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How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland?

nobody  2 | 5  
22 Jan 2009 /  #1
How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland? This includes the ones that are just imported with an IQ of 77
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 Jan 2009 /  #2
why, do you have a final solution in mind?
OP nobody  2 | 5  
23 Jan 2009 /  #3
no way in Hell do I have a final solution in mind. But Poland Was built by Polish Slavs and not Africans/Muslims.
WooPee  1 | 124  
23 Jan 2009 /  #4
It doesn't mean that they are not welcome.
jacob_89  - | 23  
23 Jan 2009 /  #5
Personally i accept European people or non-European people with European roots living here. I don't have any problem with them and they are always welcomed. How about the others: i'm not happy to see non-European people living here. I'm not aggresive towards them of course, but i would like Poland to avoid what happened to the UK or Germany. What i don't like the most are Polish girl-black/Arabic boy couples (same with Polish boys and muslim/black girls, but i haven't noticed any of such couples so far).
OP nobody  2 | 5  
23 Jan 2009 /  #6
what do you mean by non European people with European roots?

And you guys do know that when you allow a substantial amount of people that are not even of your race into your country, then they WILL mix with the native population and then all you become is one big group of black hair, dark brown eyes and brown,dark brown skin. How will you feel if that happen.
David_18  65 | 966  
23 Jan 2009 /  #7
When i see a black man in the streets of Krakow, i just wanna go and punch him in the face and spit on him and tell him i hate him so much... NOT!!!

Haha seriously this is so ridiculous. What do you expect people to do? I mean comon we are all humans with different color of our skin.

Just live with it or go and hide in a little cave in the ural mountains.

Eurola  4 | 1898  
23 Jan 2009 /  #8

Were you exposed to ALL human beings in your lifetime?
David_18  65 | 966  
23 Jan 2009 /  #9
Of course. Im just like the guy in the movie "Jumper". Im jumping around the world and meeting alll kinda people!!
Eurola  4 | 1898  
23 Jan 2009 /  #10
:) Well, good for you. Nothing better than a faith in humanity.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Jan 2009 /  #11
Personally i accept European people or non-European people with European roots living here.


but i would like Poland to avoid what happened to the UK or Germany.

*double nods*
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Jan 2009 /  #12
but i would like Poland to avoid what happened to the UK or Germany.

That game is far from over and it will get worse before it gets better.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
24 Jan 2009 /  #13
We would not have immigration from outside Europe if those countries were as comfortable places to live in as ours. The only reason why these people came here is because in their countries, "it sucks" compared to here, for one reason or another. They don't come here because they love our culture, our language or our religion. They come here primarily for the benefits of welfare. It brought them a lot, but what did it bring us in return? Nothing, except problems.

Globally (I insist on globally as you can always point as successful examples), extra-European immigration of the few past decades is a failure. It costed us financially, socially and culturally. There are enough examples, I don't want to waste time quoting any here, search Google or think of what you've observed.

Failure resulting from welcoming people who can hardly read or write even in their native languages (in extreme cases), or can't cope with the cultural shock, can't understand and apply values like democracy and tolerance because they're not part of their culture, or simply refuse to submit their religion practices to our laws when not compatible. The latter has been particularly obvious with Muslims.

Of course, when we point at that, they just call us "racists". It's the only thing they can do. Simplistic, weak and hypocritical strategy. Please stop, we're fed up!

We're overcrowded with them, and I have to say I was happy when I went to Poland the first time, seeing only people of (obviously visible) European descent on the street. Like a relief of being "between us", being "home". I hope Poland will resist the immigration invasion, exploiting smartly the little possibility left by European law. I fear the worst though, as most of national law is now submitted to E.U. regulations. And this is where the fight must be conducted. It's pointless to be an isolated nationalist in your country. Time to kick ass, though.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Jan 2009 /  #14
I wonder how many Poles live in non white/non Slavic countries.
Including the ones that are just exported with an IQ of 77?

Not to many if we look on mathematical skills and average IQ in Poland.

In Poland?

This is about other countries, isn't it?
Prince  15 | 590  
24 Jan 2009 /  #15
In Poland? This is about other countries, isn't it?-

Ok ... I've made to quick quotation.
ruthiee  - | 10  
24 Jan 2009 /  #16
Spent time in Poland.
Boring as hell.
Dont think you lot have to worry too much.
But could be because I'm Jamaican ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Jan 2009 /  #17
Ok ... I've made to quick quotation.

Sure no problem.

I really only just took the original post and turned it round.

I get the impression some people live in a bubble and should get out more :)

This is an interesting topic but it was intended to insult rather than question, you can tell by the use of IQ 77.

But it is worth exploring this topic and I will be checking in but for now I must go walking up the mountains, it is amazing how many Mosques you can see from the top (kidding).

I would not like to have Muslems singing their prayers from the tower but I care not what invisble friends people choose to worship as long as it does not interfere with me (asking the impossible, I know).
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Jan 2009 /  #18
How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland?

OK... unless they are scum or there are too many of them.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jan 2009 /  #19
Well said, Greg. Really, that about sums up all that needs to be said. Succinct and to the point.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Jan 2009 /  #20
Sheep, stop licking my undertail, I will guard you anyway.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jan 2009 /  #21
Greg, credit where credit is due. That's all....(LOL)

Some threads can be summed up in a nutshell and you nailed this one, period!!
nunczka  8 | 457  
24 Jan 2009 /  #22
Here in America, the blacks move in and the whites move out. I wonder why? Maybe it is because we had to live with it for so long. Good luck Europe.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Jan 2009 /  #23
Poland will endure a much different immigration to what we have witnessed in Western Europe. Youll have a few Western Europeans such as Brits, Germans and Irish. Hopefully we will never be too unwanted. The bulk of immigrants in Poland will come from Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania. Its here already and can only get worse.

Umm what would we rather have in England? Ukranians or Indians? Pakis or Poles?

I'll take the Poles over the Pakis but the Indians over the Ukranians.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Jan 2009 /  #24

"Seanus and Gregor sitting in a tree...."

Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jan 2009 /  #25
I agree with that. I'm surprised that more Bulgars and Romanians haven't come to snap up the jobs that many Poles left after their exodus.

Fan of curry then, WB? Don't like Ukrainian chicks?

I'm just glad I don't hear your voice through my loudspeakers, BB. LOL. Some German voices are atrocious :(
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Jan 2009 /  #26
Fan of curry then, WB? Don't like Ukrainian chicks?

I like curry who doesnt? Just feel that Indians are generally good all round people, probably a result of British colonisation.

As for Ukranian chicks, cant say i find them particularly attractive. Their asses are too flat.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
24 Jan 2009 /  #27
As for Ukranian chicks, cant say i find them particularly attractive. Their asses are too flat.

You should send a letter to your local member of parliament, asking to define an immigration policy which would keep Ukrainians out, because girls have a flat ass :-) And yes, Indian cooking is delicious. Well, as with all the rest, immigration too is a matter of priorities :-).
Yoshi  - | 60  
28 Jan 2009 /  #28
How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland? This includes the ones that are just imported with an IQ of 77

I'm truely non-white and non-Slavic, and don't quite see any problem here.

no way in Hell do I have a final solution in mind. But Poland Was built by Polish Slavs and not Africans/Muslims.

And a lot of German and Jewish intellectuals under the Austrian Empire.

i'm not happy to see non-European people living here. I'm not aggresive towards them of course, but i would like Poland to avoid what happened to the UK or Germany.

Britain has accepted too many unskilled and uneducated migrants from everywhere including very backward parts of the world. I guess it is not really about race or ethnicity, but a total lack of FILTERING.

I wonder how many Poles live in non white/non Slavic countries.
Including the ones that are just exported with an IQ of 77?

Gorton, Longsight and Levenshulme Pakistan (a.k.a. Manchester).

I'd rather have a Nigerian man with a PhD in Physics or a hard-working Indian computer specialist in my neighbourhood in Tokyo than a local idiot who can't even write in Japanese properly (like our current Prime Minister, Taro Aso).

What matters is what they are and how they behave rather than how they look.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
28 Jan 2009 /  #29
But Poland Was built by Polish Slavs

Polan was built by Germany. Compare west and east poland.
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Jan 2009 /  #30
Kraków has never been part of Prussia. Warsaw as well.

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