I'm sorry if anyone will be offended with this posting.
On my recent trip to Poland, I noticed that late night TV channels show naked women. I found this surprising because I never see nudity on public TV in the US and the fact that Poland is mainly Catholic, the church would have thrown a fit already.
i saw them as well, better night cap than a herbata.
hey,my friend told me that all films in Poland are narrated by same person,is that true?or he just meant porn films?(i wouldn't be suprised,he's a horny bastard.)
a matter of habit. i don't know what's worse, that or full dubbing. (BWT I'm not talking about porn, now) with one narrating voice at least you've got the idea of the actors' voices and intonation. although it is impossible to understand them anyway.
i could bare one voice only for documentaries...but for action movies... I can imagine James Bond and his girl have same person narrating lol. no way,why don't they pay more actors to do that job?
no way,why don't they pay more actors to do that job?
I guess that's it, paying is the issue. they do it for movies for children (Shrek type - I know, I know, let's not start arguing here whether it is a movie for children ;))
anyway, to my opinion subtitles are the cheapest and best, but that, in Poland takes place at cinemas.