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i'm an american dating a polish guy

21 Aug 2006 /  #1
i've heard that polish girls got to dress pretty clothes and be always beautiful......
my boyfriend dress casual clothes and don't ... do you think he will feel weird going out with me , to the restaurants ...... theatre .....etc ......

if you guys live in usa
where do you guys buy your clothes........ i want to learn a little more about polish woman .....please some help .... i don't want him to feel embarresing when he's with me.


soorry i meant '' he dress casual clothes and i don't.
21 Aug 2006 /  #2
Girls versus guys - that's a huge difference :). Polish guys don't usually wear fancy clothes - but Polish women like to dress well. But I'm still unsure if you are a girl and date a boy?
krysia 23 | 3058  
21 Aug 2006 /  #3
But I'm still unsure if you are a girl and date a boy
I was thinking the same thing.
Your name sounds like a girl, but....
Are you a guy? trying to date a guy?
FISZ 24 | 2116  
21 Aug 2006 /  #4
haha I was thinking the same. I can't tell. maybe it's an Am. girl with horrible english.
OP Akaisha  
21 Aug 2006 /  #5
i'm a girl dating a guy .... lol.
krysia 23 | 3058  
21 Aug 2006 /  #6
he dress casual clothes and i don't.

So which do you wear? Ugly clothes or pretty ones?
I'm atill trying to make sense here.

At least we got the part right about what you are.
22 Aug 2006 /  #7
I'd just say dress feminine - men of whatever nationality prefer a woman to dress like a woman

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / i'm an american dating a polish guyArchived