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I need advice - I just found out my Polish boyfriend in Ireland has a wife and children.

plk123 8 | 4134  
31 Jan 2009 /  #31
Fear of commitment is a handicap. I win.

lol. sure.

a piece of paper has nothing to do with commitment. it's my personal business, not the state's.
KinkyWinky - | 1  
31 Jan 2009 /  #32
quote: irishchic

"Wat do u all think i should do? I winder why he does not feel guilty about this?"

Let him go, and find yourself an honest bloke who really deserves your attention. He's just using you, and obviously he doesn't love you, so get over him.

31 Jan 2009 /  #33
I hate to say this. They all do leave their husbands or wives in homeland and travels to different countries. They don't tell people that they are married. They lied to new friends and even marry them without getting divorces. I don't know why. Everybody have dreams. and wanted to make lot of money and take off and leaving us behind go somewhere else or back home. That is why I don't date them. Just be friendly terms.
McCoy 27 | 1268  
31 Jan 2009 /  #34
They all

LAGirl 9 | 496  
31 Jan 2009 /  #35
Dump him you dont want to be the other woman or have problems.
Krakowianka 1 | 243  
1 Feb 2009 /  #36
Tell him you are madly in love and want to get married. When he freaks out, tell him you will call his wife for him, to break it off. See his reaction, lol. Then tell him to pay up 10,000 gbp to shut up :)

A year of lies comes at a cost.
LAGirl 9 | 496  
1 Feb 2009 /  #37
hey thats a god answer good dam jerky guy to do that to a women.
marycha - | 7  
2 Feb 2009 /  #38
i have been seeing a polish guy in Ireland for the lasy year. I was totally crazy about him. Last week he just informed me he has a wife and children in Poland. He wants to carry on the relationship as normal. I really love him but now i dont think i can be with him. Is it normal for Polish guys living away from home to be with other women? I am so tempted to staqy with him, but i guess i will be hurt in the long run. He is the best lover i have ever had.......are all polish men this good in bed????

Wat do u all think i should do? I winder why he does not feel guilty about this?


I believe that you are a young person - DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITCH THIS BASTARD.
Find someone nice.
People like him do not change , do not build false hopes.
And your heart? Well time will heal your wounds.
dheva 3 | 28  
2 Feb 2009 /  #39
i have been seeing a polish guy in Ireland for the lasy year. I was totally crazy about him. Last week he just informed me he has a wife and children in Poland. He wants to carry on the relationship as normal. I really love him but now i dont think i can be with him. Is it normal for Polish guys living away from home to be with other women? I am so tempted to staqy with him, but i guess i will be hurt in the long run. He is the best lover i have ever had.......are all polish men this good in bed????

What do u all think i should do? I wonder why he does not feel guilty about this?

o common, everybody now thinking about crisis but you still have time to think about LOVE (just joking).

he was the best lover for you in the meaning in BED?? or really the best Lover?
now he has family, so you have to leave him alone. i know it's hard and difficult but by the time, you will find the best one for your partner in life not only best lover.
streamers395 1 | 3  
16 Apr 2009 /  #40
Just leave matter how much you care for will only get worse. I know..i have been there with a girl who did this to me.

good luck.

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