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Found some Polish Rock bands!

19 May 2006 /  #1
I finally found some Polish Rock bands like I was looking for, Closterkeller is pretty good. It wasent as heavy as I was hoping, its actually pretty soft but the lyrics are kinda dark and depressing. Check it out.

Heres a really good Japanese rock band thats the crazy scream-o, head bang type, if anyone knows any bands like this one that are polish, let me know!

I warn you though, the video gets a little sick and disturbing so if you dont like those kinda things, I dont reccommend watching it.
19 May 2006 /  #2
Try "Acid Drinkers", friend...
19 May 2006 /  #3
Awesome, thanks, Ill try them out
19 May 2006 /  #4
There is

under "Pos 2;uchaj muzyki"

There is some very heavy stuff..
20 May 2006 /  #5
Lol! Thanks for the site, it was hard to find stuff though, had to ask my bro for help because I really havent learned to read or write polish yet. -.-
11 Nov 2006 /  #6
Merged: Polish Music , Rock and Roll.

Hi to all. I wanted to know about a band thats Polish . Its a male singer. He colors his hair in all kinds of weird florescent colors. I liked a few of his songs but can't find any of his music in California. And I forgot his name.

Plus I'm curious about Polish Rock and roll. Are there any good bands .
So I'm after polish rock bands to listen too.
So please folks no Polka and no Bobby vinton.. Even though I like his music too.
But let me know post a few polish rock bands here,
Who's popular and who is just good.
And any up coming rockers you have listened too and like.
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
12 Nov 2006 /  #7
Michal Wisniewski :(ł_Wiśniewski
12 Nov 2006 /  #8
Thats it .. Thats him. Thanks .

Now were can I find a few of his songs to download..................
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
12 Nov 2006 /  #9
Ich Troje hello...

follow my heart is good by that band that Michal Wisniewski is in..
13 Nov 2006 /  #10
Thank you for the information.

But can you tell me maybe if you know were I can get a cd or two of his music.
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
13 Nov 2006 /  #11
Michał Wiśniewski is the front man of the group "Ich Troje". It's true that you can hear some guitars in their songs, but by calling them rock'n'roll band you may offend some polish rock'n'roll fans. I would rather call them a pop band. They were really huge few years ago here in Poland, probably because they filled the gap left after the popularity decrease of Disco Polo. Generally they are considered as very kitschy. Of course kitschy in a bad way.

There are some of their videos available to download form their official site

And there' some mp3's here, but their "best songs" seem to be missing:
13 Nov 2006 /  #12
Some polish good (not like Ich Troje) rock bands:

Hey: band founded in early 90-ties by charismatic singer Kasia Nosowska and gituaris Piotr Banach. First they played rock in the style I would say of Arctic Monkey, they were very popular in Poland and even had some performances abroad in for example NYC. Later they chenged their style, they played kind of psychodelic rock, it is my favorite stage of their career, but they lost some of their popularity. Later Piotr Banach abondoned band and Piotr Krawczyk joined their band and they again started to play differeent music. They play now kind of electronic/rock music. Their last longplay was a great success, it was called echosystem. At beggining they had a lot of songs in English so you can understand words. Songs I recommend:

Schisophrenic Family
As rain drops fell
Dosyc powaznie
O podgladaniu
Mikimoto - krol pereu

I am gonna give you some more ideas later.

Other band that I like and recommend to check out:
-Pidzama Porno
-Farben Lechre

And I don''t like that kind of music (metal) but we have some very popular abroad metal bands:

13 Nov 2006 /  #14
I am from Poland (Gdynia), but last year I lived in USA (Detroit), however right now I am in Canada (Calgary), but I will move around March probably to Scotland, don't know yet where exactly... :)

Why do you ask? :)
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
13 Nov 2006 /  #15
no i am living in Detroit because i am studying here at Wayne State but i am really from Windsor Ontario....

i was just wondering because your name said detroit...
i_love_detroit 1 | 69  
13 Nov 2006 /  #16
Ok, now let me tell you my favorite Polish songs.
Sweet Noise - Dzisiej mnie kochasz jutro nienawidzisz
here you can watch it
I don't like the band but this song is great, both lyrics and music.

Here lyrics and translation, translation is done by me, so I am sorry for mistakes, I am not interpreter.

nie chcesz, nie rozumiesz / you don't want, you don't understand
tego, co mówię, Ty nie przyjmujesz / what I say, You don't accept
stoisz z boku. Ja - w amoku / you stand aside. I - in amok
jestem jedną myślą, ta myśl jest słowem / I am a thought, the thought is a word
jedynym napędem Ta myśl jest powodem / I am propulsion, The thought is a reason
tego, że jestem, że żyję / that I am, that I live
wyrzucam paranoję, którą umysł kryje / I eject paranoia, which is hide by mind
nie mam dla Ciebie nic poza sobą / I have nothing for you but myself
nie mam dwóch twarzy, nie jestem Tobą / I don't have two faces, I am not you
nie potrafię rozśmieszać do bólu / I cannot amuse to pain
skurwielu nie przebijesz głową tego muru / sonofabitch, you won't crush this wall with your head
słyszałem te słowa sto tysięcy razy / I heard this words a hundret thousand times

nie chcę zrozumienia, pocieszenia / I don't want understanding, uplifting
iluzji istnienia, pustego uwielbienia / illusion of egzistance, empty adoration
jestem, kim jestem, inny nie będę / I am who I am, I am not going to be different
z Tobą, bez Ciebie, decyzje podjęte / with you, without you, decisions made
czekasz na mesjasza, na cudowne zbawienie / you are waiting for messiah, for miraculous salvation
Twój bunt w telewizji, / your rebellion in TV
Twój błysk i olśnienie / your glamour and revelation

Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / today you love me, tommorow you'll hate me
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / today you desire me, tomorrow you'll ashamed of me

to jest mój krzyk, mój głos, moje życie / this is my scream, my voice, my life
w tych słowach chcę słyszeć serca bicie / in those words I want to hear biting of heart
ciągły sygnał jest początkiem końca / neverending signal is the beggining of the end
człowiek roślina - myśl konająca / human plant - the dieing thought
to głos ostatni ja tak się czuję / it last voice, it's what I feel
to nie dla ciebie, nie wytrzymuję / not for you, I cannot bear
bez znieczulenia sam siebie zszywam / without anaesthetic I sew myself
tracę siły, czuję że przegrywam / I am loosing strenght, I feel I am loosing

Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / today you love me, tommorow you'll hate me
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / today you desire me, tomorrow you'll ashamed of me

spadam w dół, bez zabezpieczenia / I am falling, without protection
tu nikt nie czeka, nie widzę swego cienia / nobody's waiting, I cannot see my shadow
nie wiem więcej niż kiedyś wiedziałem / I don't know more than before
odpowiedzi na pytania, nigdy nie poznałem / answers for question, that I never known

dlaczego samotność zawsze tak blisko / why, loneliness always so close
zawsze przy mnie, gdy upadam nisko / always when I am so down
myślę i czuję, znów myśl odlatuje / I think and feel, again thought fly away
słyszysz jak umysł nieustannie pracuje / you hear as mind restlesly work

Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / today you love me, tommorow you'll hate me
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / today you desire me, tomorrow you'll ashamed of me

bunt i prowokacja tak ciebie bulwersuje / you are so appealed by rebellion and provocation
zabijcie skurwysyna on tu nie pasuje / kill sonofabitch, he doesn't fit here
zbędne ogniwo chorej ewolucji / not needed part, of sick evolution
ziarno chaosu sen o rewolucji / seed of chaos, dream of revolution
wiem jak zginął eks, Lennon, wielu innych / I know as eks died, Lennon, many others
świat szukał ofiar, świat szukał winnych / world looks for victims, world looksfor guilties
wiem jak zginął eks, Popiełuszko, wielu innych / I know as eks died, Popieluszko, many others
świat szukał ofiar, świat szukał winnych / world looks for victims, world looksfor guilties

połamane kwiaty, które żyją samotnie / a broken flowers live alone
każdego z nas wiatr kiedyś dotknie / all of you are gonna be touched by the flower
połamane kwiaty, które żyją samotnie / a broken flowers live alone
każdego z nas wiatr kiedyś dotknie / all of you are gonna be touched by the flower
połamane kwiaty, które żyją samotnie / a broken flowers live alone
każdego z nas wiatr kiedyś dotknie / all of you are gonna be touched by the flower
połamane kwiaty... żyją samotnie / a broken flowers live alone
każdego z nas... wiatr kiedyś... kiedyś / all of you are gonna... wind... once...

Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / as above
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / as above
Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / as above
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / as above

słyszałem te słowa sto tysięcy razy / I heard those worlds one hundret thousand times
widziałem uśmiech na jej suczej twarzy / I saw her smile, on her bitch's face
i palec środkowy wyciągnięty w tym kierunku / and middle finger in this direction
pluła na mnie, kurwa, ja nie mówię o szacunku! / she was splitting on me, I am not talking about respect!

Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / as above
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / as above

Dzisiaj mnie kochasz, jutro nienawidzisz / as above
Dzisiaj mnie pragniesz, jutro się wstydzisz / as above

Hey - Dreams

Song in English no need to translate... Sad, but beautiful song, do you agree? :)

A song from the biggest music festival in Europe: Przystanek Woodstock (Woodstock station) which is held every year in Poland. According to different sources during 2-3 days there are 250000-500000 young people visiting every year, mostly Polish, some Germans.

Hey - Dosyc Powaznie (Quite seriously)
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
14 Nov 2006 /  #17
Have you there for the music festival in Europe?
15 Nov 2006 /  #18
This is all good. keep it coming. I love rock and roll and was dieing for some good modern Polish music.

Thank you all .

Let Poland ROCK.................................
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
15 Nov 2006 /  #20
Too many music threads. I only say this because I started the original one months ago.
i_love_detroit 1 | 69  
16 Nov 2006 /  #21
Have you there for the music festival in Europe?

Unfortunately I have not been to Polish Woodstock. It kind of far from my hometown, and the festival has a very bad press. It is said that everybody's drunk and high which is not true at all, so I never tried to persuade my parents, since I have not had money to go there anyway :).

This is all good. keep it coming.

Ok, I am glad you like. I thought nobody likes it so I did not post more :)

So some more:

Pidzama Porno "Twoja Generacja"

The song is kind of anthem for people listening to rock/punk in Poland. I agree with every word of this lyrics, it is very important song to me. It also describe young Polish people...

Twoja Generacja / Your Generation

Jak ja nienawidzę Twojej generacji / How I hate your generation
Twoja generacja chora od przemocy / Your generation sick of violence
Twoja generacja przekleństwo fryzjerów / Your generation - oath of barbers
Speedy i tłuste oczy / Speedy (i don't know what it means :P) and greasy eyes
Jak ja nienawidzę Twojej generacji / How I hate your generation
Zwykła nienawiść dymi wam z dyni / Plain viviousness in your heads (Polish version slightly different but hart to translate because of Polish idioms
Młodzi policjanci, młodzi kibice / young policemens, young sportfans
Kretyni kontra kretyni / idiots versus idiots
Rock,N,Roll umarł / Rock&Roll's dead
Rock jest martwy stary / Rock's dead buddy
Po co kończysz to piwo / Why do you finish a beer?
Masz karabin zamiast gitary / Take uzi instead of guitar
A ja kieszenie pełne czereśni / and I cheeries in my pockets
Hej hej jak nazywa się Twój Bóg / Hey, hey, what is name of your God?
Na imię ma zgiełk / His name is turmoil
Przypadek czy przepaść / coincidence or gap
Hej Twój Bóg / Hey, your God
Dziwny twór o twarzach / strange creature with faces
Stwór monstrum / creature - monster
Z cybernetycznego nieba / from internet heaven
Jest takie miejsce na każdej mapie / there is a place on every map (the autor means Polish map surely)
Nie znajdę tu szczęścia nie szukam zwady / I won't find hapiness, I am not looking for conflict
Chłopaki stąd zwykle idą do pierdla / Boys go usually from there to joint
Dziewczyny na autostrady / Girls on highways (it means they are prostitutes...)
Za dużo się modlisz, dużo czytasz wierszy / You pray too much, you read too many poem
Na środku drogi i nie na szczycie / in the middle of the road, never on the top
Nigdy ostatni nigdy pierwszy / never last, never first
Hej to chyba śni ci się życie / hey, you just dream your life
Rock,N,Roll umarł ... / ref
Nie wyjdę dziś z tobą baby na tekno / I won't go with you, baby, for techno tonight
Nie pójdę z tobą pod ręke po molo / I won't go by your hand on the pier
Nigdy w życiu nie pokocham dziewczyny, / I will never love a girl
Która słucha disco polo / who listens to disco polo
Twoja ignorancja czy moja pycha / your ignorance or my haughtiness?
Sam już tego dobrze nie wiem / I am not eve sure
W nazwisku niesympatyczna ryba / In last name unpleasant fish (author means Robert Leszczynski, Polish music critic)
Prześladuje mnie z bladym drzewem / persecute me with pale tree ( i don't know what he means this time :)
Rock,N,Roll umarł ... / ref...

Myslovitz - Dlugosc Dzwieku Samotnosci (Sound of Solitude)
English version

Polish version sounds so much better... or maybe I am just used to Polish version... Anyway, enjoy!

Farben Lehre, I do not feel like transleting... :P (Pogodna)

Enjoy!!! I like the way singer dances!! lol :)

and one more, short but really good!!! (Judasz)
6 Apr 2007 /  #22
Myslovitz - Dlugosc Dzwieku Samotnosci (Sound of Solitude)
English version

Polish version sounds so much better... or maybe I am just used to Polish version... Anyway, enjoy!

Hi, I just wanted to say that I am American but I like Polish things (food, music and the people I have met from there). I live in USA in Arizona and a Polish student who was working here last summer gave me a Myslovitz CD, and I have become a very big fan. I agree that the Polish versions are better (I bought Korova Milky bar from Amazon which is in English). Artur Rojek does a very good job of singing in English (I only found one error in Dla Ciebie) but he puts out more emotion when singing in Polish.

I also wanted to pass on a link to Polish music video that my friend gave me which is useful for hearing other Polish bands: onetpl.teledyski

Although I have heard other bands, I think Myslovitz will always be number one for me. I hear they come to Chicago sometimes for concerts, and play in Krakow and Warsaw all the time.....sigh!
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
6 Apr 2007 /  #23
Now were can I find a few of his songs to download..................

download the free version, and its easy to find great songs. The 20 dollar payment for the advanced limewire isn't worth it if you have a fast internet :)
Eurola 4 | 1898  
6 Apr 2007 /  #24
I tried limewire too. I really got a lot of good polish/european stuff, songs, movies, porn (Ooops - that was my boyfriend's specialty) :)

It planted itself pretty deep into registry and removal was pretty hard, but I beat it.
Lots of manual deletions.
Pawel 3 | 125  
6 Apr 2007 /  #25
Try utorrent you wont have any problems finding music there.....

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Found some Polish Rock bands!Archived