Did you guys experienced the same unfortunate Polish girls bashing? Can you help to prove this garbage wrong?
1) Remember that lots of the girls abroad don't really represent Polish Girls in Poland.
2) I know personally many stories that are mostly true of Polish Girls abroad cheating on a Polish Man back in Poland or
cheating on a Polish Man in abroad.
3) I also know of some stories where things are working out well with Polish Girls abroad and foreign guys. But I know much
fewer of these stories.
4) Also remember that people tend to accentuate the bad in their experiences and not the good. So for every bad story you
hear, there is also some number of good stories. The trick is to find out the percentages.
5) One thing that might be of concern to you is that Poland is changing fast w/respect to the expectations of the women. And this is certainly not going to be fun for the men. The women are entering the "unhappy phase" that happened in the US in the seventies. The want something more. But what? Possibly once given something more they might be more unhappy? Witness the success of second marriages in the US. 3 out of 4 fail.
6) If you decide to marry or have kids with a Polish Girl, protect yourself with a prenup and all should be as good as it could be.
In my opinion, in a few more years, Polish Girls will be just like American Girls or British Girls.
The divorce rates, cheating and promiscuity will be the same in the three countries.
So if you can live with an American or British Girl, you should do just fine with Polish Girls.
Here is an article on divorce trends and cheating in Poland.
Here is some information that may have been true 20 years ago but I think it is now junk.
Here is a ranking of the 15 most promiscuous countries.
Poland is number 12.
Here is an article about divorce that mentions cheating.
Notice the woman Elzbieta's excuse for doing whatever she did... demons made her do it.
An example of not taking responsibility for one's own actions.