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Polish Girls Reputation

Nika  2 | 507  
15 Aug 2009 /  #61
Stories that you may have heard and think are credible.

I prefer to talk about stories that I actually know rather than about those that I've heard.
So here is a nice one.
I was in Radom/Poland for my friends' wedding. While I was getting my fancy-polish-wedding-like hairdo done my ex-boyfriend went for a beer and met this very nice, old couple. She was Polish and he was British and they have been married for I don't know how long. From what I can remeber, the biggest issue they had was that people from Poland would breeze in and he wasn't really OK with it.

Also, I know a few Polish girls that have been going out with Belgian and even Moroccan guys for quite a long time now and it works out fine, so I guess it is possible for a non-polish guy to have a normal, long-term relationship with a Polish girl.
johncardwell  3 | 110  
15 Aug 2009 /  #62
It is important to hear about success.
I learned from marketing that people remember their bad experiences much more than the good ones.

From what I can remeber, the biggest issue they had was that people from Poland would breeze in and he wasn't really OK with it.

But I don't know what breeze in means?

I must say that in hundreds of conversations with Czech Girls I never really felt a connection.

Not one.
Yeah, lots of sex but no real connection.

But with just a few conversations with Polish Girls I felt some strong connections.

I will always remember some of the conversations I had with fondness.

Quite frankly, I think in my last failure with a Polish Girl, the girl might have liked me too much and freaked out.

And what was so stupid is I liked her just as much and I told her but she didn't believe me.


This weird inferiority thing.

So she visited her old boyfriend and I had to end all relations with her and she took it personally.

What did she expect?

So thank you for posting something that is good.
Nika  2 | 507  
15 Aug 2009 /  #63
But I don't know what breeze in means?

when someone comes over unexpected, like without saying "hey, can I come over this or that day", without notice - hope you see what I mean.
johncardwell  3 | 110  
15 Aug 2009 /  #64
Got it.
Like "drop in."
I would say that is a pretty minor issue.

The issues that I had were much more major.
Really bad stuff.
But I think I just got a bad batch.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Aug 2009 /  #65
when someone comes over unexpected, like without saying "hey, can I come over this or that day", without notice - hope you see what I mean.

that is so Polish though although I heard things are changing.
Nika  2 | 507  
15 Aug 2009 /  #66
we dont make appointment to see family.

cool! I thought it was the case for most western-european cultures.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Aug 2009 /  #67
Not in our family..I cant speak for the rest of England though..but if my friends are anything to go by, I'd say its not unusual for family to just drop by for coffee or to set another place at tea time. LOL, one of my friends has 3 sisters and 2 brothers they all bought houses within walking distance from their parents...now they are in a class of their own for "just popping in"
johncardwell  3 | 110  
15 Aug 2009 /  #68

So it was a pleasure speaking with you.
Once again thanks for posting the good stories.

Also, here is an interesting article about British Girls bullying Polish Girls.

You can expect Desperate British Girls like ShelleyS to be monitoring these forums.
They view Polish Girls as competition and a threat.
Watch out for them.
They can be very cruel nasty creatures.

They will dish out lots of insults but if you fight back they will tell on you or run away.

If they sense that a Polish Girl is getting attention they will move in like a shark to try to control the situation.

It will be under the guise that they are trying to help you or be your friend.

It is not easy being a British Girl these days.

Their men were forced to have them for a very long time.

And now with globilization also comes global competition for dating and marriage.

And what does a British Girl really have to offer?
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2009 /  #69
In my opinion to form a reliable opinion about polish girls one should compare them with other slavic girls and not with western girls who have different approach.

Let's face it.Western girls go to clubs,dance,show men their underwear,get admiration,some touching and kisses and then what? they end home with the vibrator while the western guy masturbates in the night remembering the show.Why does this happen?I saw it again and again in tourist places like Faliraki,Agia Napa etc.Western girls are keen to provoke but not ready to proceed into action(except some).And you have to prove yourself with western girls.A balkan penis is not enough.

On the other hand the russian girls go home with men they meet in clubs.It is funny to observe the damage they cause where they are mixed with western girls on vaccations.They exploit the horniness caused by western girls appearance to bed the men.They destroy the plot.

Polish girls,czech girls are a variation,more westernized of russian girls.The same criteria.I mean at the end they sleep with guys even mediocre.
charlie3210  - | 5  
21 Aug 2009 /  #70
There is no doubt polish girls have more to offer than english girls bit I am afraid this reputation they seem to carry around is justified - -this forums are full of threads on the subject!
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Aug 2009 /  #71
There is no doubt polish girls have more to offer than english girls

What do they have to offer?Bigos?
OP LukeXX  4 | 75  
21 Aug 2009 /  #72
this reputation they seem to carry around is justified


Maybe it's for a good reason, or rather bad reasons. But in any case it cannot be denied.

p.s. what the heck ... why has my recent thread on "Is Polish girls beauty a myth?" been closed prematurely?
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Aug 2009 /  #73
When I see white girl with a Black,I strongly suspect polish origin.Some combinations are really disgusting.Also this arab stuff.And the Turks and pakis.I wonder what a girl has to do with such kinds of men.

It is obvious what these men are about,everyone understands it except the polish girls.Romantism,stupidity or perversion?Or revolution desire?Whatever is true,it is decadent.
21 Aug 2009 /  #74
Typical redneck racist comment...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
21 Aug 2009 /  #75
Harldly, I saw a Polish girl with a Somalian boy on the bus, kissing and pawing each other there is no way on this plantet a British born (read: white black or asian) would go with a guy like that because they know the cultural thing!

You see, you have know the rules before you can abide by them. Polish girls dont, know who to date and who not to.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Aug 2009 /  #76
Somalian boy

Maybe he is a good man.

kissing and pawing each other

In a Public transport. It is not good. I agree. Better keep private things private. I dislike that myself.
espana  17 | 951  
21 Aug 2009 /  #77

can you be more polite?
just say "you dont cross a cocker with a poodle "
Alx123  - | 180  
21 Aug 2009 /  #78
You see, you have know the rules before you can abide by them. Polish girls dont, know who to date and who not to.

More self-contradicting nonsense from you.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Aug 2009 /  #79
Maybe he is a good man.

Polish women maybe fools.But you as well?
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
21 Aug 2009 /  #80
British born (read: white black or asian) would go with a guy like that because they know the cultural thing!

How did you know their nationalities?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Aug 2009 /  #81
When I see white girl with a Black,I strongly suspect polish origin.

You seem to obsess on it a lot. Maybe it turns you on?
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Aug 2009 /  #82
You seem to obsess on it a lot

Are you a Pole?You don't feel shame for that?I saw one day a beautiful greek girl kissing a negro on the beach and I felt sick,defeated and with stomach aching like having been punched.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Aug 2009 /  #83
I could care less what other people do with themselves as long as they don't fvck with me.
southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #84
You don't understand what is all about.These men bag now how superior they are since they can shag our women as well.They accuse Europe of decadence and gayness and a lot more which I hear again and again but one day sb has to do sth one day.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2009 /  #85
I could care less what other people do with themselves as long as they don't fvck with me.

But what position is that? Ths is after all thread about Polish women? Im sure (even for a plastic pole they want to know....
OP LukeXX  4 | 75  
22 Aug 2009 /  #86
I lived in Poland for 2 years now and I can tell you that the average Polish girl is not easier to get in bed than the average European girl

Wrong wrong wrong!!

How can you always be such a front door mat?

I struggle to believe that you really are a foreign guy. Even my Polish friends admit that it's easy for a foreigner to get laid in Poland. Fact!

There should be compulsory army service for guys like you. That would teach you to have a bit of dignity and self-respect.
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Aug 2009 /  #87
it's easy for a foreigner to get laid in Poland.

And for a Pole too.I think it is very easy.You need one or two days.However it is strange that polish women do not say one thing about the topics we discuss.Maybe they don't like the way we discuss them.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
23 Aug 2009 /  #88
How did you know their nationalities

We all know what somalis look like and she looked Polish and had an eastern eurpean accent, I dont know any czech girls or slovaks that touch darkies, polish girls however seem to love them!
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Aug 2009 /  #89
I dont know any czech girls or slovaks that touch darkies

I know some czech girls who sleep with Blacks.By listening to a girl accent I know if she comes from Poland,CR or Russia.Yesterday I saw a very hot russian girl with an american man over sixty years old.The girl was looking for cosmetics of course while the man seemed so good,only Americans manage to appear like that.

polish girls however seem to love them!

Have you seen a lot?I have seen 2-3 cases and it was very embarrassing.London must be sodoma and gomora.
I have also seen english girls with Blacks on vaccations but the Blacks were much better looking than the girls.In case of polish it is embarrasing that the girls are much better looking than their black-brown boyfriends and there is obvious mis-match in body type.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
23 Aug 2009 /  #90
Have you seen a lot?

More paki / arab mixed relationships to be honest.

London must be sodoma and gomora.

I dont live in London, I live in Manchester. I imagine the rates are much higher there.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / Polish Girls ReputationArchived