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Need advice with Polish girl, I like her but she has a boyfriend.

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2009 /  #91
can somebody explain the meaning of this saying because i just cannot figure it out!!! lol
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Jul 2009 /  #92
I've never heard it, tbh. It's a new one on me :)
michalek  - | 42  
29 Jul 2009 /  #93
can somebody explain the meaning of this saying because i just cannot figure it out!!! lol

i will try, when you drink vodka and than you eat something (or drink some juice after) you don't want to being disturbed by anything :P 'wódka' and 'zakąska' are inseperable :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Jul 2009 /  #94
Aha, we don't have any expressions like that. We just go straight to the chaser without asking any questions or saying anything special.
Sweets  1 | 3  
30 Jul 2009 /  #95
Me and this polish girl have been friends for about four months and recently we have been getting closer.

Hmm, I have the right answer for you. You need to find her boyfriend and tell him that he either needs to start treating HIS girlfriend better and spending more quality time with her or, risk losing her to you. Yes, I know it is ballsy but honestly who cares what he thinks or does. Make HER choose or walk away man. Just walk away before both of you guys start hating and fighting yourselves over a girl that might be getting further and further away from you both.

Think about it.
plk123  8 | 4120  
30 Jul 2009 /  #96
Aha, we don't have any expressions like that. We just go straight to the chaser without asking any questions or saying anything special.

the expression here that similar goes like this: don't f*ck with a man's beer/car/remote..

but as michalek said, you do not want to get in between drink and food. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
30 Jul 2009 /  #97
We know the ones you listed above, plk123. Don't mess with the beer flow :)
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Jul 2009 /  #98
Need advice with Polish girl, I like her but she has a boyfriend.

Do an MMF.
Akslop_Aces  - | 2  
1 Aug 2009 /  #99
You should never f#ck around with a girl who has a boyfriend. That is "not done" ...

However ... I also did twice AND I kept a relationship with them for some years, so they were not one-night stands; but still ... it is "not done". Especially as one was a rather good friend of mine. He was the bassman in my band; but okee, enough about me. On the other hand, IF she falls for TopicStarter, her love for her boyfriend is not strong enough; so there are many way's to look at such a situation.
tj123  - | 85  
1 Aug 2009 /  #100
Anyone who cheats or partakes in cheating as the "other" person is a giant gob of shite. It is repulsive and disgusting behavior and idiots like the OP pursuing someone who is not free to be pursued **** me off. The girl on the other hand, is a manipulative **** who is having her cake and eating it too. This too is very common and disgusting.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Aug 2009 /  #101
It is repulsive and disgusting behavior and idiots like the OP pursuing someone who is not free to be pursued **** me off.

She must be really cute and fun and the OP must be terribly alone. The OP probably has no other prospects, no other Polish women to date and he want's to be with someone who's Polish so he is clinging to her.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
1 Aug 2009 /  #102
I agree with TJ123 she is and thats not right to play two guys like that. I belive in being only with one man monogomy is the best.I cant stand women who mess like that.Dude you ned to get another girl. I like what micalek said good one dude.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
1 Aug 2009 /  #103
Who says it's just the two guys...there could be many many more...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
2 Aug 2009 /  #104
Anyone who cheats or partakes in cheating as the "other" person is a giant gob of shite.

Except if its a man, women are soulless sex objects so nothing you do to them can be wrong, also its proven women enjoy being cheated on.

This too is very common and disgusting.

We should drop her feet down into a giant meat grinder while plucking her nose hair with pliers, 80s horror slasher flick style!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111ONE
LAGirl  9 | 496  
2 Aug 2009 /  #105
that is fucken sick what you said you need your head examed. I have been cheated on by guy should I say that about men? I dont think so because there are alot of wounderful men and women left.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
2 Aug 2009 /  #106
I have been cheated on by guy should

You need to ask yourself what have you done to push him to such drastic measures, you're just heartless, poor guy had to go through a horror of getting laid with another woman and all you can do is blame him!

You're just awfull.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #107
Don't f*ck off between the vodka and the snacks

Thats classi

Except if its a man, women are soulless sex objects so nothing you do to
them can be wrong, also its proven women enjoy being cheated on.

We love it, but we love cheating even more.

You need to ask yourself what have you done to push him to such drastic measures

Have you read her posts? I actually sympathise with the guys that go off with other women...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Aug 2009 /  #108
If I were this guy I would stay with this woman until someone else came along then I would wean myself away from her. If someone is using you what you should do is use them in return until your prospects improve.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
2 Aug 2009 /  #109
We love it, but we love cheating even more.

Nobody's perfect:)

Have you read her posts? I actually sympathise with the guys that go off with other women...

Thats because you're evil immoral twisted and probably you drink beer out of the bottle!!!!!!!!!
LAGirl  9 | 496  
3 Aug 2009 /  #110
I think Sokrates is a greek gay mother ****** that women rejects him and I see why.
no i should of used him or use men or cheated but no I have morals and belive inlove and hving a honest relationship. I will say this the next mothe****** man the cheats or hurts me will be very sorry.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Aug 2009 /  #111
I will say this the next mothe****** man the cheats or hurts me will be very sorry.

You're going to cut the bastard up with an inflatable banana!
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
4 Aug 2009 /  #112
the expression here that similar goes like this: don't f*ck with a man's beer/car/remote..

thats so negative ;)

I think Sokrates is a greek gay mother ****** that women rejects him and I see why.
no i should of used him or use men or cheated but no I have morals and belive inlove and hving a honest relationship. I will say this the next mothe****** man the cheats or hurts me will be very sorry.


you need to stop for a moment and think.. why are they cheating?
is it habitual? was he married prior to you> once a cheat always a cheat?

do you continually go after boys that are bad?? bad boys are nice for a moment
but not for the long haul.

as they say, nice guys always finish last, maybe you need to go to the last part
of the line instead of the front of the line! sometimes people go for the wrong choices
and if you keep seeking in the same net, the fish will all be the same..

sounds corny, but its true.
OP kaze  3 | 13  
9 Aug 2009 /  #113
I've decided to take most people's advice and end it with her, which I will do later this week when I see her next.

I would rather talk and do it to her face than over the phone. I know it's going to hurt but I think it's time I realised (probably a long time ago) that nothing will come of this.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
9 Aug 2009 /  #114
Good decision Kaze. and youa re right Patrycja19 I am not looking for a man I dont have time I am have my life to live now.

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