so your environment was Polish even though the outside world was one that was English...
I suppose I may as well add my bit.
I agree with the above, however I also feel influenced by my environment, in the sense that I have often felt out-of-place when I had to live or spend a lot of time in an all-white, all British environment, but do not find this when I am in Poland. I grew up in multi-racial inner cities/peripheral estates, however like LIR, our home was traditional Polish.
Because of my upbringing, I love Britain's multiculturalism, and dislike areas which are non-multicultural or where indigenous populations dominate. However, I love being in a Polish environment above all else.
(please note that this does NOT mean that I despise the British - this is not the case).
It's often the little things which really make you feel Polish - for example, if we invited a non-Pole to a
Wigilia meal, they would probably enjoy it for what it is, but for us the evening has a very special atmosphere which is difficult to explain - it has to be felt.
I suspect that this makes no sense at all, but this is how I feel about my Polishness. :)
Who said Im joking
<unsubscribes and hides> :)