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Discussion about Polish Men's Tempers

pawian  226 | 27587  
19 Feb 2009 /  #91
It has been getting better over time where he has learned not to vent his anger and frustration out at me but in the beginning it was terrible!

No wonder the situation has gotten better..... With such arguments at hand......:
santosh  - | 11  
20 Feb 2009 /  #92
Hahaha ...The picture is really funny-polish wifey plan of action-


If husband comes home after a beer-Beat him with a small wooden stick
If he comes home after Vodka-use bigger wooden stick
If he comes home with lipstick-use the gun!
onecent  - | 1  
22 Mar 2009 /  #93
I joined this forum just to reply to this.. I am polish and happen to live in the US and I was born here as well. I admit I have a bad temper and I get angry about the lack of perception in others. When I hear about a man hitting a woman and hurting her physically well... thats just one more subject that really angers me and I feel like I could really beat the shit out of the cowardly piece of shit that could hit a woman and calls himself a man. In my family a man wouldnt get away with that shit, hed have his balls crushed with a steel toed boot. mine. I guess I am a little violent when faced with asinine people.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
22 Mar 2009 /  #94
It's been always portrait in jokes..a wife with a "kluski" roller to greet her no goodnik husband coming late home. Really, no real violence here. Don't get all excited onecent. Polish wives know how to handle their men with or without the roller.
22 Mar 2009 /  #95
Polish wives know how to handle their men with or without the roller.

Truth. Mine just has to look at me a certain way, and I know....
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 Mar 2009 /  #96
the real question. do most polish men have bad tempers, also towards women?

Yes. All of us just love beating women up and our ultimate goal is to annihilate all Polish women. Thankfully, there are still some left, and those who are are really tough so we should be busy for another few thousand years.

But seriously, bad temper?
What you described should make you run away from the bastard.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
22 Mar 2009 /  #97
My husband has a very bad temper. It has been getting better over time where he has learned not to vent his anger and frustration out at me but in the beginning it was terrible!

Do people want their children to grow up with this kind of father?
Children often get the same kind of behavior as their father had when they grew up, that's scientifically proven.

If someone is behaving terrible in the beginning of a relationship it surprises me that the other person doesn't leave. It surprises me even more that someone marry such a person. There is a pressure in Poland to get married if you get pregnant. And there is often also a pressure to not get divorced. But people can't let that destroy both their and their children's future. What is most important?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
22 Mar 2009 /  #98
" i stay with a guy that hits women for joke, or i lose the only guy that treated me the best."
This guy is a scumbucket. Tell him if he hits you again that you will not accept his apology. When it happens again, be calm, and when you have a chance begin to make plans to drop him - whatever it takes.

The marijuana excuse is bull! Don't tell me he wasn't drinking at the time.
edelweiss1  2 | 22  
22 Mar 2009 /  #99
There are deep seated issues that people who hurt there loved one's suffer from . And these people can do one of two thing's to face this problem,

1/. Understand the problem AND do something about it,to stop it in the future.
2/. Not understand you have a problem and continue to hurt your loved one and I imagine yourself.

The first line to this post claim's there are deep seated issue's that the instigator suffer's from,this is to say that either he/she (i have seen women do this,not only men) has an inner turmoil that NEEDS to be corrected. Many of these problems the person who commits has deep regret at having struck his/her partner. However if the instigator does not show remorse/sorrow then that is someone who simply does not think they have done bad. The higher percentage DO know that what they have done IS bad and it is by recognizing you have a problem and facing it and dealing with it ,by talking to a doctor and being referred to medical help to make that person understand themselves better.

I read the posts and the response is "GET RID" "WALK AWAY" "RUN" etc etc ....however if a particular person has good qualities but is shadowed by a dark side that ultimately destroy's his/her relationships because of temper then it is time and never too soon to seek help.

Many people who cause distress in either vocal or physical form have a problem either from growing up and not always from a physical father/mother , there may have been sexual abuse or a number of traumatic issues that have affected his/her trust and understanding of his/her calming of there oneself.

I have known of cases who did not commit abuse to there loved one and after some time snapped ,it is a very difficult subject as it is a very personal subject . For those of you reading this who know of someone in a hard time ,I say to you this...

If they understand they have a problem and are prepared for the long haul (hard work) to better understand themselves and to become a better person and make the inner peace they crave ,that will remove the inner anger to make them better at dealing with issues should they arise....then it can be very much worth it.

If however ,they do not think they have a problem and it is simply time before it happens again then it is better to leave..

I know there will be many post's to disagree with what I have written,however this is a public forum and it should be borne in mind that we are dealing with the most complex creatures this planet has to offer and I feel it is an understanding of why people do things when the vast majority alway's show deep angst at there actions to the one they love.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
22 Mar 2009 /  #100
You do know that the state doesn't prosecute wife beaters unless the wife spends more than 7 days in hospital? Poland tends to accept a lot of domestic abuse.
Flevolin  - | 1  
22 Mar 2009 /  #101
This topic started with the question:

Do most polish men have bad tempers, also towards women?

I have only read bad stories so far... I think there are violent people in every country or culture and that is very sad ofcourse, but I have a wonderfull polish boyfriend and we are together for more then 1 year now. He would never do something to hurt me. I have been to Poland several times and I have met more polish people over the last years. I must really say that these people were really very friendly. The only thing I saw/see here in my own country (the Netherlands) where a lot of polish people work is that people only work and later stay in the house. They don't have possibilities to do something after work and what sometimes happends is that they start drinking and if 8 foreign people live together that there sometimes happends something. In the Netherlands more people think about polish people as more violent, but I think that people from every country would act the same under these conditions.

So my awnser on this question: Do MOST polish men have bad tempers, also towards women? NO!!!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Mar 2009 /  #102
Some do, some don't
edelweiss1  2 | 22  
22 Mar 2009 /  #103
note: a polish person does not have different brain material from that of a person from Chile ...the brown is the same ,,and inner conflict of one's brain/mind can be drawn from the four quarter's of the planet . It is DEALING with it and correcting this behaviour that apply's in this instance..here.

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