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What do Polish women look for in a relationship?

Frank  23 | 1183  
21 Jan 2007 /  #31
Just being yourself is enough for the right woman.

Emmmm...Shewolf, I am not wholly sure this applies across the board, plus "the right woman" might be difficult to come across!

Ergo, you then have to adopt other modes to "appear" attractive, remember everyone looking for a partner...male/female is not at every moment in time, looking for a long term or permanent partner!!!
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #32
They've done all sorts of things to impress them and it didn't work.

Well the story of Adam and Eve explain this. Remember in the garden of eden when god let them eat from any tree that they wanted to except one.

But Eve coudn't be happy with all the things that she was given.
So she decided eat from the tree that she was not suppose to eat from.
It is still like that today with women you give them what they want and then they want some thing more. It is never enough you can't satifiy their craving for attention.

It is a charactor triat that god put in them for some reason. What reason I do not know. But I sure it has some significant purpose:)
Frank  23 | 1183  
21 Jan 2007 /  #33
Sparky....brave man....expect incoming any moment....lol
21 Jan 2007 /  #34
It is still like that today with women you give them what they want and then they want you to some thing more. It is never enough you can't satifiy their craving for attention.

correction Sparky: SOME women, I personally don't like too much attention.
It seems that SOME guys love women like that:)
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #35
Sparky....brave man....expect incoming any moment....lol

Just wait till M.... sees it
I saw how she turned the whole world against you on the EE thing
Pretty funny wish I would have been hear for that.

I personally don't like too much attention

You want to get married. Because I want all the attention myself
21 Jan 2007 /  #36
I saw how she turned the whole world against you on the EE thing
Pretty funny wish I would have been hear for that.

I did it becaue FrankEE wouldn't admit that he made it up - he also likes attention and I like to tease him, even though we got canned:( for that.

I will tease you in the future - once you get out of a mourning state:)

You want to get married. Because I want all the attention myself

he, he
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #37
I will tease you in the future - once you get out of a mourning state

Mourning state? I trying to get you to catch me on the rebound.
Hint hint nunge nunge wink wink!!!!!:)

I gotta go my step mom is honking the horn outside for church.
I be back around 1pm:)
21 Jan 2007 /  #38
Mourning state? I trying to get you to catch me on the rebound.

I am not that desparate, he, he...I will wait:) they say that rebound is baaad, especially the US one:)
21 Jan 2007 /  #39
Do you know any nice polish girls like you described ? I would like to find a polish girl in London. Any chat sites that I can find many polish ? I work close by to london. take care and god bless.
21 Jan 2007 /  #40
go ahead and be in love with the right girl for you... polish or not...
Eurola  4 | 1898  
21 Jan 2007 /  #41
I did it becaue FrankEE wouldn't admit that he made it up

:) Now he is FrankEE ?? I love it.
21 Jan 2007 /  #42
Polish woman is looking for a guy who wopuld admit when he is wrong, if not he gets a nickname:)
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #43
I am not that desparate, he, he...I will wait they say that rebound is baaad, especially the US one

I was kidding about the rebound.....Why were you thinking that anyway?
21 Jan 2007 /  #44
Why were you thinking that anyway?

thinking what?
shewolf  5 | 1077  
21 Jan 2007 /  #45
Emmmm...Shewolf, I am not wholly sure this applies across the board, plus "the right woman" might be difficult to come across!

Ergo, you then have to adopt other modes to "appear" attractive, remember everyone looking for a partner...male/female is not at every moment in time, looking for a long term or permanent partner!!!

I went to a German restaurant yesterday and a handsome German man was sitting at the table next to me and he couldn't take his eyes off of me. But I hadn't done anything to get his attention. I was sitting there quietly and I was wearing a big jacket because it was cold and I hadn't even straightened my hair so it was frizzy and I didn't put much make up on before I left the house. But I could have gotten that man if I wanted to. When someone wants you, you don't have to try to make them want you. They just do. Maybe you're looking in the wrong place? Try a German restaurant. heehee.
Frank  23 | 1183  
21 Jan 2007 /  #46
Shewolf.....but his desire was purely carnal...........your desire was food.........lol
basically...some guys would shag anything that moved........its in their genes, can't help it, glad you're choosey though.....lol

Germany.......eeemmm...no thanks
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #47
thinking what?

You told me that I was in a mourning state.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
21 Jan 2007 /  #48
Shewolf.....but his desire was purely carnal...........your desire was food.........lol
basically...some guys would shag anything that moved........its in their genes, can't help it, glad you're choosey though.....lol

Germany.......eeemmm...no thanks

You see, that might be your problem right there. Men believe that women want something other than carnal things. I personally didn't care who the guy was or what his life was like. I wanted him because he looked hot and because his eyes expressed desire. And I would have gone after him if I had been looking for a man. But men think women don't care about those things and so they hold back. That's why they end up alone. You need to show desire if you want a woman. Just my opinion.
21 Jan 2007 /  #49
I was in a mourning state.

Oh, I had the impression that you were, my mistake:)
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #50
Explain why you would think that:(
21 Jan 2007 /  #51
didn't you get dissapointed by this girl of yours? I figured in order to move on you would have to go through a "mourning" stage, anyone would. I might have being wrong and if I am, I am OK with it:)
shewolf  5 | 1077  
21 Jan 2007 /  #52
Yeah, Sparky. Tell us about the girl who stole all your money. :)
Frank  23 | 1183  
21 Jan 2007 /  #53
You need to show desire if you want a woman.

Yes...true,...but I'm not looking for a woman...shewolf...........are you looking for a man?
shewolf  5 | 1077  
21 Jan 2007 /  #54
I'm always looking but not taking at the moment. I'm married to my work. :)
21 Jan 2007 /  #55
Quoting: miranda, Post #54
You need to show desire if you want a woman.

that wasn't my quote Frank:)
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #56
didn't you get dissapointed by this girl of yours? I figured in order to move on you would have to go through a "mourning" stage, anyone would. I might have being wrong and if I am, I am OK with it

Yeah, Sparky. Tell us about the girl who stole all your money

Okay you guys caught me
She was a polish girl that went to my church. The first time I laid eyes on her I knew that I wanted to be with her she was so funny and everyone liked to be around her. She was also very wity and extremly intelligent. It took me three months of going to church being around, Seen but not heard. I got to meet her friends and I gained there approval first. This helped me because she was a very busy person and hard to run into. they would invite me to get togethers, and I would always try to make her laugh and show of my wit . It didn't take long before I was giving her rides home, and her leaving stuff in my car. I would have to call her to tell her that she left something in my car. She would ask me to bring it to her or she would tell me to hold on to it until the next night. After a while I asked her out, and then we were hot and heavy for about three months. At this point I relized that this woman is working me to death and I had to flee to another state. the end.:)
shewolf  5 | 1077  
21 Jan 2007 /  #57
At this point I relized that this woman is working me to death and I had to flee to another state.

Working you to death? How?
21 Jan 2007 /  #58
At this point I relized that this woman is working me to death and I had to flee to another state

What do you mean by that?
Sparky  - | 92  
21 Jan 2007 /  #59
Well I didn't want to make the post too long. But during the time that we were together she was getting me all kinds of side work. (Electrical Work) with her friends,family,and neighbors. Which was alright. But Whne someone ask me to do something I like to get it done so I don't have to worry about it any more. So I was working to get theses jobs finished and she was getting me work faster than I could get them finished. So I was working 40 hours on my regular job and then working another 30hours after work and on the weekends. So I never got to see her, and when I did I was too tired to do anything but sleep.

So we broke up.:(
21 Jan 2007 /  #60
So I never got to see her, and when I did I was too tired to do anything but sleep.

oh, so sorry. sounds like you tried to impress her too much and it backed fired on you:(

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