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My girlfriend thinks she's pregnant! Pomocy!!

java007 5 | 23  
31 Oct 2007 /  #1
Czesc everyone! my girlfriend (of over 1 year)now believes she might be pregnant! Great!! She has not taken test or anything like that but however recently she recently (the 3days!!) she has been ill....and mostly she has been getting sick in the morning....well twice anyway.....and her stomach feels a little weird and so now she has come to the conclusion that she is pregnant even though she has been taking the pill for all the time!!really!! she doesnt want child either!!! may i also add that we were out at a party on Saturday night and both of us got really drunk and fell into bed!!! i keep telling her that she is useless at drinking and that it is the after effects of alcohol!!

she has me a little worried...i dont need a child now......has anyone got some opinions to ease my mind????!!!!
Bubbles 1 | 120  
31 Oct 2007 /  #2
Be patient. It all works always does!!!

It will be OK either way!! :-)
OP java007 5 | 23  
31 Oct 2007 /  #4
will it really be ok??!! im oyung guy in college....we want to travel the world.....that will be that ruined...and we are not mentally prepared for a would be a disaster!!!
31 Oct 2007 /  #5
has anyone got some opinions

do the test
go to see a doctor
don't freak out :)

maybe it's only stomach flu :)
OP java007 5 | 23  
31 Oct 2007 /  #6
maybe it's only stomach flu

i agree....but she wont go to costs too much and we dont have the money.....she does not believe in home tests and she just wants to wait a couple of months to see what happens...but i cant take the wait and not known.....
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
31 Oct 2007 /  #7
Have her take a pregnancy test but also get her to see a doctor. There are other causes of throwing up in the mornings. Fiest prioroty myust be her health and to find out whteher you have anything to worry about baby wise.
Bubbles 1 | 120  
31 Oct 2007 /  #8
will it really be ok??!!

Yes it will.

The love of a child can do amazing things to your perspective if that is what has happened. If not plans procede forward.

It will be ok. In fact if you have the right attitude about it this whole thing could be the best thing that ever happened to you no matter how it turns out.
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
31 Oct 2007 /  #9 costs too much and we dont have the money.

NHS won't cost you anything - assuming you are in London like the profile says
OP java007 5 | 23  
31 Oct 2007 /  #10
causes of throwing up in the mornings

for example?????

The love of a child can do amazing things

not when you are 21...........

NHS won't cost you anything - assuming you are in London like the profile says

no i live in ireland...must have been a typing error on my part
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
31 Oct 2007 /  #11
for example?????

Stomach flu. intenstinal infections, and a whole range of things. I'm not a doctor but these two things happened to my wife.
Bubbles 1 | 120  
31 Oct 2007 /  #12
agree....but she wont go to costs too much and we dont have the money.....she does not believe in home tests and she just wants to wait a couple of months to see what happens...but i cant take the wait and not known.....

That's an issue. Take the test. Wouldn't you want to know now vs a couple of months. Take the test.

not when you are 21...........

You won't be the first 21 year old to have a child. It will be ok
OP java007 5 | 23  
31 Oct 2007 /  #13
You won't be the first 21 year old to have a child. It will be ok

Ya but i think her father will kick my as* for sure...and then the child will be without a father :(
Bubbles 1 | 120  
31 Oct 2007 /  #14
Again you won't be the first 21 year old to have a child. And guess what your dad will get over it!!!

Don't freak out. Take it one day at a time.
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
31 Oct 2007 /  #15
no i live in ireland...must have been a typing error on my part


she does not believe in home tests and she just wants to wait a couple of months to see what happens

OK, welcome to the first bit of responsibility, it may be something you have to get used to. You need to have a chat with your girlfriend, what does she feel, what does she need from you just now.
OP java007 5 | 23  
31 Oct 2007 /  #16

i dont like you....
shewolf 5 | 1077  
31 Oct 2007 /  #17
may i also add that we were out at a party on Saturday night and both of us got really drunk and fell into bed!!! i keep telling her that she is useless at drinking and that it is the after effects of alcohol!!

Do you mean she might have gotten pregnant on Saturday? That's way too soon for her to start feeling anything. It takes weeks.
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
31 Oct 2007 /  #18
How do I out this diplomatically? If your GF is on the pill then although not impossible it is highly unlikley that she is pregnant. Therefore she has need of a medical check up and the cost is surely worth it for your peace of mind.
Liza 3 | 111  
31 Oct 2007 /  #19
OK, welcome to the first bit of responsibility, it may be something you have to get used to. You need to have a chat with your girlfriend, what does she feel, what does she need from you just now.

As my darling father told us all, if you're old enough to do it, you're old enough to deal with the consequences (or at least you'd better be ready to deal with them if things go wrong!). Pop into Boots and buy a Clear Blue test 2 pack (usually around 8 euro). Do one test first thing in the morning, and then repeat 2 - 3 days later. I think they have Marie Stopes (sp?) in Ireland who will help you if the result isn't quite what you're hoping for.

If it makes you feel any better, I spent the first three years of my explorative years thinking I was pregnant, and apart from getting on everyone's nerves including the boyfriend, I spent a lot of money on pregnancy tests - never pregnant ever, so think positive.

Good luck and let us know the result :)
osiol 55 | 3921  
31 Oct 2007 /  #20
You say you're young and want to do exciting things with your life, but think about it this way:
If this happens when you're young, you'll still be young when your child is grown up.
Worrying gets you nowhere. If it does happen, you both just have to take control of your lives together.
This may be easier said than done, but if you just do what you know to be right, everything should be alright.
plk123 8 | 4129  
31 Oct 2007 /  #21
just deny the whole thing it will go away. lol
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #22
it might be worth phoning jeremy kyle and see if theres any money to be made
Lucynda 4 | 70  
31 Oct 2007 /  #23
I realise that my opinion may not be popular...but here it is.

If she is pregnant, please go ahead and have the baby. It's not hard to take care of one child.

I have a bit of experience in counselling post-abortive women. Nearly every single one regrets the abortion. And I am not lying when I say that for many it ruins their life.

The "operation" is not as easy as it seems. Some women are permanently scarred from having this vacuum cleaner stuck up them.

Please think of this precious child's life. Life is a gift. You would be so unwise to refuse it.
31 Oct 2007 /  #24
i think that it is still (again) irresponsible not to do the test or go to see a doctor but wait till her belly will grow bigger....
hello 22 | 890  
31 Oct 2007 /  #25
If she is pregnant, please go ahead and have the baby. It's not hard to take care of one child.

I SECOND that. You don't want to have nightmares and remorse till the end of your days, do you...
Avalon 4 | 1063  
31 Oct 2007 /  #26
Ranj 21 | 947  
1 Nov 2007 /  #27
I spent the first three years of my explorative years thinking I was pregnant

LOL, Liza.....I think many young girls think that, because they feel guilty, and realize they are probably not truly ready to be having sexual relations.

Why would your gf, java, not believe in a home pregnancy test? Is she worried about false results? I can tell you, most home pregnancy test are highly accurate, but if you truly want to know whether or not she is pregnant, than she should see a doctor and have a blood test.

If she is pregnant and intends on having the baby, then she needs to start pre-natal care, if she is to be responsible.

I agree with what someone else said (or someone's father) "If you are old enough to be playing around, then you should be old enough to accept consequences of your actions."
sapphire 22 | 1241  
1 Nov 2007 /  #28
I realise that my opinion may not be popular...but here it is.

If she is pregnant, please go ahead and have the baby. It's not hard to take care of one child.

I have a bit of experience in counselling post-abortive women. Nearly every single one regrets the abortion. And I am not lying when I say that for many it ruins their life.

The "operation" is not as easy as it seems. Some women are permanently scarred from having this vacuum cleaner stuck up them.

Please think of this precious child's life. Life is a gift. You would be so unwise to refuse it.

sorry, but I totally disagree with this. You may have some experience in this matter, but every case is different, if she is pregnant and neither of them feel ready to have a baby, for whatever reason, then there are several choices that they have and they need to think these through carefully and decide which is best for them. I dont think that scaremongering stuff from pro-life campaigners helps the situation.
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
1 Nov 2007 /  #29
I have a bit of experience in counselling post-abortive women. Nearly every single one regrets the abortion

What about the women that dont need counselling ?
There are two sides to this argument, I dont think that anyone can pre-judge. Its different for every couple.
krysia 23 | 3058  
1 Nov 2007 /  #30
She's probably not pregnant so don't panic, buy a test for her, and then panic!!

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