Yes...the world will always be interesting. Different shades will be there always... and I dont need to explain this to someone who dont even know the meaning of diversity and beauty. Well...you dont even know the meaning of Christmas!... I read in this tread a posting about 'Christmas dinner' where the author disscussed racist point of view with the proud family. Forgetting that Jesus was basically a dark colored Arab Carpenter!
I was that author. We discussed how we felt sad that Poles were diluting their culture. How is that racsist? You talk about these different shades... Sorry mate, in the real world a couple of shades of one color are much less diverse than four different colors. Not a very logical argument. I don't care if Jesus was green. Jesus would not support the views of many of these sexist cultures. Why should we let them into Poland?
Regarded some 'skinheads' thoughts over pakistan and india, then please review your thoughts. In pakistan it is no law and never practiced to kill their own wife. It obviously does happen there, but it happens everywhere in europe and also in poland at the same rate. Just some ignorant people avoid accept it.
Lonestranger, put down your Bible and read the news.
Here is one article about the abuse of women in Pakistan by AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL!!!!!!!! One of the quotes is "Domestic violence and physical abuse, which includes rape, acid throwing, burning, and "honor" killings are still widespread in Pakistan. "
Here is one about the situation in Afghanistan.
Why should we invite such people in our country?
Here is an article on infanticide of girls in China and India.
When these MILLIONS of Bachelors are womenless. Where do you think they will want to come? Why should we allow them into Poland. Why should any western country allow them. The will destroy our gender ratio. Studies have shown that too many bachelors create problems in society such as violence.
You talk about how the Indians accepted the Poles during WWII. Yes they did. A group of 5000 to be exact and they were mostly women and children. The difference between these two situations was that the Germans invaded Poland and forced them out!
Nobody is forcing these cultures to abort their female children. It is a result of their own values. Why shall we suffer for something they brought upon themselves? In China, by 2020, there will be 40 million bachelors who will never marry because of the shortage of females. See this article countercurrents.org/gender-allison090304.htm
I remind you Lonestranger there are only 39.5 million people in Poland!!!! Introduction of millions of bachelors into any smaller European country will have unspeakable consequences. You don't want Poland to be rascist? You will get a good taste of it if that happens.
It is imperative that we do not destroy our social structure and culture. How are you not understanding this?
Yes, ad hominem is an English word. Google it and learn something new.
Ad hominem is derived from latin not a Germanic language like English. Google the word and learn something new. Anyway, that was not my point. I was actually questioning your English skills over the following statement:
This shows lack of education when one engages in logical fallacies.
That is not very clear. I think you are trying to say this:
Uneducated people make illogical arguments.
Your sentence has 11 words mine has 5.
Don't bring in strawman arguments. I never said Himmler was Russian. I don't think I'm so inane.
So you knew Himmler was Russian, but you continued to cite him in order to show that the Russians were bad people? You still make no sense.
The point is the Poles have no place to be racist because they have suffered invasions from every power known to man since the beginning of the Poles as a distinct cultural identity.
This might be the dumbest thing you have said so far. Did the United States ever invade Poland? Did the Mexicans ever Invade Poland? Did India ever invade Poland? Pretty sure the English never invaded Poland either…
The Poles have alot of common with the Jews, the Blacks and all oppressed peoples. That's why I feel endeared to them. These Poles who espouse racist views would have been gassed the same during Hitler's occupation of Poland, so why the racist views.
Dude you are endeared to the Poles for all the wrong reasons. The Germans, Russians, Spanish, and French have all been oppressed at one point or another. Are you endeared to all of them as well?
The Polish have also been the oppressors with the Russians, Ukrainians, and Germans. I remind you 400 hundred years ago Poland was the most powerful nation in Central and Eastern Europe.
Jose you live in NYC. A very diverse place where the cultures come together from all over the world. For the most part everything turns out well. Why do they come together so well? Because the US has some of the strictest immigration regulations in the world. You live in your bubble and don’t realize that the immigration office restricts entry of people by gender, age, education, criminal background, wealth, and family. The more educated you are the more of chance you have of getting in. The US immigration office is very keen on making sure that what is going on in London and Sweden does not happen in NYC.
So before you spout your crap about excluding people, you should realize that you are living in a country which excludes the most!
You don’t believe me? Ask some of the Polish people on this forum how difficult it is to get to the US. Ask them about the lottery system.
You need to stop telling Poland and Polish people what to do about excluding people from their country. You are not Polish. You are Puerto Rican. It was not difficult for you to get to the US. Now, you live in the US. If you want to make a difference then you should start asking the US government to weaken the immigration laws. Fix your own country before you lecture on about Poland.