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"I can spot a Pole a mile away" - Polish fashion?

z_darius 14 | 3960  
10 Jan 2008 /  #121
kurna on my last visit - is that a word that actually means something else cf. kurczę?

kurny - filled with smoke
kurna chata - a shed/house without a chimney, and this is where the use of kurna comes form. Not sure if this is a good description, but I'd say "kurna" is an euphemism for "kurwa". Likewise kurcze.

Others which come to mind are:

kurde + (bele or mole or balans)

That used to be a tell-tell sign of someone fresh off the boat from an Eastern European country.

That's what Americans say about Canadians :)
isthatu 3 | 1164  
11 Jan 2008 /  #122
SANDALS WITH SOCKS! That used to be a tell-tell sign of someone fresh off the boat from an Eastern European country.

Funny,its sandels with black soxs and a fishing hat that is the stereotype of American tourists in the UK.....has been for decades.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
11 Jan 2008 /  #123
Dont forget the fanny bag!
isthatu 3 | 1164  
11 Jan 2008 /  #124
crikey,they keep them in a bag? No wonder sex seems such a taboo subject in the US :)
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
12 Jan 2008 /  #125
I've noticed that the Mullet has become fashion again. Seems to be popular in PL...a sloppy one with short hair on top. I hear this came from British fashion. True? Why??????

Also, kids are shaving lines in the sides oif their heads. 80's coming back :) ??
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
12 Jan 2008 /  #126
80s fashion has been back 'in' for some time - there really is no accounting for taste... i guess thats how we get the expression fashion 'victim'
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
12 Jan 2008 /  #127
Tru dat! The only m,ullets you see in the US are on rednecks and lesbians :) It's all good though. My gf said it may be because Beckham had his hair like that at one time.
isthatu 3 | 1164  
12 Jan 2008 /  #128
I havnt seen a mullet in the UK for years Im afraid,unless worn by odd looking wanna be cowboys of a certain age and certain girth around the waist line.....

actually,no,I tell a lie,for about a month last year it seemed to be "in" for certain rock chick types to get an almost mullet,almost but not quite,still funny though:)
osiol 55 | 3921  
12 Jan 2008 /  #129
My trilby raised a few eyebrows in Poland.
It raises a few eyebrows round here.
I only wear it on certain occasions.

I think you're unlikely to see a Pole in a trilby.
A donkey on the other hand...
Wroclaw Boy  
12 Jan 2008 /  #130
[quote=noimmigration] The polish girls in my work are always well dressed and so on, but the men have no fashion sense.

So thats it then! thats why you hate Poles so much, you have some crappy job you have to work to pay the uni bills and the Poles are all around and generally doing better than you.

I reckon you treid to pull some Polish bird and she blew you out.
12 Jan 2008 /  #131
I reckon you treid to pull some Polish bird and she blew you out.

Yep, I reckon that's at the root of the problem. . . I wonder which one of these ugly feckin right winger scots noimmagination is?
lowfunk99 10 | 397  
12 Jan 2008 /  #132
My lady friend is one of the best dressed women I know. She doesn't dress down like most of us here in the US.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
10 Feb 2008 /  #133
Need to get noimmigration's threads back, here's a start
UK2008 - | 7  
14 Feb 2008 /  #134
The Poles are big lads. I'm fractionally over 100kg's (big boned they say) and slightly above normal height but some of these guys here make me look average-sized. They know how to scrap too

Yeah. Some fool once tried to f*** with me on a bus on my way home from work. So I told him to stfu, in case I was a heavyweight boxer or something. He still wouldn't leave the threats, so I said "feel these" (points at own upper arms).

So he did.

After feeling my upper arm muscles, his face dropped, he got up as fast as possible and got off the bus! Loser! :)

Polska siła wins every time! :)

Oh and btw I'm Polish and proud and omg lol you won''t believe this, but I'm actually well-dressed too!

I even got described as "very fit" recently. I was sure they meant "very fat", but my friend says no - it was definitely "very fit"! lol! :)
Seanus 15 | 19668  
14 Feb 2008 /  #135
Go Pudzian!!
UK2008 - | 7  
14 Feb 2008 /  #136
LMFAO I'm big and strong but not THAT big and strong!!!!!!111!!!!!!!! :-D
Glim 5 | 30  
14 Feb 2008 /  #137
He still wouldn't leave the threats, so I said "feel these" (points at own upper arms).

Mate, no offense but that sounds so gay it could only of been made up..
ur on a bus in the uk..
some bloke is giving you ****.. you tell him to s-h-u-t the f-u-c-k up THEN ask him to FEEL your arms and he DOES..

couldnt of been much competition if its true.. probably the local bum..

but on average if you took a handful of polish blokes and a handful of english blokes, put them in a room and said FIGHT!! Street fighter stylee then.. the poles would probably win.. and enjoy it a tad too much....

joking guys-lol
beckski 12 | 1609  
14 Feb 2008 /  #138
Polish fashion?

Most of the Polish-Americans in California are very snappy dressers (including myself!)
UK2008 - | 7  
14 Feb 2008 /  #139
Mate, no offense but that sounds so gay it could only of been made up..
ur on a bus in the uk..
some bloke is giving you ****.. you tell him to s-h-u-t the f-u-c-k up THEN ask him to FEEL your arms and he DOES..

couldnt of been much competition if its true.. probably the local bum..

Glim 5 | 30  
14 Feb 2008 /  #140
its all jokes pal

isthatu 3 | 1164  
15 Feb 2008 /  #141
Lol,you asked someone on a london bus to touch you up,yeah right,in yer dreams fantasy boy......
mbaker230 - | 10  
16 Feb 2008 /  #143
Most of the Polish-Americans in California are very snappy dressers (including myself!)

Polish guys in Chicago are very well dressed. When I see them going into Jedynka, one of the clubs here, they're always dressed to impress. Usually jeans, button up's and dress shoes.
Foreigner4 12 | 1768  
17 Feb 2008 /  #144
I've noticed that the Mullet has become fashion again. Seems to be popular in PL...a sloppy one with short hair on top. I hear this came from British fashion. True? Why??????

yeah what the heck is going on with the mullet over here? It peaked about a year or two ago (tons of russians had that dumb looking cut) but there are still a few i see with that cut. it's a sad state when that many dudes preen that much over their frocks and still look like they stuck their heads up a lawn mower.

regarding fashion in poland, if the following recommendations offend you then consider yourself guilty:

-belts are an accessory that should be worn with smart trousers or casual trousers, invest in a good one and ensure it matches your shoes.

- the dress shirt- unless one is wearing a tie, the top button should not be buttoned at all.

-casual shirts- when the collars have buttons then it is in fact a sport shirt and a tie should not be worn with it.

-shirts in general, either blouse the thing out a bit or where a belt but tucking it in allllllllll the way looks geeky and makes a gangly frame and physique more so.

-brand names- it's your money and spend it how you want but you must realize that when one is clad in obnoxious brands that a person not only resembles luggage but very tacky and kitsch luggage at that.

Muscle heads, tatoos are meant to be art for the body, if you have no artistic sense then, i emplore you, keep them off your necks- your future will thank you for it. If you're unsure as to whether or not you have any artistic sense then look at your closet, if you've made attempts to stock up on loud brand name plastered clothing and think that anything with a swoosh on it looks good, then you have no artistic sense.

-all that glitters is not gold so tone the Fcuk DOWN on the glitter already. that goes for face, hair, clothes and accessories

-hair-blue and burgandy are for buraki and jet black is only cool when everyone else doesn't have the same hair colour too. Natural ladies, natural hair colour is the next "in" thing, speed up the process.

-Tanning- cut it out!!! I am in a look but can't touch position but for your own sakes and the sake of the next guy that will cup your body in various ways and places, lay off the tanning, it will do your body good and you'll find a suppleness return to the leathery byproduct of the tanning bed you call your skin. If you're so infatuated with leather then dress in it (you can afford it if you reduce your tanning sessions by half or more)

If you use tanning cream then use less, ALOT LESS.

-Rolling the jeans up, cool you found a bargain that fits but the length is too long. do you have any idea how cheap it is to go to a pazmanteria and just get the things properly hemmed? The money you've save on buying jeans that are too long will be more than enough to cover the operation.

-Short shirts, you have a nice belly and want to show it off but if you notice that men routinely avoid oggling your "nice" belly then it is probably nice and full, too full.

Polish ladies, you've let the reputation of Polish beauty go to your heads and quite frankly fat looks like crap and no matter how much and many cosmetics you cake on will not hide fatness. You are like any other person, if you eat more than you burn you get fat and fat is unattractive.

Nails-the reason you're out of shape is because your nails are too long and only allow you to perform the simplist of tasks. If you're fat, then the nails got to go and you gotta take up some physical activity. Dance classes qualify.
jump_bunny 5 | 236  
7 Jul 2009 /  #145
English men wear white skate trainers thinking it suits any clothes they want to wear with it. Errrr. It's GAY.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
7 Jul 2009 /  #146
i don't know why a certain part of society feels that its 'cool' to dress like a chav, i've never understood it, do these people really believe they are the mutts nuts. I can understand sports shirts, trackie bottoms and the white trainers to go running or the gym in, on the street and day to day wear??? ppppfffff

What is it aswell with people wearing baseball caps indoors??? its another thing i can't get my head round, i go to my local pool club for example and there are people in a moderately dark room wearing caps???? :):):)

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