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Whose Life is it? Polish girlfriend under family "house arrest"

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Mar 2009 /  #151
There are female rabbis.

There are women vicars too!
19 Mar 2009 /  #152
Yes, but the Catholic church doesn't have any. In fact the Catholic church is so opposed to female priests that it will accept married men as priests when those men leave their previous churches because women can now be priests in those churches!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Mar 2009 /  #153
Chill Harry, this thread is about some girl who ditched her boyfriend and is lying through her teeth to him!

Your sentence doesnt make sense to me either. Are you having a breakdown - you seem a tad "edgy" ...
Przemas  1 | 101  
19 Mar 2009 /  #154
Harry has found a canvass; now watch the artist stroke his masterful generalizations upon it.
19 Mar 2009 /  #155
The Catholic church doesn't have any female priests. Because women are second-class humans to them. It does have married priests, but only married priests who are men.

Understanding and remembering the fact that women are second-class beings is crucial when attempting to understand small-town Poland.
vivianzizi  2 | 21  
19 Mar 2009 /  #156
maybe its true that she is being held, you would know if its a lie if she starts asking for money for one thing or the other, if she hasnt and u r really in love. maybe u should visit polland and get your girl back. if u can get her out of the house it would be step one.

best of luck
Randal  1 | 577  
19 Mar 2009 /  #157
Understanding and remembering the fact that women are second-class beings is crucial when attempting to understand small-town Poland.

Am I alone in hating it when Harry makes sense? Lol...
vivianzizi  2 | 21  
19 Mar 2009 /  #158
take it easy shelley, or has someone done the same to you. lol
time means  5 | 1309  
19 Mar 2009 /  #159
is the family surname fritzl-ski by any chance?
mafketis  38 | 11149  
19 Mar 2009 /  #160
Understanding and remembering the fact that women are second-class beings is crucial when attempting to understand small-town Poland.

This is the kind of misunderstanding that's likely to occur when you don't speak Polish. Women have to put up with a fair amount of crap from Polish men and are discriminated against in hiring and promotions at work (and both these problems are bigger in the country than in the city) but overall they pretty clearly run the household sphere make most of the major household decisions (with or without consulting their husbands) and remain useful and productive well into old age (whereas old men have no productive role in the household, maybe one reason they die younger).

Simple flat statements like Harry's conceal more than they reveal.
Randal  1 | 577  
19 Mar 2009 /  #161
Simple flat statements like Harry's conceal more than they reveal.

And yet you went on to pretty much restate whet he said.
19 Mar 2009 /  #162
old men have no productive role in the household, maybe one reason they die younger

Well it could be that. Or it could be that the average man in small-town Poland spends evening out with his mates smoking loads and drinking even more while the wife stays home and does the housework.

My money would be on the second explanation.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
19 Mar 2009 /  #163
and yet you went on to pretty much restate whet he said.

if you weren't paying attention maybe.

To be clear: both men and women have it tough in small town Poland, the stresses for both are different. Describing the situation of women in the countryside as 'second class' (implying that the men are substantially better off) is a shallow non-observation.
OP Ireland32  2 | 172  
19 Mar 2009 /  #164
Update.....today 20 years ago my mother died at age 47> She took a massive heart attack in her sleep. I was 17. The yougest in my family was just 8/ I was the eldest.....my point is as the eldest in my home, I cooked, cleaned, went out to work and done my bit for my family........she know that. that is why she respected me. that is why we got on so well. Shew knew where I came from........I love her and i know she still loves me. today of all days, i have received 67 calls from this prick and 17 texts...... I know i am a thorn in his side but both agnieszka and me cannot run away from our feelings.....
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
19 Mar 2009 /  #165
i have received 67 calls from this prick and 17 texts.....

he sounds loony

RIP Irelands Mum
Randal  1 | 577  
19 Mar 2009 /  #166
Good man, Irish. Sorry for your loss.

today of all days, i have received 67 calls from this prick and 17 texts......

Don’t let this pr!ck get to you you. He doesn’t know what today is to you.
What will it take for you to put a stop to this harassment? Maybe you should load up a truck with a bunch of your mates and go get in this jerk’s face? 67&17, clearly the guy is obsessed and needs his ass kicked.

Do you reply to his calls and texts?
Cardno85  31 | 971  
19 Mar 2009 /  #167
Maybe you should load up a truck with a bunch of your mates and go get in this jerk’s face?

If he needs us, and knows where to find us, he could always call:

The PF Team!
OP Ireland32  2 | 172  
19 Mar 2009 /  #168
for those of you who think that she will look money from me....you do not know me or her....she is as indpendent as i wish the whole of Ireland was and has never asked for a penny.

Do you reply to his calls and texts?

I try not to reply
ragtime27  1 | 146  
19 Mar 2009 /  #169
He talking about catholic church not how man treat women in work place or husband.

take it easy shelley, or has someone done the same to you. lol

She goes quiet when women issue get mentioned in catholic church :) :)
20 Mar 2009 /  #170
Sorry to hear about your mum.

Don't give a **** about being a thorn in his side: the guy sounds like a right arsehole and one who will richly deserve what he will no doubt one day get.

Are you just pressing reject when he calls? Don't do that and don't try to answer the calls either. Just press accept so the call is connected and then hang up. If it's costing him every time he tries to call, he'll probably call less.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 Mar 2009 /  #171
I love her and i know she still loves me.


I am useless at relationship advise, so please do not take anything I say seriously.

You love this girl and she loves you, great!.
Best case scenario, she gets back to Ireland, continues her life there with you.

I am just curious about this,
would she have to turn her back on her family to make this come true?.
Can you win over the family?.

You know the ex, will he follow her over and cause problems for you?.

i think it is important to have a workable goal.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Mar 2009 /  #172
Because women are second-class humans to them.

Please correct me if I am wrong but are Jewish women not segregated from the men in the Synagog? Now correct me if I am wrong, do not women and men sit together in a RC church, doesnt seem like we are treated as second class anything.

Now I know you are going to counter with the fact Orthodox and Reform as very different, but since you are talking about the extreme cases, so shall I.

take it easy shelley, or has someone done the same to you. lol

Who the fuck are you....newbie!

She goes quiet when women issue get mentioned in catholic church :) :)

You're a bit of a dick aren't you Ontherag, I have answered all of Harrys posts...
20 Mar 2009 /  #173
I wouldn't know how people sit in a synagogue because I have only ever set foot in one as a tourist, i.e. not when they were in use for their intended purpose. The Pawels here think that I must be Jewish because I know a bit about Poland and refuse to agree that Poland is 100% perfect. I have tried posting that I'm not Jewish but they refuse to listen. I have tried posting that they should go home and ask their mothers whether I have a foreskin but the moderators keep removing those posts.

If women are the equal of men in the RC church, why are women entirely excluded from the leadership roles (except when leading other women)? Why can women not be ordained in the RC church?

I have answered all of Harrys posts...

I'm really looking forward to hearing you explain how women can be completely equal in the RC church but can not be ordained in the RC church. Can you wait a moment before you answer? I want to get some popcorn so I can really enjoy the show.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Mar 2009 /  #174
I dont care, nuns have their place, they teach in schools they are missionaries and fully trained nurses - for me as a RC I'm happy with that.

I'm really looking forward to hearing you explain how women can be completely equal in the RC church but can not be ordained in the RC church. Can you wait a moment before you answer? I want to get some popcorn so I can really enjoy the show.

Harry, it depends on what you classify as equal - they both have their roles to play, for me both are equally as important, both take vows to serve the church for their entire life this puts them on an equal footing in my eyes. Just because a priest can give the holy sacrament doesn't mean he is any better than a nun who nurses the sick and dying.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Mar 2009 /  #175
Don't waste your time on a stupid kik..
20 Mar 2009 /  #176
I dont care, nuns have their place, they teach in schools they are missionaries and fully trained nurses - for me as a RC I'm happy with that.

In other words they can be the female version of monks.
Funny how it is so common to see nuns who are nurses but so incredibly unusual to see a nun who is a doctor. Wonder why that might be.

Harry, it depends on what you classify as equal - they both have their roles to play, for me both are equally as important, both take vows to serve the church for their entire life this puts them on an equal footing in my eyes. Just because a priest can give the holy sacrament doesn't mean he is any better than a nun who nurses the sick and dying.

But it does mean that he can be the leader of the church.

Equality means that people are equal and nobody can be barred from doing something because of his/her sex. In the RC church more than half of the members are barred from holding positions of power because they are women.

Don't waste your time on a stupid kik..

The word is spelt K-I-K-E. Boy, you are too dumb to even be a bigot properly.

Note to moderators: Please leave Greg's delightful comment as it is. I know that he is attempting to insult me (which is against forum rules), but he isn't actually suceeding. And he is very nicely illustrating the mindset of the young male in small-town Poland.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Mar 2009 /  #177
What is the point to this Harry? To show the "shock horror" inequalities in the RC church?

In the church it means they serve god and serve on earth with equal dedication.
20 Mar 2009 /  #178
What is the point to this Harry? To show the "shock horror" inequalities in the RC church?

You are the one claiming that the RC church is entirely equal.

In the church it means they serve god and serve on earth with equal dedication.

And god's representative on earth (in the eyes of the RC church) is always from which sex?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Mar 2009 /  #179
You are the one claiming that the RC church is entirely equal.

Im not claiming anything - you started this debate, Im still trying to work out why, when this thread is about some poor bastard being dumped by some Polish girl.

And god's representative on earth (in the eyes of the RC church) is always from which sex?

lol, Harry - of course it's a man, same as Adam came first and woman was created from man - do you think anyone cares about this? Do you think nuns should be rioting in the street for equal rights? ;0)
20 Mar 2009 /  #180
Im not claiming anything

Does the RC church treat men and women equally? Yes or no.

you started this debate, Im still trying to work out why, when this thread is about some poor bastard being dumped by some Polish girl.

I mentioned religion because the RC faith and its treatment of women as second-class beings is key to understanding small-town Poland.

lol, Harry - of course it's a man

Why is it 'of course' a man? Why can't it be a woman? The two sexs are supposed to be equal in your church so why must the leaders of the church all be men?

do you think anyone cares about this? Do you think nuns should be rioting in the street for equal rights? ;0)

It seems that some people from your faith do care about this very much.


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