Abortion is legal under the law and will stay legal no matter wat u say!
abortion is not legal in Poland for example, it is only legal when pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or if its a pregnancy caused by rape. america is not the whole world.
U know abortion is very common in poor non spoiled areas 2
in poor areas it so happens that people have lots of kids because their sex education is not very great and they dont even know about contraception. as far as im concerned, abortion is very popular amongst the wealthy and educated, or celebrities.
Seriously besides the bible give me one good non religious argument against abortion?
i already gave you my arguement. how can you just exterminate something that will be a human? you dont have to be religious to know its not right to kill a defenceless creature like that. so what if its uncoscious or not?? is it ok to rape someone cos theyre uncoscious, because they wont feel it anyway? and i wouldnt call jacking off murder, it takes the egg and the semen to produce life, spunk by itself is not life ha ha.