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muslim community in poland

asmaani  - | 28  
13 Nov 2008 /  #241
Then they should have spoken out and told the nutters to get bent. Rather the UK govt bends over backwards for the nutters. Muslims are responsible for their religion and need to police it.

are you personally responsible for every action any Christian on this planet has done? I mean please! make complaints to the judge rather!
NO 14  4 | 44  
13 Nov 2008 /  #242
The less Muslims in Poland the better!
All my experiences with Muslims have been bad ones, i am not racist but i really dont agree that Muslims should be in Poland.I think that i have only ever seen 1 Muslim in Poland anyway, so why the hell do you want to move there?And if you do decide to move to Poland then shouldnt you learn Polish and Polish culture and beliefs?

It would be you that is in thier country not visa-versa.
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #243
are you personally responsible for every action any Christian on this planet has done?

No because I am not a Christian ;)

But if I were...and Christians were doing horrible things as muslim are now it would be my duty to speak out agaisnt it and try to change it.

The numbers of extremist islamic schools and imams preaching hate are massive. This is not just a couple fringe nutters causing trouble. It is a big problem within the community and needs to be addressed from within.
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #244
i am not racist

yes you are , so what?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Nov 2008 /  #245
The less Muslims in Poland the better!

True. Unfortunately.
asmaani  - | 28  
13 Nov 2008 /  #246
oh how cute. let all racists form a circle, hold hands and sing 'Qumbaya'. how sweet!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2008 /  #247
or 'Hakuna Matata' :D
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #248

Currently, the total number of Muslims in Poland is estimated at 31,000, of whom 5,000 are of Tatar extraction, plus 25,000 made up of immigrants and students, while another 1,000 are indigenous Polish people who had accepted Islam.

In view of their numerical inferiority, the Muslims of Poland do not have any economic of political influence in the affairs of the country. Among their problems is the lack of Islamic activity, plus the fact that the Polish people know little or nothing about Islam. Even the mosques are few and far between.

As for lack of Islamic activity, this is due mainly to lack of resources, while the contact between the Polish Muslims and Islamic organizations in other parts of the world is negligible. Even the few who are involved in Islamic activity, they are not full time in it, and devote only part of their time for Islamic work.

As if that was not enough, the Polish people, in general, have a very dim view of Islam and Muslims, mainly due to the anti-Islam propaganda that has been feeding their minds. At the same time there are Islamic books that are written in the local languages that would give them at least an adequate understanding about this religion. Even the few books on Islam that are available in the market have been written by non-Muslims.


espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #249
The less Muslims in Poland the better

sort out your country before you speak about poland

rock  - | 428  
13 Nov 2008 /  #250
i dont hate all the muslims , you are a good muslim member in this forum

If I say it is the time for being a member of EU, would I push my chance ? :))

Espana, don't try to escape. I hope you won't make me wait for your answer for 20 years. LOL
We are not getting younger you know. :)
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #251
If I say it is the time for being a member of EU, would I push my chance ?

Turkey's dream of becoming a member of the EU is fine for me
Britain, Spain, and the Nordic countries support Turkey, even Greece i think :)
NO 14  4 | 44  
14 Nov 2008 /  #252
Why do you say that is my country? Yes i may live here but its not my country.
And if it was then there would be no Muslims allowed, sorry for having a opinion, and i am not racist.
14 Nov 2008 /  #253
The majority of you who bang on about integration make me laugh. Most Muslims are decent family people who get on with their lives much like any other nationality or religious group. When Polish people in London live together in tight knit communities, shop at Polish shops, socialise with other Poles and speak Polish to each other then that is ok? But when 'dirty Paki Muslims' do it then they are the sort of scum that we don't want in the country?

good post but as you can see, most Muslim "trashers" are not going to give up.

Next year they will trash somebody else and the year after another nationality/religion will be the topic of their discussion. It will never end and even though it is a minority, I think it is really sad.
14 Nov 2008 /  #254
If turkey becomes part of the eu. then europe will be 20% muslims.

Fck right off
OP ash786  
14 Nov 2008 /  #255
but Christians are not blowing people

you need to watch al jazeera tv news..they show the war in iraq n afghanistan and the reality of it..thousands of innocent men,women n children slaughtered by the bombs of the west..bush called it SHOCK and AWE i think..but they wont show you that on your plasma n lcd screens in the west cos they say its too graphic for your little brains to handle,but what they will keep your minds and eyes occupied with is oceans of porn,which celebrity has had breast enlargement,who is sleeping with whom and they potray this so enticingley that you just follow it like sheep one after another.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Nov 2008 /  #256
you need to watch al jazeera tv news..they show the war in iraq n afghanistan and the reality of it..thousands of innocent men,women n children slaughtered by the bombs of the west.

yeah right, you people do a great job of blowing yourselves up
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
14 Nov 2008 /  #257
plasma n lcd screens in the west

oceans of porn,which celebrity has had breast enlargement

Seems you are jealous of our TV? I'm sorry that all you see is your fellow friends blowing themselves up, instead of more fun entertaining shows.
Spade  1 | 81  
14 Nov 2008 /  #258
This is what happens when Polish peasant arrive in US or UK, as they turned into very wise people, believing they know shyte about rest of the world & people :(
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
14 Nov 2008 /  #259
This is what happens when Polish peasant arrive in US or UK,

I've arrived in neither, and perhaps you are closer to peasantry. Learn some humor.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Nov 2008 /  #260
plus the fact that the Polish people know little or nothing about Islam

Why is that bad?

Even the mosques are few and far between.

What a disaster!Are there really mosques in Poland?I mean,how can a country survive without mosques?

Even the few who are involved in Islamic activity, they are not full time in it, and devote only part of their time for Islamic work.

So muslims in Poland have to work as well.What a disgrace.

Even the few books on Islam that are available in the market have been written by non-Muslims.

They must be objective then.
rock  - | 428  
14 Nov 2008 /  #261
If turkey becomes part of the eu. then europe will be 20% muslims.

So, Europe is a religion state like Vatikan. Christains Club.

If most of the Europeans minds work like you, as I see a lot in PF, this means Europe has no future. Europe will collapse.
14 Nov 2008 /  #262
Christains Club.

or s8x club??
wildrover  98 | 4430  
14 Nov 2008 /  #263
Have a look at ymc.com if you have a strong stomach..On here you can see people being beheaded , slowly , whilst still alive , and there is a video of a 13 year old girl being stoned to death for being stupid enough to report that she was raped by three men , they accused her of adultary.!

These are not videos filmed by non muslims in order to turn people against muslims , these people did the filming themselves , because they are proud of what they are doing..

I have always tried to have an open mind , and never have i been the kind of person to form a bad opinion of somebody based on their race , colour or religeon. , but i have yet to see any evidence that muslims are against this kind of savagery...

The 13 year old girl was stoned to death by people from her village , the whole population turned out to take part in her death , or just celebrate in the sickening cowardly death of an innocent....She was not killed by a bunch of criminals , these people were carrying out a death sentance passed by what they call the law in this place...

Would the muslims on this forum like to defend this murder , or tell us why people like myself should not consider muslims as a bunch of savage thugs...?
Andrew78  - | 97  
14 Nov 2008 /  #264
Soo why do they come to Europe
rock  - | 428  
14 Nov 2008 /  #265
Would the muslims on this forum like to defend this murder , or tell us why people like myself should not consider muslims as a bunch of savage thugs...?

Are you crazy ? Can a human being defend this murder. Or Kuran can defend this murder.

You christains really suffers from brain washing. İs not there any smart people in christain world ?

The reality is some uneducated poor people who thinks this murder is islamic do this. How can you think all the muslims admit it or islam orders this.

Remember christains inqusition in 16th. century. How many innocent people killed in the name of God. Is it ordered by Bible ?

So, the bible in 16th century and 21th century are different.

Real muslims curse this maniacs who call them muslims.

You are like sheeps of USA who easily believe all muslims are terrorists.

Use a little bit your mind.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
14 Nov 2008 /  #266
christains inqusition in 16th. century.

yep 16th century...but WE have moved on a little bit from that , we don,t still do it....You say that not all muslims support this looney behavour , so where were the people to stand up for this girl who was stoned to death..? I do have a mind of my own , i don,t believe these people are terrorists because the good old USA tells me this , its based on what i have seen myself....You see the news just as i do , are you really suprised that people think you are all as crazy as a box of snakes....? what kind of people set fire to a girl for wearing lipstick , or throw acid in the face of schoolgirls , just because they went to school....If i had a religeon , and people were doing this stuff in my name i would not be suprised if people thought i was nuts.....
rock  - | 428  
14 Nov 2008 /  #267

You couldn't get my point.

You and other people think ( if it is called thinking) like you will cause a great war at the end I afraid.

As far as understand Europe is not civilized anymore. 21th century will be your dark century if you can not find smart people.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
14 Nov 2008 /  #268
like you will cause a great war at the end I afraid.

I am an ex soldier...i don,t cause wars...i just fight them when they start....and i haven,t forgotton how...I would prefer to live in Peace , but i am ready anytime.....
rock  - | 428  
14 Nov 2008 /  #269
I mentioned your thoughts, not you personally.

All Turks are soldiers and ready anytime. But our principle is;
''Peace at home, peace in the world ''
wildrover  98 | 4430  
14 Nov 2008 /  #270
You christains

I am not Christian....they should be thrown to the lions....More people have died due to belief in one god or another than for any other reason...Strange when most religions are supposedly peacefull....

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