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Polish interracial dating

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Dec 2008 /  #301
Sounds like you got the polish fever just like me.

I have a few black friends and i'll say most are better people than white americans, in a sence that if they know ur a foreighner (Polish) they like u more and respect u more, cause they know u go though discrimination from white americans as they do or did, i myself am mostly atracted to white girls, with an exeption here and there, if a Polish girl likes u than good for u but make shure she aint doin it to gain attention or to rebel from what her parents taught her as right and wrong.
hazard  - | 1  
17 Aug 2009 /  #302
i have a polish girlfriend and she wants me to go to poland next year, i am a black guy from uk, but i am unsure what to expect if i go??
mvefa  5 | 591  
17 Aug 2009 /  #303
Unhappy looking white women walking the street with an ugly mixed-race kid (where is daddy?) are usually seen as stupid sluts who have been warned and now have problems finding another relation because not many men are interested in her anymore because of her kid.

This has to be the biggest load of c.r.a.p i have ever read,

well maybe this is common in the Poor ass neighbourhood you come from, with a bunch of trailer red-necks like your self...god i feel pity for you.
Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Aug 2009 /  #304
Polish interracial dating


Serbs expect help and support from Poland. let us hope that mujaheedines in the region won`t get reinforcement from Poland after some 50-70 years
LukeXX  4 | 75  
17 Aug 2009 /  #305
Because of the penis factor.That's all.Don't look any further.

That's a myth.
Studies have shown that white Europeans and black Africans on average have an erect penis of equal size, while Asians considerably smaller. The impression is because in black guys it does not shrink as much. That's all.

It's just a myth.

To me the hype about black guys is only to do with music and MTV. It all started with Michael Jackson back in the 80s and they should thank guy for it.

Of course Africans have absolutely nothing to do with US black mucic culture such as rap, but just try to exploit the situation. There are many girls brainwashed by MTV, so all that blshite on TV will surely get your laid.

Though I have black friends and I'm white myself, I don't like reverse racism, that is when some guys think in fact that they are better cause of their skin color.

And that seems just to be the case for you 'superman'.
mvefa  5 | 591  
17 Aug 2009 /  #306
Reverse racism is also racism, 100% agreed!!!!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Aug 2009 /  #307
Once upon a time... I remember a thread similar. Perhaps a time before any of our present moderators arrived. A time when there was only a few of us, and the Admin used to keep an eye on everything himself.

And there was this thread. A thread...similar. It made noise, and spread...and scattered so much energy that it attracted many people.

I think that thread was the reason why Polish forums became so popular.

I know its arguable. But thats my opinion.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
17 Aug 2009 /  #308
Of course Africans have absolutely nothing to do with US black mucic culture such as rap, but just try to exploit the situation.

do you mean Africans or Afro Americans?
Karolina  - | 7  
17 Aug 2009 /  #309
I'm a Polish woman and my boyfriend is South Korean. I live in a small town so we get the looks but I totally don't care, my family fully accepts him :)
LukeXX  4 | 75  
17 Aug 2009 /  #310

do you mean Africans or Afro Americans?

I saw many Nigerians in Krakow with the rap look and all of that. What have they to do with rap music? Well absolutely nothing.

That said, rap music has sold out big time. It went form expressing the anger of colored people stuck in, say, NY gettos, to the totally nonsense gold chains, big cars, superdumb babes you see today.

How can an Afro America be proud of that I don't know.

To a certain extent it could be funny if that message it had been short lived. That's what I think of it...
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Aug 2009 /  #311
South Korean

I had dreams about a girl from that part of the world. I am a Polish man. However, it didnt work out. Hope all the best for you.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
17 Aug 2009 /  #312
I'm a Polish woman and my boyfriend is South Korean. I live in a small town so we get the looks but I totally don't care, my family fully accepts him :)

I travelled to Korea last year and loved the country, and have Korean friends. Prob your boyfriend is a great guy. But that is not my point.

What this makes me think is the following: where is the only place in Europe where a Korean guy can score (with a European girl)?

Yes, Poland.

Where is the place any guys despite or actually because of his handicap can get laid?
Again only one answer: Poland.

This is what I call serving the Lord))
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2009 /  #313
Today I saw an extraordinarily beautiful polish girl kissing a Mexican(15 cm shorter than her and very ugly) and I was disgusted.

Yesterday I spoke to two gorgeous polish girls when they suddenly sad hi with a sweet voice to a paki coming nearby,a guy I would never notice his existence at all.And mind you the place was packed with handsome scandinavian and english men.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Aug 2009 /  #314
and I was disgusted.

You could've given your life. A display of your revolt to such incidents... I think that would've been preety brave!
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2009 /  #315

You know what is all about.It is silly,idiotic attitude,pure idiotism.It is not romantism.It is called idiotism.These girls give value to men who do not deserve it and noone can be so idiotic as to prefer them over russian or czech girls who are way more reasonable.

Think about it man.You have the russian and czech girls as guarantee and for time to time you pop in Poland.This is what polish girls have managed.

Who is going to respect them if they shag Blacks,Arabs and everyting moving?Russian,czech girls have a price,these girls have no price my friend,they are of no value.That is why they get the kicks from the white men.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Aug 2009 /  #316
What this makes me think is the following: where is the only place in Europe where a Korean guy can score (with a European girl)?
Yes, Poland.

This is not true. Come on man.
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2009 /  #317
actually because of his handicap can get laid?
Again only one answer: Poland.

Because of his handicap.So true.How do you explain that?We are supposed to fight against competition and they choose the worthless and weak?
LukeXX  4 | 75  
17 Aug 2009 /  #318
Just opened a new thread on this one.
mvefa  5 | 591  
18 Aug 2009 /  #319
Who is going to respect them if they shag Blacks,Arabs and everyting moving?Russian,czech girls have a price,these girls have no price my friend,they are of no value.That is why they get the kicks from the white men.

This guy is really retarded, damn, i have never come across such an ignorant...damn dude,,so you think only white men are worth respect?

Do not start me on that, cause if you are from the south or east of europe, we have a lot of people in the North who thinks the same way about southerners/easterners.

So think before you open your hole!
LukeXX  4 | 75  
18 Aug 2009 /  #320
What this makes me think is the following: where is the only place in Europe where a Korean guy can score (with a European girl)? Yes, Poland.
This is not true. Come on man.

Well you will be surprised. I spoke to a number of Korean guys who travelled to Europe. In the Nordic countries they don't stand a chance. UK, Germany, France, Spain ... out of the question, unless they have big money or some unique rare talent.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Aug 2009 /  #321
still a person right?

Women. Are. Not. People.
mvefa  5 | 591  
18 Aug 2009 /  #322
Well you will be surprised. I spoke to a number of Korean guys who travelled to Europe. In the Nordic countries they don't stand a chance. UK, Germany, France, Spain ... out of the question

Very true, asian guys are not really well liked in europe. Must be that rumour that they have small di,cks haha
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Aug 2009 /  #323
Must be that rumour that they have small di,cks haha

Rumour or fact?Maybe they need a black penis transplantation.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Aug 2009 /  #324
asian guys

No comment.

But the women are liked :)...

Anyways... by Asian we are often making mistakes by considering all in the same way. East Asian and West Asian...South Asian and North Asian...they all look different from each other. Different races, cultures... etc. Unlike Europe they are much more diverse and varied.
mvefa  5 | 591  
18 Aug 2009 /  #325
Unlike Europe they are much more diverse and varied

Huh? didnt know scandinavians looked the same as italians,,, or albanians looke the same as dutch...huh
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Aug 2009 /  #326
looked the same as italians,,, or albanians looke the same as dutch

No they dont.

But Asia is much more different than Europeans are from each other.
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Aug 2009 /  #327
...they all look different from each other.

However they all look like sh1t.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Aug 2009 /  #328
No human looks like a '****'. No matter what their physical attributes.

If any man/woman thinks that another man/woman looks like ****... than it is them who are ****. Be is a Polish or anyone else who thinks such crap, they are crap themselves.
mvefa  5 | 591  
18 Aug 2009 /  #329
If any man/woman thinks that another man/woman looks like ****... than it is them who are ****. Be is a Polish or anyone else who thinks such crap, they are crap themselves.

Didnt you know that southener was a big stinking piece of (beep)
i got beeped :(

But you know what i meant :P
LukeXX  4 | 75  
18 Aug 2009 /  #330

If any man/woman thinks that another man/woman looks like ****... than it is them who are ****. Be is a Polish or anyone else who thinks such crap, they are crap themselves.

Well in the end everybody is entitled to have an opinion. And I prefer straight talk to kissing up talk, whatever that may be.

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