, I was always curious about this superiority feeling among some PO voters origin from. You have heard this in TV or something?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
19 Oct 2007 /  #109
ok and now I m going to be more serious

PO will win and PO will form new government, Kaczysnkis was so crazy that there is propability PO (liberals ?!?) will govern alone ... and it is fact. And PO is much different story than PiS with their curious electorate :)

as to Poland church engaged in to policy and will lost form the same reasons as it was in Spain ... but it is process and we cant achieve everything in one time

PO has 10% more than PiS and :))) Marcinkiewicz supported Tusk so ;))). I know they will not be so liberal as I want but they will talk in language I understand and it counts :)

Young, rich, well educated, enlightened citizen of the big city have spoken. :)

:) oh yes, what I want to add, big cities in Poland are govern mostly by PO, and situation is much better than in towns governed by PiS ...
johan123  1 | 227  
20 Oct 2007 /  #110
PO will win and PO will form new government, Kaczysnkis

Lukasz, PiS have already won the election! If by some miracle PO manage to cause an upset all of us will suffer!
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #111
Tomorrow is THE day ;) Come on Polish people ! Kick Kaczki's ass ! LoL

PiS have already won the election!

You're right, they won 2 years ago, tomorrow is another day !
johan123  1 | 227  
20 Oct 2007 /  #112
Tomorrow is THE day ;) Come on Polish people ! Kick Kaczki's ass ! LoL

PiS has already won the election a long time ago !

You're right, they won 2 years ago, tomorrow is another day !

You have absolutely no idea why you want to vote for PO! You imagine PO stand for something, when, in fact, they stand for nothing!

Many of you claim that PO represents the well educated, well off, European minded members of Poland. This is total rubbish! They represent corrupted, morally devoid individuals that will sell you bulshit programmes that they have no intention of implimenting
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #113
Many of you claim that PO represents the well educated, well off, European minded members of Poland. This is total rubbish! They represent corrupted, morally devoid individuals that will sell you bulshit programmes that they have no intention of implimenting

Oh...hmm...maybe you're going to think i'm curious, but what does represent PiS ? What do they stand for ? What good they've done since 2005 ?...
johan123  1 | 227  
20 Oct 2007 /  #114
Economically Poland has never been in better shape! Why ? Because politicians have stopped stealing money under PiS. Because now people can enter a state office without having to fear corrupted officials waiting for under the table envelopes.
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #115
Polish economic health has nothing to do with PiS !
johan123  1 | 227  
20 Oct 2007 /  #116
There is investment! The currency has never been stronger! Unemployment has fallen dramatically! Corruption is being dealt with. People have more income! Poland has a foreign policy based upon Polish interests! Tusk promises nothing more than lies! What's more he is lying to himself! He is simply not intelleigent enough to understand the position the country in.
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #117
Investments and European funds have nothing to do with Kaczki.
And what about the strikes in hospitals ? What about young Poles that emigrate ?
johan123  1 | 227  
20 Oct 2007 /  #118
Polish economic health has nothing to do with PiS !

This is total rubbish ! PiS has provided an enviroment for this growth, An enviroment where companies like mine haven't received any form of ZUS OR TAX official controls for over two years! Why ! Because no one can expect an under the table 10000 PZL
lesser  4 | 1311  
20 Oct 2007 /  #119
Both parties sell us out to socialist Brussels bureaucracy, beside of election rhetoric difference between them is very small. I think that no matter which will win, margin will be very small. I'm curious what all those "survey believers" will say then.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums)Archived