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My neighbours in Poland are stealing all my things

Daisy  3 | 1211  
5 Oct 2007 /  #121
Personally, I would rather starve to death
5 Oct 2007 /  #122
The Poles came and stole all the fish out of the pound.

They must have been dog-fish.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
5 Oct 2007 /  #123
The Poles came and stole all the fish out of the pound

No matter what the subject Michal manages to come up with some story that makes out the Polish nation consists entirely of beggers thieves and scoundrels...I have just had a whole pile of my stuff nicked by Polish people, but nevertheless remain convinced that most Polish people are great folks...What the hell happened to Michal.....?
Michal  - | 1865  
5 Oct 2007 /  #124
We have a friend who is a Polish doctor and she was in London in a GAP shop. She was close to the exit and she heard Polish being spoken behind her. Next thing the alarm goes off as the Poles stole a whole pile of pullovers from the display and run from the shop. Even though the alarm went off, the staff did nothing about it. Probably in London, they are used to their stores being targeted by Poles. They mist have got away with a hundred pounds worth of goods that morning.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
5 Oct 2007 /  #125
stores being targeted by Poles.

randompal  7 | 306  
5 Oct 2007 /  #126
Probably in London, they are used to their stores being targeted by Poles.

then its their fault for being so naive.
TheDude  - | 50  
5 Oct 2007 /  #127
they are used to their stores being targeted by Poles.

TheDude knows a few security guards in Edinburgh and they say that more Scots are caught stealing than Polish people. It isn't a problem at all in Scotland.
Michal  - | 1865  
5 Oct 2007 /  #128
then its their fault for being so naive.

Our society has certain conventions and it is to be expected that these foreigners are to behave themselves. If caught, I would not have the slightest hesitation in deporting them.
randompal  7 | 306  
5 Oct 2007 /  #129
crime is half desire, the other half is opportunity
Daisy  3 | 1211  
5 Oct 2007 /  #130
Our society has certain conventions

and which society would that be then?
6 Oct 2007 /  #131
wildrover. just watch your stuff. get the police to go by where you live every now and then so nobody will take your stuff.you are a good person I admire what you do for Poland.you sound like you have a big heart. hope things will go good for you. about ealier. no hard feelings here about my posts. I am really a nice person.

so sorry about everything. I never want to offend people.

micheal stop making fun of the polish people for god sakes. they are good people that been through a hard time in history give them a break.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
6 Oct 2007 /  #132
Hey don,t worry about it....People on here give a bit of stick now and then, but most don,t get really nasty...You are entitled to say what you feel , but you can expect to get a few comebacks if you say anything about race or colour ...There are people on both sides of this argument , and it seems to be the subject that upsets people the most....best avoided really......
Michal  - | 1865  
6 Oct 2007 /  #133
and which society would that be then?

Every society has conventions. What is your question?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
6 Oct 2007 /  #134
Sorry, I must remember to type in words of one syllable so you will understand me better

which...so..ci..et..y do you be....long to?

was that too difficult for you
espana  17 | 951  
6 Oct 2007 /  #135
What is your question?

do oink oinked hasoinkig oink oinkish ?

you are the master pig michal .......respond the question ;)
Michal  - | 1865  
6 Oct 2007 /  #136
was that too difficult for you

Yes, far too difficult. Can you explain it better in simple English or better still, write it in Polish for me?

which...so..ci..et..y do you be....long to?

And you say that you are a civil servant, what a joke!
Lady in red  
6 Oct 2007 /  #137
what a joke!

Where ? What's the joke ? Did you make one ? Can we all laugh at it ? Or shall we just all laugh at you ?

OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
6 Oct 2007 /  #138
...Ok ...boxing gloves at the ready...this should be good.....
6 Oct 2007 /  #139
no wildrover lets not bring up race. I was stupid to bring it up.
I do not like people making fun of eachothers country. nobody is perfect.
its best to talk about other things. hope things get better for you.
Michal  - | 1865  
7 Oct 2007 /  #140
Did you make one ?

Did I make one what?

Anyway, this is all getting off the subject about the Poles and what a load of 'tea leaves' they are!
sledz  23 | 2247  
7 Oct 2007 /  #141
I rather starve to death before I eat my Harley!!!!

oops I just found a can of Heinz beans

that should last me atleast 10 days??
Michal  - | 1865  
7 Oct 2007 /  #142
Funny that you should say that as some years ago there was a man, and I think he was in America who entered the Guinness Book of Records for eating his own car! I wonder what he had for pudding?
Lady in red  
7 Oct 2007 /  #143
Anyway, this is all getting off the subject about the Poles

I think he was in America

Daisy  3 | 1211  
7 Oct 2007 /  #144
Quoting: Michal
Anyway, this is all getting off the subject about the Poles

Quoting: Michal
I think he was in America

well observed ;)
Lady in red  
7 Oct 2007 /  #145
Absolutely !!

Michal  - | 1865  
8 Oct 2007 /  #146
, they think i am rich...This is a bit of a joke really , as most of them don,t go without food as

You have to remember that in Poland it will be your nearest neighbours who will steal from you even more than those who you do not know. I remember being told in Russia that it will be those who want to befriend you who will work for the K.G.B. and will report on you. Human life in Poland has no real meaning at all. Any Pole will stab you in the back eventually. I remember I had a friend who lived in Warsaw and this is years ago when there was still Communism and it was still illegal for the Poles to come over here and work in cafes ect. She had to move on from time to time and hide her tracks as whenever a Pole realized that another Pole had a job they would phone the police in London and report them. There is an old English expression 'there is no valour among thieves'. Remember that.
Nigel  1 | 71  
8 Oct 2007 /  #147
Hi wildrover. I lived there for many years and as much as I liked it I had to accept it as it was,not as I wanted it to be.At first I saw it trhrough rosy coloured glasses and I defended the place vigourously against my colleagues ,I find myself admitting they were right now.

Poland is a very unfair place and a good way to get success there is to abuse ones power,do something illegal,abuse one colleagues,and generally be very dishonest.Those types do very well in Poland and the decent folk get left behind.

Survival doesn't come into it,they do it...Bo trzeba as I was told many times.
I hope you have a nice life in Poland,it still has a lot going for it and maybe it will be better one day. I would say you need to be realistic,but try to stop yourself being pessimistic. When you've been there a few more years I would be interested if your experience will be the same.

If nothing else,you'll be a much wiser person for the experience-and thats never a bad thing.

quote=Michal] You have to remember that in Poland it will be your nearest neighbours who will steal from you [/quote]

excellent observation michal.I assume that you're a brit that lived there aswell. One question,Despite the problems I hope to go back one day when things get better,would you go back or have you had enough?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
8 Oct 2007 /  #148
what makes you think he is British? His English isn't perfect (unless he's faking the poor grammar and inconsistent spelling), one would think that he's Polish, just trying to stir things up a bit in order to find boredom.

He is definitely not English, his spelling is American English.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #149
Absolutely, I've said that before.
Nigel  1 | 71  
9 Oct 2007 /  #150
Makes little difference to me.Yanks are Brits who cant spell!JOKE

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