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Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of)..

masks98 27 | 289  
22 Aug 2008 /  #62
Yeah Seanus I wasn't being that clever, I really have made some observations about polish 'beauty' that has really pissed my girlfriend off, even though I think she's the most beautiful human I've ever seen.

The thing is that beauty is relative (only to an extent, I think there are universal elements to it,) and coming from New York, beauty/damn-fineness is defined by how closely you resemble supermodels or actors, a lot of those people happen to be walking around there (figuratively speaking i've bumped into Daria Werbowy, triped over Leonardo DiCaprio, backed into Matt damon (literally) and crossed Adrianna Lima and almost spilled beer on Beyonce's hair(literally.)

Coming here I see almost no people who look like that, and that makes me categorize them as 'average' or below. Especially the guys, few of them have striking features, many have uneven face structures etc, they do tend to be tall though.

As for the women, the field levels out a bit more, but compared to other places o've been, not many are striking or stunning, fairly average on the whole. What strikes me though is how many of them are thin, or fit, it's really incredible actually. There are plenty of fit people in New York but also tons of obscenely obese, or near emaciated creatures. Here I have to assume that they mostly come out at night. While there are plenty of flat chested girls here, there seems to be a great amount of big chested girls. However, I must say that Polish girls uniformly have no ass. New Yorkers tend to big round asses, (flat asses were cool in the early nineties and before,) yet no girl here fits the bill. Many of them are simply flat.

All this said, I'm not trying to put anyone down, maybe I should post a body shot of myself and let y'all have at it, another thing I'll add is that I've been feeling quite unattractive myself since being here, I don't get checked out, I get stared at but never checked out, which shows that aesthetic preferences are cultural.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
22 Aug 2008 /  #63
Polish girls have no ass, man, u need glasses. That's one thing that many of them do have. OK, they ain't Brazilian style, but maybe that's a good thing
masks98 27 | 289  
22 Aug 2008 /  #64
haha well what part of Poland do you have in mind? I'm mostly talking about Warsaw, but that should be pretty representative no?
JaeTheProducer 3 | 33  
22 Aug 2008 /  #65
Every Polish girl i've ever known has always said they never find Polish men attractive. I guess the bald head, big nose and rucksack doesn't do it for them.
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #66
The thing is that beauty is relative (only to an extent, I think there are universal elements to it,) and coming from New York, beauty/damn-fineness is defined by how closely you resemble supermodels or actors

I'm from New York as well, and that is one feature (judging beauty according to models or actors) that I find particularly shallow. In all fairness, you were cajoled to share so I'm not judging you, but maybe more your generation. You guys have been besieged with these unrealistic standards of beauty (from air-brushed magazines, plastic surgery adherents, and computer generated visions of beauty), to the point that you cannot appreciate beauty in its natural and flawed form. Anyway, that's my rant about using "supermodels and actors" as a standard of beauty. That being said, I take care of myself, my skin, my health, and I have been rewarded by looking much, much younger than my years, and I have a naturally youthful attitude because I stay current and involved. But, I have learned to accept myself with flaws and all, and not run with the rest of the stampede to the plastic surgeon's office. I do just fine, and I don't need the approval of everyone, just those whose approval or attention I need.

By the way, you are very good looking from your profile picture, and you must have interesting stories to tell living in Poland. I am also mixed but look white to most people, but I will be curious to get your perspective on being a black male in Poland.
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
22 Aug 2008 /  #67
Every Polish girl i've ever known has always said they never find Polish men attractive. I guess the bald head, big nose and rucksack doesn't do it for them.

And it's their loss as within the rucksack lies polish mans magnetizing mystery. ;)
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #68
haha well what part of Poland do you have in mind? I'm mostly talking about Warsaw, but that should be pretty representative no?

BTW, I have to agree with Seanus on this one. I am part Polish, Hungarian, and Suriname but I was adopted into a Caribbean family. I look mostly white, but always fit in because I have a small waist and an s-curve round ass. I had no idea where I had inherited this from, until I saw other Polish women recently in a restaurant in the East Village. They have great asses that could stand their own against African and Caribbean butts any day.

So, I don't know what you're talking about on that one. Maybe they have all dieted to be way skinny?
22 Aug 2008 /  #69
polish mans magnetizing mystery.

hehe....good one...
masks98 27 | 289  
22 Aug 2008 /  #70
curious to get your perspective on being a black male in Poland.

aw man I won't even get into it, they've heard enough from me about "being a black male in Poland" on these forums let's just say that rather than getting checked out, I just get stared at. And by the way, I'm not mixed, both my parents are fully black, my father was on the light side but still black.

And yeah The New York standard is pretty shallow, mostly because I hung around a shallow scene.

Where in New York are you from, what brings you to these forums?
Danny 2 | 91  
22 Aug 2008 /  #71
Based entirely on Dekalog and some of the Polish fellas I see around here Polish guys don't seem any more or less attractive than any other culture's la's. Same for the women... Though there are some exceptionally beautiful women.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2008 /  #72
And it's their loss as within the rucksack lies polish mans magnetizing mystery. ;)

And women do love a bit of mystery :)
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #73
aw man I won't even get into it, they've heard enough from me about "being a black male in Poland" on these forums let's just say that rather than getting checked out, I just get stared at. And by the way, I'm not mixed, both my parents are fully black, my father was on the light side but still black.

And yeah The New York standard is pretty shallow, mostly because I hung around a shallow scene.

Where in New York are you from, what brings you to these forums?

Yeah, I understand. I don't want to derail the thread, either, so I will PM you. To answer your question, I grew up in the Bronx, left for school, lived around the world, and am currently getting in touch with my Polish and Hungarian roots since I never knew them, or knew what it meant to be Polish and Hungarian. That's why I am on this forum. I am also thinking of moving to the region for awhile.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2008 /  #74

Are nice, very passionate!
22 Aug 2008 /  #75

Are nice, very passionate!

yeah...i love their hot goulash with potatoes' pancakes ....
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #76
Thanks for the encouraging words ShellyS and Polishgirl. I am definitely very passionate, for better and worse, lol. I met a Hungarian woman this past summer while I was consulting for a non-profit, and after being typically American and smiling at her - and she typically not smiling back a couple of times - I think she was finally curious and befriended me. I learned a little bit from her (also that Hungarians are very negative, which I am as well, and that Poland and Hungary share a deep friendship), and started reading up on the history of the region, especially Poland and Hungary.

Well, I somehow inexplicably fell in love with the countries, and feel such a deep empathy and bond because of all they have gone through. I have not stopped obsessing about the region since. To be fair, I have gone off on tangents earlier in my life about the other side of my biological identity (Suriname, Dutch, and Arawak), so I think it is now Hungary and Poland's turn.

I am also underemployed, and need to get back to work writing cover letters and CVs today. But, I am also thinking it could be an opening for me to get the heck out of here and go to Poland.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2008 /  #77
heck out of here and go to Poland.

Teach English?
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #78
Don't know; I'm considering it. I would like to try and find a professional job first in the region. I've been an English teacher before in Asia and it is not always the best of work. But, if it is the only opening I have at first, I may consider it. I am trying to figure out how to get the best spot I can though. I have degrees, but I may need to get a TEFEL certification.

Sorry for derailing the thread folks, if anyone cares.

*To keep this on topic, does anyone know why so many Polish guys are bald? Do they lose their hair and then shave the rest off, or is it the current fashion? I do like men with hair, lol.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2008 /  #79
Sorry for derailing the thread folks, if anyone cares.

Nah this is far more interesting to be honest...

To keep this on topic, does anyone know why so many Polish guys are bald? Do they lose their hair and then shave the rest off, or is it the current fashion? I do like men with hair, lol.

I think they lose it and rather than go for the great british comb over they do the right thing and shave it off...Im the opposite, I love baldies :) Hungarian men seem to sport quite a good head of hair though - the older generation are still quite into their tashes too LOL :)
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #80
Im the opposite, I love baldies :)

Yeah, but I wouldn't discriminate against a hot bald guy. I've had a few crushes on bald men, ha ha.

Gotta go and find gainful employment. Glad to find a community here. I want to start learning Polish.

krysia 23 | 3058  
22 Aug 2008 /  #81
Sometimes it's kinda nice to run your fingers through his hair...;)
22 Aug 2008 /  #82
it is nice....but if you won't find any hair on a Polish guy's head....try to look for it on other parts of his body....bushy it is... hehe...;)
Marcus911 3 | 102  
22 Aug 2008 /  #83
What about Bald Irishmen?
krysia 23 | 3058  
22 Aug 2008 /  #84
it is nice....but if you won't find any hair on a Polish guy's head....try to look for it on other parts of his body....bushy it is... hehe...;)

LOl! Thank you, You made my day! Hahahahaha!
Marcus911 3 | 102  
22 Aug 2008 /  #85
Seemingly my wife found this funny too...Glad not too many people seen that pic of me..
masks98 27 | 289  
22 Aug 2008 /  #86
I grew up in the Bronx,

nice I lived up there for a while, grand concourse, I was told it was super dangerous but nobody gave me crap. The most dangerou part of NYC I ever lived in was Chelsea! Gunfights, Arnold Schwarzenegger type gay men stalking you, fights in the clubs...

Depending on the kind of lifestyle you lived in ny you might find Poland charming, but only for a while, I've been here 8 months and am just starting to have enough, unless it''s just a bout of homesickness, I miss chinese food and greasy pizza slices. The problemm couuld also be Warsaw, my advice to you, if you momve to Poland try some place other than Warsaw.
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
22 Aug 2008 /  #87
hehe....good one...

And women do love a bit of mystery :)


It's in the bag! ;) Literally and metaphorically. :)

Depending on the kind of lifestyle you lived in ny you might find Poland charming, but only for a while, I've been here 8 months and am just starting to have enough, unless it''s just a bout of homesickness, I miss chinese food and greasy pizza slices. The problemm couuld also be Warsaw, my advice to you, if you momve to Poland try some place other than Warsaw.

All people go through this - few stages of accomodation into a new environment. Which unfortunately doesn't guarantee you that you will ever like it here. I don't wish it upon you, BTW. I hope everything willl turn out alright.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
22 Aug 2008 /  #88
hey justynia thanks for sticking up for us english girls.

ahh that's alright, i think that the beauty of English girls is definitely not being appreciated, especially now after the influx of 'hot' slavic women. it is true, most of us are very thin and have nice bodies, but like seanus (or someone else i can't remember now lol) said, it's sadly a fact that if the girl is amazingly beautiful, she might have a nasty personality, or no personality at all, and expect everyone to treat her like a princess... i lived here for 4 years now and it really strikes me how gorgeous and pampered (yes!) the British girls are. Polish girls all tend to look the same, same sorta clothes, shoes, same haircut and hair colour etc., cos in Poland if you dare to stand out you will get stared at so they still do all that even though they are in UK now. i very often recognise Poles on the street just because of the clothes they wear, or their hair. I love fashion here, i love it how everyone has their own style and they can wear whatever they want, cut their hair however they wish and nobody will look at them with their mouth open. i always stand out on the street in Poland lol, i don't care whats "in" at the moment cos that's what ALL Polish girls will wear. I look foreign over there, eek! lol can see on PFs how big of a difference it makes if somebody posts a picture of himself... a career from unnoticeable to bothered by stalkers...

tell me about it! lol!

No matter how much character a person's got, no one likes a minger.

i have this thing that when i see someone who is really really bad looking, i feel all sad and i wanna go give them a cuddle. no joke, i'm like this! we were sat in a cafe and this not so handsome geeky guy was walking around looking for free seats. he looked so sad and lonely, i really wanted to ask him to sit with us, but my boyfriend didn't let me! lol.
Calicoe 2 | 133  
22 Aug 2008 /  #89
i have this thing that when i see someone who is really really bad looking, i feel all sad and i wanna go give them a cuddle. no joke, i'm like this! we were sat in a cafe and this not so handsome geeky guy was walking around looking for free seats. he looked so sad and lonely, i really wanted to ask him to sit with us, but my boyfriend didn't let me! lol.

It's good to not lose that caring side of yourself. Keep that sweet part of yourself, no matter how jaded and shallow people are around you.
sausage 19 | 775  
22 Aug 2008 /  #90
I've been here 8 months and am just starting to have enough

Learn the language you lazy fecker.

he looked so sad and lonely

you don't really want to encourage fireif, probably best that your boyfriend discouraged you.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of)..Archived